Lin Shen did not expect that the booming sales of Life Essence Oral Liquid would turn the entire health care products market upside down.

More people are eyeing this huge piece of cake than in the previous life, and more people have entered the health care products industry.

Even the three oral liquids that were supposed to appear next year, under the influence of Lin Shen, will enter the market earlier. Even Shi Yuzhu was affected, and”Brain Gold” will be born earlier. Of course, this also means that Shi Yuzhu’s bankruptcy may come sooner.

Lin Shen had to admit that Lin Shen’s butterfly had a much greater impact on reality this time, although it only affected the health care products industry.

A week later, although Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical’s pharmaceutical factory had tried its best to increase production capacity, the Life Essence Oral Liquid produced was still unable to meet the market’s requirements. The filling equipment of the pharmaceutical factory operates 24 hours a day, and the workers work three eight-hour shifts, but they are still completely unable to keep up with the needs of the market.

In two weeks, the sales of Life Essence Oral Liquid have exceeded 150 million yuan, which is groundbreaking.

The dealers still couldn’t keep the goods, so they shipped them back to the provincial capital and were quickly robbed.

The city-level dealers are as anxious as ants on a hot pot, running to the provincial capital every day.

There is no way, they are provincial agents, exclusive distributors, they can only get goods from provincial first-level dealers, but provincial first-level dealers can’t keep the goods at all! How to distribute it to city-level dealers?

The cash cow of Life Essence Oral Liquid has officially begun to show its power.

Make money every day.

Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical Company is right next to the West Lake, and Teacher Ma’s translation agency is also right next to the West Lake. He naturally knows how crazy the Life Essence Oral Liquid is these days.

He knew the details and knew that Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical Company was Lin Shen’s company. He was often in a daze, wondering how Lin Shen could be so arrogant, making money faster than printing money.

At the same time, he was jealous. Feng Baolu, an old man, was the director of the Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory. After selling himself to Lin Shen, he suddenly became the general manager of Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical Company. Now Life Essence Oral Liquid is selling so well. Well, the old man also became famous.

Thinking of this, Teacher Ma felt extremely regretful again. The first time Lin Shen invited him to join, he should have agreed. Because he did not agree, the Zhenxing Electrical Appliances business was handed over to Zhang Tongchen.

Now Zhang Tongchen, a boy about his own age, has transformed into a successful person.

Zhenxing Electric’s branch in Xihu City opened two weeks ago. However, because the summer has passed, the most competitive air-conditioning installation has no longer demonstrated its power. Therefore, although Mr. Ma is the store manager, he is not there in the summer. S Haidian was as busy as he had ever seen, so he still found time to visit his translation agency during lunch.

Although the business is no longer as exaggerated as in the summer, Zhenxing Electrical Appliances has quickly occupied a place in Xihu City with the promotion of five-star service.

Teacher Ma now earns a store manager salary of 2,000 yuan per month, and his life is much more comfortable than before when he was a teacher.

But Teacher Ma still feels resentful because he could obviously be the person in charge of Zhenxing Electrical Appliances, but now he is just a store manager in Xihu City.

Now Zhang Tongchen has gone to Pengcheng, because Pengcheng will soon open a Zhenxing Electrical Appliances branch.

Seeing that Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical is making money as fast as it prints money, Mr. Ma’s inner ambition is about to start. He really wants to do bigger business.

Thinking of this, Teacher Ma found Lin Shen’s phone number and dialed it.

Soon, Lin Shen answered the phone.

Teacher Ma told Lin Shen in a roundabout way whether there were any new projects that needed talents, and he felt that the electrical appliance store was not enough for him to display his talents. He wanted a bigger stage.

Lin Shen listened to Teacher Ma’s words and knew what he was thinking, so he told him decisively that there was no suitable project for him at the moment.

Then he hung up the phone.

Teacher Ma was a little disappointed. He felt that when Lin Shen recruited him for the first time, he did not agree, which made Lin Shen not trust him very much.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Tingting said to Lin Shen:”Who called?”

“No one, not even him, continued the topic we just had. Lin Shen said

“Boss, have you really decided to donate to build a primary school?”Mu Tingting continued the topic she and Lin Shen discussed just now.

“Yes. Didn’t the country launch a Hope Project a few years ago? I feel that as a socially responsible boss, we must respond to the call of the country. Of course, we will not use Project Hope funds. If we want to build a primary school, we must build it ourselves and operate everything ourselves.”Lin Shen said.

Lin Shen wants to donate to build a primary school, and it’s not just a day or two.

There are two reasons.

The first reason is that there are indeed many children in remote mountainous areas in Long Country who can’t afford to go to school, or the school conditions It’s very simple.

Lin Shen wants to lend a helping hand to these children from poor families.

The second is that Lin Shen’s career is getting bigger and bigger now, especially now that he is in the industry of health care products, which is easily criticized, although not necessarily many people.

You will notice that he is the boss behind the scenes, but if he makes so much money and does not do some charity work, it is easy to be accused of being an unscrupulous profiteer.

That’s why Lin Shen thought of donating to build the Hope Primary School.

“Okay, boss, since you have decided so, I will find someone to take charge.”Mu Tingting had to accept Lin Shen’s sudden idea.

“I don’t want to make the donation to build a Hope Primary School a spur-of-the-moment thing. I plan to donate and build 10 Hope Primary Schools every year in the name of the company. Think of it as a long-term undertaking.” Lin Shen added.

Mu Tingting was shocked. At first, she really thought that Lin Shen decided to donate to build the Hope Primary School on a whim or after reading reports about the Hope Project in the newspaper. She never expected that Lin Shen actually planned to do this for a long time. thing

“Since it is the first year, let’s make a good start. This year we will donate and build 20 Hope Primary Schools. You can tell me that all the companies under my control that I have an absolute controlling stake in have donated money to build primary schools in the name of their own companies. Including Yuanfeng Group in Xiangjiang. Lin Shen said

“good.”Mu Tingting nodded.

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