Chapter four hundred and ninety-eight the price of cabbage to get land

"What are potato chips?"

Chen Shuyao seemed to have never heard of it, and she was blank.

Next, Chen Jianghai briefly introduced the situation of potato chips.

"It's that simple?

Can everyone like it? "

Chen Shuyao blinked and felt that there was nothing unusual about such snacks.

"Don't underestimate this potato chip, it's very particular about the selection of ingredients, slicing, frying, packaging and taste adjustment."

"If you want to do it, you must spend time in the early stage of research and research, and you have to cater to the tastes of our ordinary people."

Chen Jianghai snapped his fingers and said one by one.

Chen Shuyao naturally trusts Chen Jianghai, and the initial development cost is not large, so she nodded: "Well, when I return to the factory, I will study the potato chips you mentioned."

"One more thing to remind you."

Chen Jianghai followed suit.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Shuyao asked quickly.

"The potato chips don't actually have much technical content, so if you want to do it, you must occupy the market in the early stage and start the brand."

Chen Jianghai said solemnly.

"Are you so confident in this potato chip?"

Chen Shuyao frowned.

Because she understood what Chen Jianghai meant.

After all, if you want to occupy the market, you must have a huge investment.

For an emerging product, this requires a lot of courage.

There must be enough confidence in the new product.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Chen Shuyao has such concerns.

Chen Jianghai's meaning is very simple, that is, let Chen Shuyao bet on these potato chips.

But Chen Shuyao didn't know what to do, and was embarrassed to reject Chen Jianghai's proposal in person.

"You decide this for yourself!"

Chen Jianghai could naturally guess what Chen Shuyao was thinking and didn't say much.

Even if she doesn't have the guts to bet all on this potato chip, as long as she is one step ahead, she can occupy a certain market.

In this way, presumably her factory will not be annexed like in her previous life.

As long as there is this result, Chen Jianghai's purpose will be achieved.

Chen Shuyao felt a little sorry when she heard Chen Jianghai say this.

People gave her the qualifications to go abroad, and now they are kind enough to help her out with advice, but instead, he questioned Chen Jianghai, whether he would have any grudges in his heart.

"Okay, I will seriously consider this matter, no matter what, I will thank you very well."

Chen Shuyao nodded and said sincerely.

"You're welcome, you were willing to give me the foundation of the old house, but I couldn't find a chance to thank you, even if it's even today."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said.

Chen Shuyao shook her head and said, "No, no, one yard is one yard, the foundation has been offset by the overseas inspection. If this potato chip can be made, then I owe you a favor."

Chen Jiang also curled his lips and said, "Hey, you are true, why are you so serious?"

"Of course I have to be serious! Otherwise, I won't be able to be friends in the future."

Chen Shuyao looked straight at Chen Jianghai and said word by word.

Chen Jianghai was stared at by her eyes and felt a little uncomfortable, so he could only say with a smile, "Okay, I'll ask you later if I have something to do."

"Mr. Chen, let's enjoy a meal together today, is it considered to pay off the interest first?"

Chen Shuyao followed with an invitation.

Chen Jianghai thought for a while, but did not refuse, and made an appointment to have dinner together at 6 o'clock in the evening.

After making an appointment, Chen Shuyao left directly.


In the afternoon, Tang Huairen, who was sweating profusely, came over again in a hurry.

"Mr. Chen, that project has already taken shape."

As soon as he entered the door, he said with great excitement.

Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh, so fast?"

Tang Huairen smiled and said, "Yeah, the investment in this project is too big, and as soon as my wife reported it, the leaders were alarmed."

"What's the specific situation?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

Tang Huairen said: "The city leaders said that if you can really build a 30-story building here, you can choose the land at will, and the price is 130 yuan per square meter."

Hearing this number, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but take a breath.

Good guy, this price can be compared with Shi Yuzhu's Giant Building.

Back then, Shi Yuzhu said that he wanted to build a giant building in Zhushi City, but the 38th floor was originally set.

However, Shi Yuzhu, out of a desire to create a "typical" mentality, added to the 70th floor all the way.

The government of Pearl City also fully supported it and directly set the land price at the price of 125.

To be honest, this price is equivalent to the price of cabbage.

Now the Pingshan City Government is doing this, presumably with the same idea as the Pearl City.

At present, a thirty-storey office building will definitely become a typical and landmark building in Pingshan, attracting the attention of the whole city.

"Are there any other preferential conditions?"

Chen Jianghai asked again.

He knows that if Pingshan City is really sincere, it will not be as simple as lowering the land price.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's question, Tang Huairen was also full of admiration.

It can be seen from this question that Chen Jianghai has clearly understood the thoughts of the Pingshan government.

"Yes, the leaders above said that as long as where to buy Qiuhai and settle in Pingshan, there will definitely be a green light in the future in terms of employee household registration, taxation, and approval."

He followed happily.

After all, he is also a member of Qiuhai now. If the company is doing well, then he also has face.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction.

Sincerity is still there.

"what do you think?"

Chen Jianghai raised his head and asked.

Tang Huairen couldn't help but be stunned, he didn't expect Chen Jianghai to ask him this question.

But he can also guess that this may be a small test for Chen Jianghai.

He thought about it quickly, rationalized his thoughts, and said, "Mr. Chen, I think the conditions are very good, but I still have a small suggestion."

"you say."

Chen Jianghai quietly waited for the following.

Tang Huairen said: "In the construction part of the project, I think it's better for you to ask someone to check it out."

Chen Jianghai immediately understood what Tang Huairen meant and smiled slightly: "Why do you make this suggestion?"

"Mr. Chen, the construction industry is too deep. If there are no trusted people watching, there will be too many pits."

Tang Huairen said earnestly.

Chen Jianghai nodded calmly, and then asked again, "What candidates do you have?"

Tang Huairen's words are all for this sake. Isn't this just waiting for Chen Jianghai to assign him a task?

"To tell the truth from President Chen, my brother-in-law is in this business, and he will never mess up."

Tang Huairen followed.

Chen Jianghai pondered for a while, and what Tang Huairen said was not without reason.

So he nodded and said directly: "Okay, you can arrange this matter."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Tang Huairen almost shouted out excitedly.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your trust, and I will definitely live up to your expectations."

He quickly assured.

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "But I'm talking about my ugly words in the front. If something goes wrong, do you know what it means?"

Speaking of the latter, Chen Jianghai's tone was stern and cold, even a bit murderous.

Tang Huairen also calmed down from the excitement.

Chen Jianghai's remarks seemed to bring him back to reality from his dream.

"Mr. Chen...I know."

He responded quickly.

"One hundred million large projects, if something goes wrong in the middle of What will be the consequences, I hope you can understand."

Chen Jianghai said neither light nor serious.

Tang Huairen hurriedly raised his head and said with a serious face: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will absolutely make strict requirements and complete this project without compromise!"

At this point, Tang Huairen was no longer allowed to back down.

"Okay, let's get busy."

Chen Jianghai nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, he will also go to a supervision company and an auditing company, so that uncertain risks can be minimized.


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