Chapter 1836 Fuse

After so many years, Hisense has been pressed by Qiuhai, and he can't lift his head at all.

In this case, it is impossible to say that Zhou Houjian is not convinced.

It is useless to be unconvinced. If you want to defeat Qiuhai, you must show your true skills.

Under Chen Jianghai's advanced vision, Qiuhai left Hisense far behind in terms of technology and management.

If you want to catch up with Qiuhai, Hisense has to do too much.

Zhou Houjian also knew the gap between them, but he did not give up.

In fact, Zhou Houjian wanted to catch up with Qiuhai all the time, and he also made a lot of efforts to this end, but it has not been effective.

Qiuhai walked too fast under the leadership of Chen Jianghai. Although Hisense was running at full speed to catch up, it couldn't keep up with it at all.

It is precisely because of this situation that Zhou Houjian reluctantly shifted the company's focus to chip research and development.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jianghai would take the initiative to cooperate with Zhou Houjian under the circumstances.

And this cooperation project is the chip project that Zhou Houjian spent a lot of money on.

It really answered that sentence, planting flowers with intention will not succeed, but unintentionally planting willows and willows will make shade.

At the beginning, Hisense was forced by Qiu Hai and had no choice but to focus on chip research.

I never thought it was because of this,

Make it possible for the two to cooperate.

For this cooperation, Zhou Houjian is full of confidence.

As long as Hisense can get Qiuhai's technology, coupled with its own chip technology, it is definitely not difficult to make a bright future in the market.

More importantly, Hisense and Qiuhai have a cooperative relationship, and there can be no vicious competition between them.

In this way, Hisense's biggest opponent will not take action.

In terms of products, there is not much difference between the two.

Zhou Houjian is confident that Hisense's previous decline can be swept away.

Zhou Houjian is full of confidence in the future of Hisense.

Now he is very fortunate to have made such a decision.

Otherwise, Zhou Houjian really has no clue as to how Hisense will develop.

Every night when he thought of the autumn sea on his head, Zhou Houjian tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night.

As long as there is Qiuhai in one day, it is almost impossible for Hisense to surpass him.

This incident can be said to make Zhou Houjian very desperate.

This time the two sides reached a partnership, which also gave him a sigh of relief.

The opportunity for Hisense to develop has finally been waited for by him!

Moreover, in cooperation with Qiuhai, Hisense is likely to achieve leapfrog development.

This opportunity is a rare opportunity. As the helm of Hisense, Zhou Houjian secretly warned himself that he must firmly grasp it and resolutely not let it slip away easily.

As long as this cooperation is reached, Hisense will not have to worry about anything in the next ten years.

Thinking of this, Zhou Houjian was so happy that he couldn't sleep.


Just when everyone was concerned about the news of Qiuhai and Hisense's cooperation, Chen Shuyao was doing one thing silently.

She has already been in contact with the senior management of the three groups.

Sanzhu Group's attitude towards Chen Shuyao's acquisition can be said to be very clear.

One faction is naturally unwilling to be acquired.

They think that the three strains still have a chance to be saved, and they can try harder.

The other faction believes that the three strains are terminally ill, unable to recover, and there is no room for turning around.

Finding a way to sell it is the best choice for the three.

Sanzhu Company was established in 1993, and it has been smooth sailing. By 1995, it has developed into Sanzhu Pharmaceutical Industry Company and Sanzhumei Cosmetics Industry Company.

The three plants have established independent subsidiaries in cities above the prefecture level across the country.

Liaison offices have been set up in provincial capital cities, offices in county-level cities, workstations in townships, and a huge and tight marketing network.

In just a few years, the Sanzhu Group has developed into a giant.

With the funds of the three plants, various acquisitions began. This almost crazy blind development led to an increasing size.

At this time, in fact, the three plants have buried a huge hidden danger for themselves.

It is a pity that the management at that time was still carried away by the current achievements, and did not realize the emergence of the crisis.

To say that the three plants have turned from prosperity to decline, it is natural to start from 1996.

At that time, an old man bought ten bottles of oral liquid from Sanzhu. After taking it, he caused a high protein allergic reaction and died two months later.

The next year, the son of the deceased sued Sanzhu, demanding compensation for economic losses and mental damages.

Just three months ago, the case was thoroughly defined.

The death of the deceased has a lot to do with the Sanzhu Group. Sanzhu finally compensated 300,000 yuan to the relatives of the deceased, and was also fined 10 million yuan.

In fact, fundamentally speaking, this matter has nothing to do with the products of the three plants.

This can be seen from the appeal of the latter three plants and the final victory.

But in the handling of this incident, the three plants were really unprofessional.

After the incident, the three plants wanted to conceal the situation for the first time.

The three companies deceived employees internally and took the media as their enemy externally. As a result, the public could not understand the truth, which led to rumors.

After all, at this time, domestic companies simply don’t know what crisis public relations are.

Therefore, don't think of any wonderful means to deal with the crisis.

In this matter, the three plants have done too much wrong.

First, the consumers at that time were already misled, and the three companies should not take an evasive attitude.

From a responsible point of view, we should take the initiative to stop the sales of Sanzhu oral liquid and cooperate with the investigation of the judicial authorities.

Second, after the crisis occurred, the company did not immediately send competent personnel to investigate the cause of the accident, appease the victims, try to narrow the scope of the situation, and did not take the initiative to communicate with government departments and news media to explain the truth.

Third, the company only relied on temporary courage to go to court against Bo, and did not take other corresponding measures, which led to the expansion of the situation.

Fourth, the three companies repeatedly said that their products were good, but they did not take the initiative to invite authoritative institutions to test them.

There is no official agency certification, of course, consumers would rather believe that there is, do not want to believe that it is not.

If Sanzhu Company could hold a press conference in the capital at that time, and relevant experts from the Ministry of Health would demonstrate the efficacy of Sanzhu Oral Liquid, this might not have been the case.

Unfortunately, all of this is just some pushback after the incident.

The three plants did not expect that this incident would become a fuse for their fall.

At this time, the three plants are on the market, and not many consumers trust them anymore.

This is also the reason why some of the top executives of the three plants want to sell the three plants.

If the time drags on for a longer time, it is very likely that this enterprise will be completely lost in the hands, and everything will be lost.

At this time, the sales of the three plants have been cut in half, and they are still declining.

Almost everyone thinks that according to this trend, the three strains will definitely not be supported for long.

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