The day after tomorrow, the first three stories of Kevin's "Harry Potter" began to be listed in major bookstores in the UK one by one. It is absolutely amazing for a single author to have three new works on the market at the same time.

What Kevin wants is such an effect, and the first three stories are one of the essence of "Harry Potter". Kevin believes that if their sales are added together in the end, it must be a terrifying number. Only such works can pave the way for Sihua.

Since it is a fantasy novel, it really didn't cause much looting after it went on the market. After all, many people have just bought Tony Allen's new work "My Youth with Mineral Water", and they are still excited about the last work of this evergreen literary book.

Therefore, most of the customers who bought the three series of "Harry Potter" today are readers of Kevin and those who are curious about him.

Of course, Kevin, as the most popular writer in Britain at present, has many fans. Therefore, although these three "Harry Potter" story books are a little deserted, they are not without sales. It's just that the sales volume is far behind Kevin's previous works.

It is precisely because of seeing such a depressed scene after the collective publication of the three "Harry Potter" stories, many people began to feel complacent. The happiest among them are Zela and Augustine.

They had already thought in their hearts that Kevin would become a joke this time, so after seeing all this, they became even more ecstatic.

"Kevin, as I said, you are always a little bit younger. Everyone knows that magic is an unpopular subject in the UK, but you still write it, and you write three books at the same time. You really think you are God's son of a bitch." Zela said in her heart.

The news that Kevin's new work had hit a new low in the sales volume of his work also began to go away in the British literary newspapers. At this time, those colleagues all responded with a joke attitude, and those literary critics also began to It was an afterthought.

"I just said, Kevin's transition is definitely a dead end. In the UK, no one can make a fantasy novel popular. Of course. It's pretty good that he can sell so much."

"When Kevin announced that his new work is a fantasy novel, and he published three books at once, I already guessed the ending. Yes. No one will buy his account. Because three books are released at the same time, so The speed is too fast, perhaps Shakespeare is still alive and cannot guarantee the quality of his articles."

"Kevin really thinks he is God's son? He also wrote magic, and wrote three books at once. Haha, this is the funniest joke I have ever seen. Look. It is estimated that this first print will be 30 Thousands of copies can’t be sold out in the end.”

"Guys, I think you're all being too hard on Kevin.

It is already very good to be able to sell the sales volume of magic novels to such an extent. So, let's give Kevin some forgiveness. Oh, I hope that the 300,000 copies of Kevin's first print will not be given away at a loss. "

These so-called literary critics, after seeing Kevin's sales so low today, began to express their opinions in their professional fields, just like a prophet.

In fact, this was only the first day after the publication of the three stories of "Harry Potter". All of them that attracted the attention of so many media newspapers had something to do with Brian's assistant behind the scenes.

He has long been eyeing everything about Kevin, especially Kevin's new release this time. This is a rare subject that makes him a joke. Therefore, after getting a general understanding of the situation today, he began to use his personal connections to spread the news of the sluggish sales of Kevin's new work.

As the youngest British poet laureate, Kevin's every move will naturally attract the interest of major literary media. What's more, it's a big news like a new work, so when the major media knew that the sales of Kevin's new work was sluggish, they began to rush to report. It is because of their scrambling to report that this wind will spread so fast.

The people of Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. didn't feel much after seeing the sales volume of "Harry Potter". After all, this is fantasy fiction, and they've been in the business for years. I also know in my heart that the sales of such themes are generally not good. But after these so-called afterthought experts expressed their opinions, their mood also seemed a little melancholy.

So, they began to try to wonder whether they entered the wrong company or followed the wrong boss. After all if it all goes wrong. Maybe I took a wrong step in my life.

For this reason, Crawford walked into Kevin's office again, and then told Kevin the general thoughts of the company's current employees.

"Crawford, you have to understand one thing. Now these three works have only been published for about a day. In other words, it has just begun to appear in front of readers. Regarding its achievements, everything is still unknown. "Kevin said.

"You mean there will be miracles in the three books of the "Harry Potter" series published by Sihua?" Crawford asked.

"Yes, I can guarantee it. It will definitely surprise us. Because God never leaves excellent works in the cold." Kevin said confidently.

"Okay! I hope it can get better, otherwise, I am worried that the mood of the employees will be affected." Crawford is the kind of person who does things for the company wholeheartedly, so after learning about the inner activities of the employees, he will Come to discuss with Kevin at the first time.

Kevin also valued him for this, and he was relieved to handle many important things. At this time, he also talked to Crawford about his first film and television copyright work "Jane Eyre". When it was released in major movie theaters, the results were not very satisfactory. But what happened later? It has not yet created a miracle in British film history.

"Crawford, in fact, you don't have to be so pessimistic. Although the sales volume of these three "Harry Potter" stories is a bit sluggish, it is not impossible that no one buys them. As long as people want to buy them, they will eventually become us. propagandist." Kevin continued.

Since Crawford followed Kevin, the most he saw in this young man was self-confidence. So, he couldn't help thinking: Perhaps it is because of self-confidence that this young man has created many unexpected results.

So, at this time, what else can Crawford say. We can only maintain an objective stand on the same mentality as our boss, and then look forward to the sales miracle of "Harry Potter" together. (To be continued.)

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