After that, Ludi each took out a two-star beast stone to promote the Yan Wolf, the Wind Wolf, and the Wood Wolf to two stars.

Soon, their calamity began.

The flame wolf is full of flames and is very similar to the dark flame demon dragon, except that it is not a pitch-black flame, but an ordinary flame; The wind wolf is constantly attacked by the wind blade generated around the body; As for the wooden wolf, vines with wooden thorns bind the body.

Of course, these calamities are also reflected in Ludi.

However, for Ludi, who has reached the peak of the second star, these disasters are just simple.

He slowly sucked part of the calamity from the three wolf beasts into himself, so that he could speed up their time to survive the calamity.

Indeed, it didn't take long for the three wolf beasts to survive their calamities and successfully step into the second star. As for the body, it has also grown to the size of an adult wolf beast, and it is very strong.

Then Ludi gave each wolf beast ten beast stones and raised them to the two-star peak.

Lu Di looked at the dragon and three wolves that gradually grew up, and his heart was extremely happy, at this moment, he already had the capital to fight with the three-star powerhouse, and he could barely reach the strength standard that a small territory lord should have.

Then Ludi included all the beasts in the Tibetan Beast Seal.

When he began his promotion, he deliberately picked late at night, when everyone went to sleep, and now the sun is about to rise.

Ludy was about to get ready to rest, he had already told Lance and Locke.

On this evening, there is one more important thing to do, and at dusk, you have to be ready to go.


Soon, the sun went down and dusk approached, and Ludi left his residence in good spirits and headed towards the entrance of East Wolf Village.

And there, Lance and Locke have long been waiting.

"Sorry guys, I'm late." Ludi apologized, but Lance and Locke did not dare to accept it, so they said that it was okay, and the group began to leave.

"Is it going to Dongguo Village again this time?" Lance asked.

"That's natural." Ludi said, "We need to sneak into Dongguo Village tonight, then go to the residence of the Lord of Dongguo Village, ally with him, and then deal with Sauron and his gang together." "

Locke, I asked you to remember the residence of the lord of Dongguo Village, did you remember it?"

"Lord Ludi, don't worry. I have been to Dongguo Village a few times, and I have also entered their lord's residence, plus I carefully observed it last time in Dongguo Village, so we will definitely find it. Locke said confidently, and then he asked Ludy again as if he had thought of something.

"But, Lord Ludi, how can we sneak in? As you saw last time, the village was very guarded.

"It doesn't matter, I bought three invisibility cloaks from Edward before I left, as long as we don't meet people with strong perception, I think we can sneak in safely." Ludy said, and took out the invisibility cloak from the ring and handed it to Lance and Locke.

After a while, Dongguo Village arrived.

Just like the last time I came, the door was still guarded.

"It's late at night, I didn't expect that there would be guards, it seems that Sauron and his gang are indeed cautious enough."

Ludi said, and the three of them sneaked in wearing invisibility cloaks.

"What man!"

Just as Ludi and the three were about to enter, a guard suddenly shouted.

"Who's there? Are you stupid?

Before Ludi could make a move, another guard suddenly shouted, "You kid shouldn't be dreaming, right?"

"Strange? I did hear a voice just now..." While

the two guards were still talking to me, Ludi and the three had already sneaked into Dongguo Village.

"Locke, next, it's up to you to lead the way." Ludi said.

"Hmm." Locke nodded in agreement.

In this way, the three of them sneaked around Dongguo Village, afraid of encountering Sauron's minions who could see through the invisibility cloak.

However, it was indeed too late to sneak in, it was late at night, and there were not many people outside the village, not even Sauron's minions.

"It is always some country boys, like bandits and thieves, who only put up a posture at the gate, but there is no arrangement in the village. But that's really not all. Locke said.

Ludi had a different idea and said.

"Actually, it's normal. After all, apart from us, there will be no real enemy of Sauron in the eastern part of the empire, and even Sauron does not know that we are going to attack him. In addition, even the lords in the village have already given up resistance, so it is understandable that they are not defensive.

"In that case, this village can be considered unsaved." Since the lords have given up, how can we possibly let him come and cooperate with us again? Lance asked.

"Nothing is impossible. Lance, you have to remember that if a person is desperate and decadent at the moment, it may also be that he is asking for help, thinking about countermeasures, and when the time is right, he will reverse the situation! Maybe the lord of Dongguo Village, Dilan is such a person? Ludi replied.

The three walked for a while, and Locke signaled that they had reached their destination.

Looking at the small castle in front of him, which was not small in scale and had many exteriors, Ludi couldn't help but sigh that Dongguo Village was indeed much richer than his Dongwolf Village, and even the place where the lord lived was much better than his.

"There are guards at the door here, too." Lance said, "Then we must open the door if we want to go in, but how do we open the door under the noses of these guards?"

"It's simple, just make them invisible." With that, Ludy took out the slumber bell and handed it to Locke.

"Locke, this item is a slumber bell that can make an existence one star lower than the user's strength fall into a coma. You take this prop with you later, go to the door, shake it in front of the guards at the door, and let them fall into a deep sleep.

Locke nodded and went with the sleeping bell.

There are a total of three guards at the door, all of them are two-star strength, but Locke has three-star strength, and it is easy to let them sleep with the use of the sleeping bell.

Then Ludi and Lance followed.

"How do you open the door?" Locke asked.

Without thinking, Ludi picked up a bunch of keys from a guard around him, tried a little and opened the door, and at the same time printed a copy of the key to open the door, and then returned the key to the guard.

"Let's go inside."

Ludi whispered, and the three of them sneaked into the castle one by one, taking the door with them by the way.

After going around the castle for a while, he finally arrived at the door of Dillan's room, led by Locke.

"Do you want to knock on the door, maybe he's..." asked Lance.

"Don't worry, Dylan doesn't have a wife, at least not yet, so there's nothing wrong with that." Locke responded.

But as a result, just as Ludi was about to open the door and enter, the door opened itself.

And the person who opened the door was none other than the Lord of Dongguo Village, Dillan!

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