Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1824 go, take me to see

Chapter 1824 Go, take me to see

Now, Qiuhai has fully invested in the construction of this expressway, which not only solves the most important employment problem for laid-off workers, but also makes the transportation between the two places much more convenient and boosts the local economy.

And in the long run, as the economy improves, it will naturally provide more jobs, which is also helping the two places to solve the problem of laid-off workers.

What Qiuhai has done has won considerable reputation in these two places and has been recognized by almost everyone.

It is precisely because of this that Qiuhai's sales in these two places are the highest among all electrical appliance brands.

Basically, every household uses Qiuhai's electrical appliances, and other brands are not considered at all.

At this time, Qiuhai can be said to be a symbol of Linghai and Pingshan. The people trust this brand very much, and they are all loyal users of Qiuhai.

Facts have proved that as long as a company can guarantee its own quality and always think about giving back to the society, consumers will always remember its goodness.

The support Qiuhai received in the two places is enough to prove this.

Not to mention the background of the construction of this expressway, when the autumn sea was so difficult.

The impression of the people became more and more profound.

Especially those laid-off employees of state-owned enterprises are sincerely thanking Qiuhai.

They had just been laid off at this time, and they didn't know what to do at all, and all kinds of emotions had already grown.

It even caused tragedy in some places.

This highway in the autumn sea,

It finally gave them hope.

Have a job first, find a way to live your life, and discuss other things slowly.

The media in the two places also gave great praise.

"A high-speed expresses the conscience of a national enterprise.

"Qiuhai, the rich first drives the rich later! 》

"Giving back to the society is the most important thing a national enterprise should do! 》


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It can be said that the media is not stingy with Qiu Hai's praise.

On the one hand, the government is naturally playing a role.

Of course, this is not to say that the media is deliberately beautifying the autumn sea because of the government's sake, but it is telling the truth.

In the final analysis, Qiu Hai did so well that people couldn't pick out any faults at all.

Such a conscientious enterprise can be described as a model for all enterprises, and it is worth learning from other enterprises.

Even in some government meetings, the actions of Qiuhai Group have been recognized by many leaders and praised by name.

Over the years, Qiuhai has done a lot for the two places, and has accumulated a lot of word of mouth, praised by the people, and unanimously recognized by the government.

But Chen Jianghai didn't pay much attention to these compliments from outside.

Chen Jianghai did this not to get praise from the outside world, but to follow his own heart.

Qiuhai has earned so much social wealth, and he must give back to the society.

Chen Jianghai told Zhou Houjian before that entrepreneurs must establish their own social values.

Only an enterprise that conforms to social values ​​and can bring progress to the society can be regarded as a good enterprise in the true sense.

When Chen Jianghai was reading the newspaper, Yan Fei came in from outside.

"Mr. Chen, the drone lens you asked the lens department to develop last time has already been developed."

Hearing this news, Chen Jianghai was very happy.

Now, in early June, this technology has been successfully developed, and it can be applied to drones.

Taking advantage of this time, Qiuhai can create a large number of drones to prepare for the upcoming Longjiang flood.

When the flood breaks out, the drones will come in handy.

"Come on, take me to see."

Chen Jianghai put down the newspaper, stood up and said impatiently.

Yan Fei knew that Chen Jianghai attached great importance to this technology, and did not say much, and quickly took him to the UAV R\u0026D center.

At this point the camera is ready and the drone is installing this new camera.

When Chen Jianghai came to the UAV R\u0026D center, Wang Tiansheng happened to assemble this new UAV.

Wang Tiansheng is also looking forward to this functional drone.

As mentioned earlier, Wang Tiansheng has long had the idea of ​​using a drone to take pictures in the sky.

But at that time, he didn't have enough funds and corresponding conditions, so naturally he could only think about it in his mind, and couldn't put it into practice at all.

Now with the support of Chen Jianghai, he naturally made this thing very easily.

The camera and related systems made by the lens R\u0026D department gave Wang Tiansheng a real insight into Qiuhai's strength.

Before assembling, Wang Tiansheng had simply tested the new system, and the effect was quite good.

No matter in terms of picture quality or real-time transmission speed, it is impeccable.

After knowing the performance of this monitoring system, Wang Tiansheng started the installation without any hesitation.

When working in the lens R\u0026D department, Wang Tiansheng was not idle either.

He went directly to the person in charge of lens research and development, obtained the data of the relevant cameras, and then began to modify the drone to suit the installation and use of this technology.

Now that the lens comes out, Wang Tiansheng only needs to install the lens on the drone, and after a simple debugging, he is done.

It is precisely because of this that Yan Fei's front foot told Chen Jianghai that Wang Tiansheng was already assembling.

Waiting for Chen Jianghai to tell the truth, Wang Tiansheng had already tested the flight for a while, and everything went very smoothly.

This result excites him.

He believed that the unmanned aircraft with shooting function in front of him would definitely satisfy Chen Jianghai.

After seeing Chen Jianghai coming, Wang Tiansheng quickly handed over the drone in his hand to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai glanced at it a little, this time the drone looked much more refined than last time.

Another big difference is the drone control handle this time.

There is an additional screen on the control handle. Presumably, the picture taken by the drone in the sky is seen on this screen.

"Don't show me this either, just let it fly and try."

Chen Jianghai took a quick look, then returned the drone to Wang Tiansheng and said to him directly.

Wang Tiansheng also hoped to show it well in front of Chen Jianghai, he nodded quickly, and then took Chen Jianghai to the outside.

Under Wang Tiansheng's skilled operation, the drone quickly flew into the sky.

After stabilizing the drone, Wang Tiansheng handed the operating handle to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai took it over and took a look. At this time, the three of them were all in the drone's screen.

For Wang Tiansheng, the picture quality can be said to be very clear.

He was even waiting for Chen Jianghai's praise.

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