Rebirth 90s Genius Doctor Blessed Wife

Chapter 820: Some fear, some persuasion, how to break?

Pity the parents of the world. "Sun Yingying replied, doing these things may be just a small effort for her, but if she can help others, she will save a family.

   Soon, they arrived at Ergazi's house, but Ergazi was not at home.

  "Gaziniang, do you know where Ergazi is?" Village Chief Wu asked, "Is there anything that Ergazi is different from usual recently?"

  Gaziniang thought for a while, "Er Gazi is a scouting kid who runs around all day long. Rural children are like this. I don’t know where I’m tired? But I’ll be back at night. I’m going to say something different... ···Oh, that is Ergazi shouted hungry as soon as he went home at night, and did not shout hungry when he came back these two nights, and went to bed when he came back, and went out early in the morning..."

  Sun Yingying looked at the face of Ga Ziniang, for a moment, this...this is the face of bereavement! This Ergazi is in danger!

  "No, Grandpa Wu, hurry up and send someone to find Ergazi. I can't find it tonight. I will never come back." Sun Yingying frowned and felt a bad feeling in her heart.

  Before Xiaobai Tuanzi told her that as their practice progressed, they would see "Piaopiao" in the future, but now she feels that the practice has improved, but the related techniques have been learned, but they have been There is nowhere to use it. Now when you encounter such a supernatural thing, you may be able to test the effects of the magical skills you have learned?

  Yes...I'm a little scared, a little bit scared, how can I break it?

   Xiaobai Tuanzi felt Sun Yingying's panic, and said quickly: "Don’t be afraid, we have made so much progress in cultivation. Dealing with a few little ghosts, it’s okay, let’s talk about demons and demons, exorcising demons and saving people, then It is also an infinite merit..."

  Under the encouragement of Xiaobai Tuanzi, Sun Yingying cheered up.

   Village Chief Wu was startled when he heard this, "Yingying...Yingying, what's wrong with Ergazi?"

  Gaziniang heard Sun Yingying say this, she was still not happy, "We Er Gazi is in good health, how could something happen? Yingying, you can't talk nonsense."

  Sun Yingying frowned, not wanting to save it.

   Village Chief Wu shouted angrily, "Long hair, short knowledge, Yingying is fine, why do you say something is wrong with Ergazi in your family?"

   "Then who knows!" Erga Ziniang is not a good talker, she is a typical rural woman who is unreasonably making troubles, who can't hear others say something bad about her and her family. Even if it is the truth, they are stupid. The land is not happy.

  Sun Yingying turned around and left, "Since his mother doesn't care about him, I don't care!"

After    Sun Yingying left.

  She is nosy, on the one hand because of good merit, on the other hand, she doesn't want the children in the village to be gone for no reason.

  But this Gaziniang is like this, Sun Yingying is not a Virgin, so lazy to save.

   Xiaobai Tuanzi originally wanted Sun Yingying to practice his hands here, but his attitude made Xiaobai Tuanzi upset. Some people die, why stop?

  Sun Yingying turned and left. Gaziniang pouted her lips. She didn't believe in these feudal superstitions. Back then, she was a local tyrant, divided the fields, and demolished the village's land temple, she was the leader.

  If there was retribution, she would have died several times long ago, can she still live to this day?

   If Sun Yingying doesn't learn well and pretends to be a fool, he will deceive people. I heard that a peace charm sells for hundreds of dollars, why not grab it?

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