Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 4 Chapter 82: 30 years of professional business

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

Qiu Qilan was naturally startled, but she was also a quick-responder, and immediately looked up: "What did you say! Sanbo has never dealt with uncle, you don't know it! Although this time, 14 Give me this book in private, it means to borrow our four-bedroom hand, but to say selfishness is to let us remember our personal feelings! "

Jiang Yashuang stuffed the account book into his sleeve, stretched out his hand and twisted her cheek lightly, and smiled, "You still hide me? I tell you where this flaw lies: the conflict between our house and the big house is a dispute over interests. That's right, but the one in the family that doesn't deal with the big room and hates the Dou family the most is not our four-bedroom! So Shizhuang made this booklet for the contradiction between the three-bedroom and the big room, it will not give you , But will go to grandma! "

He squinted slightly. "Especially when the Tao family had just happened, even though the grandmother felt that they deserved it, it was her mother's family, and her heart was also very unpleasant. If this account book fell into the hands of the grandmother, I don't know how happy she would be! Smart, how could it be passed around to your grandmother? "

"..." Qiu Qilan thought for a while, and yelled at him in shame, "That's the reason anyway! You believe it or not!"

Jiang Yashuang laughed: "This is not a question of believe it or not-Shizhuang hasn't managed Dou's account. This book may only be inferred by her inquiries from Dou's family. Of course, with Shizhuang's ability, even if It should be speculated that eight and nine are inseparable from ten, so the value of this ledger is the same as the key accounts copied from the Dou family. It's just ... "

His face was serious, "Even if the talents in this way are as good as fourteen, only by speculating that such an account would not be able to deal with the loss of mind and energy a day or two! And the fourteen was not through the door. I took charge of our general ledger before and started to worry about the livelihood of this family. There was almost no time in the day! Since she passed through the door, it is only possible that she can get this ledger, just in the month after the birth! She should be immersed in the sorrow of losing her child, but she still has the time to do this, and she can see the importance of this matter to her-and she also gave you this account book instead of your grandmother, shouldn't you tell me, she There are no conditions at all, or the conditions just let us pull a handful of brothers back? "

Qiu Qilan was dumbfounded-she had a good talk with He Shui Jin, and it was He Shui Jin hoping to carry Jiang Yaheng with him in the future ...

Now my husband is the first to break it. After exhausting my brain, I still can't think of a new reason. I simply pulled up the quilt and covered my head. He shouted: "Anyway, I gave you something, you love it!"

"I do n’t think the fourteen-year-old is aware of things in the army so quickly." Jiang Yashuang didn't force her, and smiled. "She should only speculate that there must be a plot in the big room through her brother's westbound journey." Prepared this booklet ... Coincidentally! She just wanted you, what did you want? "

Qiu Qilan listened to his calm tone, and secretly prayed that he would never guess! He slightly lifted the quilt and retorted weakly: "It can't be fourteen. I am afraid that I will give the account to the grandmother directly, so that the grandfather knows that he is unhappy, so he just wants to pass our hands?"

"If my grandmother can't even cover this point, what good is it to take this booklet?" Jiang Yashuang groaned. "Are you afraid I guess the truth? It seems that the truth is not a good thing? Let me think again, should be……"

"Don't guess it!" Qiu Qilan was already panicked by his previous analysis of ridiculous cocoon. This meeting saw him have a tendency to guess the truth more and more, and he turned his quilt into his arms. With one hand around his neck, he slid into his clothes with one hand, exhaling like blue, "It's late, don't settle, eh?"

A word of "um" goes back and forth. Although Jiang Yashuang knew that she wanted to get away with her idea, she still couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of her heart and turned over and pressed her down ...

The next day Jiang Yashuang went out with a refreshing spirit, Qiu Qilan stood up and rubbed his waist, Su He and other aunts were still there. Mother Zhou and others came to know her heart, and both laughed secretly, with an ambiguous expression. .

Seeing Qiu Qilan's hate on the dressing table-she was taken aback by Chun Ran who was dressing her: "Madam?"

"... Send something to my big cousin for a while." Qiu Qilan had planned to order someone to pick up someone at Shuijin's address this morning, but after thinking about it, Jiang Yashuang got up yesterday. Suspicious, although he said that he lost his attention, but who knows whether this guy will keep his hands and send someone to stare at his actions today?

In order to ensure her commitment to He Shuijin, she decided to take a step back and confuse potential monitors in a circle. "Try to stay in the big cousin's house as much as possible to see how the new brother-in-law treats her."

Chunran didn't know what to do, so she was busy.

After a few days like this, Qiu Qilan saw Jiang Yashuang still motionless, so she was relieved to send Qi Jinglan to her two dowry guards, and quietly went to the city to receive someone.

The two guards went for two days and two nights, and came back on the third day to sue, saying that the man had been placed in a house near a certain street: "The subordinate left five or two silvers for the master and servant, and the rest were in Here. "I handed in a few silver tickets and pieces of silver.

Qiu Qilan wondered: "Why did she give her five or two dollars? Isn't this too little?"

The guard looked at him and said, "The subordinate wanted to give a little more, but that ..." After thinking about it, the title was determined. "The girl from the pool said that she didn't need too much, but she was suspicious. She will be given a few bucks, and she will not live there long. "

This is really confident-Qiu Qilan couldn't help asking: "What does the girl look like?" Even if it was Jiang Tianmao's old love, it hadn't been seen for two or three years. There is no shortage of diligence for beauty. This Chi is so confident that he re-hook Jiang Tianyu's soul in person?

"Er, pretty? Sexuality and quietness are very quiet." Both of these guards were cultivated by Qiu Jinglan himself. They are only about 20 years old now, and have not become married. I was embarrassed to know that Qiu Qilan asked too straightforwardly, but still remembered the behavior of Chi.

