A total of seven pistols, seven people, plus the eight people shot and killed by Qin Qing just now, exactly fifteen people, is the last barrier of the gambling king, symbolizing the gambler nemesis team of croupiers.

Qin Qing also threw away the gun casually, looking at the seven people who came out from different directions with indifferent expressions.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I wanted to experience your strength a long time ago." Qin Qing nodded slightly, giving the master the respect he deserved.

The latter seven people automatically lined up and nodded in unison. They looked like a row of robots, and their eyes didn't even fluctuate when they saw Qin Qing's appearance.

Obviously, they are not like ordinary gamblers who predict whether they will win or lose, and such people are very determined and the most difficult to deal with.

As soon as Qin Qing's footsteps moved, seven people surrounded him.

‘Boss, hold on a little longer, we are blocked downstairs. '

Yue Chengzhi's voice came from the headset, and the background was mixed with screams and the sound of weapons colliding. Qin Qing shook his wrist calmly, holding several poker cards between his fingertips.

And the moment she made a move, the seven of them also rushed towards her at the same time, and the modified mechanical hand quickly knocked down the playing cards, and they had already reached the girl in an instant.

"Who are these people?!" The princes and dignitaries of various countries who were surrounded by the wall watched the competition going on in the center of the ballroom, and they all showed disbelief.

It was too fast, even the boxing masters in their country did not have such a punching speed, and the movements of the two sides in the middle of the field were almost turned into an afterimage that could not be seen clearly.

What shocked them even more was that the slender girl had one against seven, and she did not lose the wind. If someone slashes her once, she can return two. She walks like a snake, her movements are still graceful and beautiful.


One of the masked men crashed into a stack of boxes, and some banknotes spilled out of it and scattered all over the floor.

"No, he wants to light the fire."

After being reminded by others, when Qin Qing turned around, a playing card flew out, cutting the man's neck like a sharp knife, and the blood sprayed all over the ground.

"This is not a wise choice." Qin Qing shook her head, kicked an opponent away with her side leg, and shielded herself in front of the box as if she hadn't.

Not to mention that these counterfeit banknotes are the evidence that she has spent a lot of effort to leave to the gambling king, but just to say that once the fire is lit, if there is any trouble with this group of people in the ballroom, the whole world will probably hunt her down.

Hans, who was standing in the crowd, frowned when he saw this, staring at the group of masked men as if he noticed something.

In order to protect the money, Qin Qing had to restrain his hands and feet, and there were several cuts on his body, and he was punched and hurt his shoulder, and hit the box with a muffled groan.

"Be careful!" Qin Qing's line of sight happened to be blocked by a falling box, and when she heard the exclamation, her neck was already clamped by a big hand.

"Hmm..." The strength of the surgically modified hands was several times that of ordinary people, and Qin Qing's feet left the ground in an instant, feeling as if an iron clamp had been tied around her neck, and her eyes turned black from suffocation.

In this high-intensity battle, her physical energy was consumed very quickly, and her limbs were almost numb at this moment. Suffering this blow at this moment seemed to have taken away all her strength in an instant.

A lot of cuts were cut on the girl's body, her hair was slightly messed up, and her slender body was picked up like a kite with a broken string. In front of piles of boxes full of banknotes, it was like a magnificent and poignant picture scroll.

"Shoot!" Hans yelled from behind the crowd, seeing that all the bodyguards seemed to be stunned by this scene, he no longer cared about his own safety, squeezed to the front and snatched the gun from the bodyguard's hand, Aimed at the back of the masked man.

"Ambassador!" Unexpectedly, Emma couldn't reach his leaving back with her hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a masked man who also picked up a gun and pointed it at Hans.

Bang, amidst her terrified screams, the sound of gunfire echoed across the ballroom.

Emma's heart stopped and her mind was blank for several seconds. She didn't dare to think about what kind of interrogation and punishment she would suffer if Hans died, whether she would be executed secretly or spend time in prison. Will this life implicate her family...

It wasn't until the second gunshot pulled her sanity back that she realized that at some point, another group of people broke in at the gate, aiming at the masked man with their guns, and they were the ones who shot just now. issued.

Hans and the masked man didn't have time to pull the trigger, and the scene has been reversed quickly, thinking about it.

"Qin Qing, are you okay?" Chu Fan rushed over and helped Qin Qing who had fallen to the ground, seeing the wounds all over her body and the large bruises on her neck, he was startled, and he was about to retreat with his arms around her.

"Ahem, I'm fine." Qin Qing coughed violently twice, and shook her head after her face became rosy and her breathing was smooth, "Did you meet the gambling king and Qu Xue when you came up?"

"No, but we have blocked all the exits of the whole building." Chu Fan quickly replied while helping her put back her dislocated arm.

"Boss, there is no one left to live." At this moment, Yue Chengzhi also ran over, seeing the girl in a mess, and just as he opened his mouth to persuade her, he saw her stand up.

"The gambler left the croupier team, and he will definitely not give up so easily. He must be found as soon as possible. Uncle Yue, you are here to protect them and wait for my order." Qin Qing clutched the shoulder temporarily fixed by the clothes, Walking in front of Hans, looking at the gun in his hand, a good-natured smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "People from the police station will arrive soon, and you can leave safely by then."

"You..." Hans opened his mouth to say something, but the girl in front of him had already turned and left with a gun in her hand, leaving him with a determined back.

The surveillance on the top floor was destroyed, and the downstairs was blocked, so the gambling king and Qu Xue were most likely still on the top floor.

"Search one by one, find them, shoot them to death." Qin Qing directly issued the death order, because she knew that if they met again, it would be a moment of death.

"Yes." All the members of the Yiye Gang led the order, and scattered around to conduct a carpet search.

"Nan Xu, have you found the blind spot of this building?" Qin Qing stood in the corridor in the middle, contacting Nan Xu who was controlling the drone on the other side.

"There is no abnormality upstairs, but there is one strange place. I found that apart from the underground garage, there is an empty floor in this building. The signal is blocked inside, so I can't find it." The monitoring network is being operated remotely, and the connection is being made in the Mainland at this time.


Qin Qing frowned, and suddenly received a text message.

‘Zhan Chen is in my hands, you come alone. '

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