"Why! Young Master Ludi, why did you kill me? Since you were a child, I have been your personal servant, and for so many years, I have treated you like my own grandson, but why do you do this to me?! Ralph

, who looked desperate, had no other way but to bring him a glimmer of life with feelings.

But Ludi ignored him at all, but said it to himself.

"Lord Kevin, Ludi is ready to start taming beasts, after all, he is ready to give up returning to the imperial capital, but wants to be a good lord, so I think our prevention of Ludi can be relaxed a little

..." "Ralph, don't let your guard down, Ludi is a sinister brat..." said Ludi, but Ralph's

expression became very fierce, and he shouted.

"How do you know what's in the letter! No! The letter between me and Lord Kevin should only be known by the two of us! Could it be that there is a traitor in Lord Kevin? "

Looking at Ralph was like crazy. Ludi is still able to understand.

Originally, he saw the remains of the dragon beast first, and even thought that he had it in his hands, so he was quite happy.

But suddenly, he found that the remains of the dragon beast could not be obtained by himself, and even the secret letter between himself and Kevin was told by Ludi, which made him collapse instantly.

Not only is a huge fortune gone, but his identity as an eyeliner has also been exposed. Suddenly happy, and suddenly sad.

Under such interweaving, how can it not be crazy?

After Ralph was a little more normal, Ludi stood up and said to him.

"Ralph, why did you betray me?"

Ludi really wants to know, yes, why? Why betray him? He has been thinking about this since his previous life. Ralph has known him for more than ten years, and they are as close as a pair of grandfathers and grandchildren, so why did Ralph betray Ludi, who was like a grandson, and turn to Kevin? Ludi was puzzled.

But when Ralph heard the question, he suddenly laughed and said.

"Hahaha, just that? It's simple! Because I've been Lord Kevin's eyeliner from the beginning! I was loyal to Lord Kevin when you were a baby! Even if I have been your personal servant for more than ten years, it is all because of Lord Kevin's orders!"

"Huh, huh? Oh, yes! It should be that simple. I actually thought about such an answer for so long! Ludi also laughed, and at this moment, his killing intent towards Ralph became stronger.

"Well, let me ask a question too. Master Ludy, why did you know about the letter between me and Lord Kevin!? Ralph asked with a stop smiling.

"Huh! It's also very simple, Ralph, I haven't actually read any letters at all, I just made up these two paragraphs based on my recent behavior and what I know about you! Ludi said.

"What! What the! Ralph shouted in surprise, originally thinking that Ludi knew he was eyeliner because he had seen the letter. But according to the current statement, Ralph is not actually exposed, and all this may just be Ludi's momentary suspicion!

"Is that so? How could I have failed just like that? Hahaha! It doesn't matter, Ludi, kill me! At least I have learned that there are no traitors next to Lord Kevin. And I didn't expose it, I still fulfilled Lord Kevin's order!

Looking at Ralph's death-like look, Ludi was even more angry.

In my previous life, you hurt me so bitterly, how could I let you die easily?

Ludi picked up the iron sword and cut off Ralph's vein, leaving him immobile, and threw him next to the pack of wolf cubs.

The Flame Wolf cub can naturally recognize Ralph, even if he kills the Flame Wolf King's murderer. Why aren't they angry?

Then, they opened their mouths, bared their fangs, and violently tore at Ralph's flesh. The newly grown claws also kept scratching at Ralph's skin.

"Ludy - give me a pain! Don't, don't let me die like this!

Ralph cried out miserably, but Ludi turned a blind eye. Locke and Lance on the side were frightened by this bloody scene and did not dare to speak for a while.

Soon, Ralph was beaten to death.

Ludi opened his palm, and it was Ralph's ring.

"Old Mr. Locke, when I have sorted out the contents of this ring, I will use it to hand over to you with half of the remains of the dragon beast. And now, I will put away the dragon beast with my ring first. After all, you haven't taken the vows yet. Ludi said, reaching out and collecting the entire remains of the dragon beast into the ring.

"Well, well," Locke replied a little stiffly, he obviously hadn't recovered from what had just happened, and was still a little confused for a while.

Ludi glanced sideways at Locke and Lance. He knew that after this incident, his image in their minds might change, and for the worse.

But how? Ralph is both a traitor and a liar to Ludi. And who knows how much information about Ludy Ralph has secretly transmitted to Kevin over the years.

For such people, Ludi is never soft. If he had put in his previous life, when he still controlled a wolf pack, it would only make Ralph die worse! The pain caused by wolves is not comparable to some wolf cubs!


Late at night, in the fortress of East Wolf Village, Ludi is taking out the dragon egg that haunts him from the Na Ring.

Just now, he was in the cave and included the entire remains of the dragon beast in the ring, which was actually to cover up. After all, the value of dragon eggs is higher than the remains of dragon beasts. Therefore, Ludi took the remains away with the dragon eggs hidden in the remains.

Looking at the dragon egg that emitted a slight black light, Ludi's originally somewhat sad heart immediately became excited again.

This is a dragon egg! Inside is also pregnant with a dragon beast that has disappeared for many years. How could Ludi, as a beast handler, not be excited?

Thinking about it, Ludi reached for the dragon egg.

Use your hands as a connection, connect your spirit with the spirit of the dragon beast in the dragon egg, and gradually connect.

It's not that hard step. After all, this dragon beast has not yet been born, and its spirit is weak.

Moreover, coupled with the reason why Ludi is a reliving or a traverser, his spiritual power is exceptionally strong.

Therefore, after a while, Ludi successfully connected with the spirit of the dragon beast.

And this also means that the mastery has succeeded.

And with the success of the control, the dragon beast that was still in the egg gradually became active, and the whole egg also swung around with it.

Then, the swing became larger and larger, and cracks slowly appeared on the egg.

Finally, only listening to the "click", the entire eggshell cracked, and at the same time, from the inside of the egg, a pitch-black figure flew out, flying around the room, scurrying around.

And as Ludi's mind moved, the figure also stopped flying around, but slowly flew to Ludi's eyes.

"Wait, this is!"

Looking at the small dragon with a pair of wings, dark body, red eyes, and a pair of small dragon horns in front of him, Ludi was stunned for a while.

He grabbed the little dragon and carefully looked at the lines on his body, and an incredible thought popped out in his heart.

"It shouldn't be the Dark Flame Demon Dragon!"

Ludi immediately ordered the little dragon to spew out a cloud of flames.

That's a black flame!

Looking at the fleeting pitch-black flame in front of him, Ludi could be quite sure of his thoughts.

The little dragon in front of him is the Dark Flame Demon Dragon, one of the four monsters that led the dragon beast to invade the empire!

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