I only listen to the beautiful and quiet evaluation of the guards, which is full of ladylike fans, but the ladies who are really quietly reserved will seduce men with confidence?

-Out of ten. Nine is a small white flower! If Jiang Tianzhang likes this tone ... Then He Shi has a good show! Qiu Qilan laughed sarcastically and let Su He take the money.

The guard received the reward and quit, and actually happened to meet Jiang Yashuang, who returned early. When he entered the room, he asked suspiciously, "But there is something wrong? Why would he call the guard to come in?"

Qiu Qilan was guarding him. Now he deliberately made him wink and shut him up. He made an excuse to send everyone out and said, "What are you doing? I easily found an excuse to call people over to the girls." Look, if you shout like this, don't you all feel sorry ?! "

Jiang Yashuang stunned and asked, "Who should I show it to? Su He or Chun Ran? By the way, Cai Qi and Cai Yan are almost the same age. The two of them have been serving me for many years, and they have been doing their best. You can also look for them by the way. A good husband? "

"Know, I know!" Qiu Qilan was glad to hide it this time, and said, "I remember it! Don't help me!"

... It turns out that the Chi was indeed qualified to be confident. After the two guards returned to life, less than ten days had passed, and Jiang Tianzhang officially accepted the Chi girl into the door!

So Qiu Qilan sighed again when she saw He Shuijin in private: "I don't know how she did it!"

"What's so hard about this?" He Shuijin was not strange, sneered. "As long as it is not a gentleman like nineteen who can't be confused and meet a beautiful woman to seduce, how many people can hold it?" She The words are a little bit sour, obviously because Jiang Yaheng is not in the realm of confusion.

"You said it, but you can't hold it. Our doorstep is easy to seduce. It's not easy to get in!" Qiu Qilan's remarks were either unfounded or Jiang Yadan, who became famous for the chaos in the backyard. There are so many people on the outside, and there are many women from good families and even government families in the interior. Can they not only be anonymous outsiders? !!

Even if the girl in the pool ran into Jiang Tianyu immediately after the guard left, it was less than ten days after the fight was over, and it was possible that Jiang Tianyu's old feelings would be restored to pick her in-still the key to the entire Jiang family being busy checking accounts time!

This is simply the standard that professional Xiaoyan has only had in 30 years, OK?

He Shuijin smiled: "Brother and sister, you don't understand. Now our family is busy. It is not safe for the father-in-law to spend the night outside. So a weak woman of the Chi family, as long as she enters the government office, she is optimistic. That's it, a rafter can stand upside down? "

Qiu Qilan thought about it, and sighed: "Sure enough, my sister-in-law is smart, I thought of everything!"

"Not forced yet?" He Shuijin didn't think he thought about what was good. He smiled bitterly. "Now my aunt has Chi's to watch, I can breathe a little sigh of relief ... yes, Dou's account book, there was no doubt in the nineteen? "

"No doubt ... it's strange!" I was frustrated when I mentioned this Qiu Qilan, "But you can rest assured, I just rely on not telling him. I don't think such a thing is easy to guess. He is busy and cannot grow old. Put your mind on speculation! "

He Shuijin breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good if he doesn't know the truth-although my good aunt treats me cruelly, but the rest of the family is innocent, and she can't afford to raise her head up for me. I really I ca n’t bear it! I also hope that you can help, brothers and sisters! ”

Qiu Qilan naturally promises not to say.

This time is already in the lunar month. This year's lunar month is particularly unsatisfactory for He's. First, the most capable daughter-in-law and Shui Jin fell ill at the critical moment. Even if she insisted on working with illness, her work efficiency was conceivable. !!

Then the Jiang family reconciliation reverted to reconciliation, the year still has to pass. However, working with Shuijin, the government office preparing for the Chinese New Year was naturally handed over to the government official. And because she was too capable with Shuijin, she had already enjoyed the habit of being blessed and enjoying her life. Suddenly she got busy and inevitably made mistakes.

The old Mrs. Tao was unhappy because of the Tao family's affairs, and the daughters-in-law did not have the gentle tolerance of the past. For this reason, she did not lose sight of her face, and even reprimanded her in front of others.

He Shi, who was so busy and was stunned by the old lady, an inattentive, her husband took the old lover again-if he hadn't planned with Shui Jin, He would have been in the outer room that Jiang had n’t even entered The pit got married and spun off-this time the other side is even more fierce. Jiang Tianzheng is not talking to Nishi with He's, he has decided!

Looking at the delicate face that could get water, and in front of her face, he dared to give Jiang Tianyu the seductive look with affectionate eyes, and He couldn't wait to step forward and pluck her skin!

It was only under the pressure of her husband that she had to laugh and handle Naruto ...

With so many sad reminders, the depression of He's heart has increased, so that the preparation for this year is also weak. Although it is said that the Gonggong Palace is dressed up with lights and lanterns, as in previous years, there is a lingering indifference in the atmosphere.

However, although this lunar month is not fast enough, there is good news at the family dinner near New Year's Eve: Little Dow is pregnant!

Originally, after seeing that Dow was too late to sue, he immediately ran out of the room and vomited. Qin Guogong and Mrs. Tao were a little unhappy, and when the doctor came to the end, the old couple immediately smiled. , And the atmosphere of the entire family dinner was lively!

Jiang Yashuang and Qiu Qilan were particularly relieved: "It really cheated!"

With the expression of Qin Guogong, the status of Little Dow has no need to worry under normal circumstances. Now having a child again, fulfilling her biggest dream in life, even if Jiang Yadan is still scum, she can survive it!

But in such a festive atmosphere, the subordinates hurriedly came in to confess: "Dou's house is surrounded by the Royal Forest Army! It is said that Qiu Yushi was impeached!" R638

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