Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 510: What kind of problem is this?

Chapter 510 What kind of problem is this?

The next day, Chen Jianghai ran on a tiger's head and set foot on the road to Shencheng.

It's not that Chen Jianghai doesn't want to fly, but it's too much trouble in the deep city if he doesn't have a car.

So he decided to drive.

The big deal is that two people take turns driving on the road.

Before going to Shencheng, Chen Jianghai went to Pingshan on the way.

Tong Qingxiong was dismissed from his position, and this position must be taken up first.

As for the most suitable candidate, it is naturally Jin Zhijiang.

Chen Jianghai stopped at Pingshan, mainly for this.

As the saying goes, if the name is not right, the words are not right.

Chen Jianghai came to announce the appointment in person, and Jin Zhijiang's next work could be carried out easily.

Chen Jianghai didn't know until he arrived in Pingshan that there were already five candidates for the secretary that Jin Zhijiang recruited last time.

"Mr. Chen, this is the information of those five people, you can take a look first."

Jin Zhijiang held a pile of thick documents in his hand.

Chen Jianghai took the information and glanced at it casually.

Three men and two women, all of them are okay.

In particular, a girl named Qiu Shuyi has a very good image and temperament, and she has a bit of a Hong Kong star flavor.

"You've already interviewed, tell me what you think."

Chen Jianghai said to Jin Zhijiang.

"Mr. Chen, I'm more optimistic about this guy named Qiu Shuyi. He just came back from abroad. He must have no problem with English, and his abilities are outstanding."

Jin Zhijiang said truthfully.

Putting down the materials, Chen Jianghai instructed: "Let's do it, you call these five people over, and I'll have a group interview."

"Group interview?"

Jin Zhijiang is somewhat different.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Yes, I'm going to Shencheng after the interview."

Jin Zhijiang couldn't ask any more questions, so he quickly said, "Mr. Chen, then I'll make arrangements now!"

The interviewers were all in Hirayama, and after receiving the notice, they all arrived within an hour.

Qiuhai's job offers high wages, good benefits, and the most important thing is the reputation of the company.

Now there are many people who want to enter Qiuhai, but the recruitment standards of Qiuhai have risen a lot, not everyone can enter.

Especially as Chen Jianghai's secretary, the importance and future of this position are self-evident.

"Mr. Chen, everyone has arrived."

Jin Zhijiang came over and said.

Chen Jianghai ordered: "Bring it to the conference room, I will come right away."

At this moment, the five people in the conference room seemed a little nervous.

They know that the next interview will determine who they can stay here.

Chen Jianghai walked in, and the five people in the conference room stood up immediately.

They had seen Chen Jianghai's photos in the newspapers, but only now did they realize that the real person was much younger than the newspapers.

He looked a few years older than both of them.

"Sit and sit, because time is a little tight, so I called you all here, everyone has worked hard!"

Chen Jianghai glanced at the crowd, squeezed his hands, and said with a smile.

Everyone didn't expect that Chen Jianghai would say such a thing, and they didn't know how to answer for a while.

Chen Jianghai didn't wait for them to answer. After sitting down, he said to himself, "This group interview is very simple. I have a question, and you can give me the answer."

The five people looked at each other in dismay, they didn't expect Chen Jianghai to be so direct.

"Do you have any questions?

If there is no problem, start. "

Chen Jianghai raised his head and asked.

A boy raised his hand to signal that he had a problem.

Chen Jianghai recalled the information, the boy's name was Xie Youde.

"Xie Youde, right, you say."

Chen Jianghai nodded.

Xie Youde said quickly: "Mr. Chen, I want to know what the criteria for passing the interview are?"

"As long as your answers are in line with my thoughts, then it is qualified."

Chen Jianghai replied simply.

Xie Youde was a little dumbfounded.

This is too willful, isn't it?

At this time, Qiu Shuyi also raised her hand.

Chen Jianghai nodded at her, motioning her to ask questions directly.

"Mr. Chen, isn't the ability to work within your consideration?"

Qiu Shuyi asked with a little doubt.

Chen Jianghai smiled and sat up straight: "All of you can appear here, it means that your work ability has passed the test, and I don't need to think about this anymore."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, the five people present felt a lot better.

"Any question?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

The five shook their heads at the same time, indicating that there was no problem.

"Since you have no questions, I'll start asking questions."

Soon, Chen Jianghai said his question.

"If Tang Seng went to the West to collect scriptures, he could bring four people, namely Zheng He, Confucius, Newton and Watt, please rank these four people according to your wishes, from strong to weak, and give me the reasons for this order. "

Hearing this question, there was no sound in the conference room.

What kind of problem is this?

Jin Zhijiang, who was sitting on the side, frowned, thinking about Chen Jianghai's question. If it were himself, how would he answer it?

Zheng He?


And Newtons and Watts?

Isn't it the Great Sage, Bajie, Sand Monk and White Dragon Horse?

What is this all about?

After asking the question, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "You have five minutes to think, just stand up and answer what you want to say."

At this time, whether it is said first or later, it seems that there is no advantage.

If you say it first, you will have less time to think about it.

But if you say it later, if the person in front of you said the answer you thought, what should you do?

Chen Jianghai also wanted to see, if two people stood up at the same time, how would they choose?

To be honest, for this question of Chen Jianghai, later generations can see various answers on the Internet.

But now it's the 1990s, and it's only a ghost if you can find these things online.

This is an open-ended question, and there is no standard answer. The key is to see how the five people answer it.

What Chen Jianghai wanted was their ability to think independently.

This is also what Chen Jianghai values ​​most.

Even in the absence of Chen Jianghai, they have the ability to be independent.

As Qiuhai gets bigger and bigger, this is the type of talent Chen Jianghai needs most.

A secretary with independent thinking ability, this is the purpose of Chen Jianghai.

While they were thinking, Chen Jianghai was silently observing them.

This observation, Chen Jianghai has already eliminated one of them.

This person is the girl other than Qiu Shuyi.

Graduated from a famous university in China with good academic performance.

But at this time, she was a little bad. I saw that her face was a little pale, her forehead was full of sweat, and she was a little too nervous.

Just aiming at this point, it does not meet Chen Jianghai's requirements.

If something serious really happened to Qiuhai, in her current situation, I'm afraid she won't be able to help at all.

Soon, five minutes passed.

"Which one of you will come first?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Youde and Qiu Shuyi stood up at the same time.

Chen Jianghai glanced at the two of them and didn't say anything, just waiting for them to decide for themselves.

"I'll come first."

Xie Youde did not choose women first.

Qiu Shuyi glanced at him and sat down without arguing.


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