Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 3 Chapter 52: No filial piety to the sun, it hurts you!

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

After a long while, Jiang Yashuang, who had changed into a bicolor Xia Chang, returned to the Qin State Mansion, slightly dressed his robes outside the study, and entered the door with respectful salute: "Grandfather!"

Qin Guogong caressed His Majesty's long beard, and said lazily: "Come up, come and talk to me, what did you toss in the past two days when you ran to Xihe Wangfu? No one who didn't scold you didn't say anything. It ’s me and your aunt who have n’t let people mutter that the housekeeper is not strict! "

The old man was over six years old, but his face was ruddy and sloppy. He can still dance with dozens of pounds of halberds. He wears a half-old Confucian shirt, but sits behind his desk, but he is not like a military commander but like a Wenchen-In fact, Jiang Qianchuan's talents are better than ordinary Wenchen, otherwise he cannot teach his grandson himself. .

Jiang Yashuang began to paint red, and reported his studies to this grandfather in person. There was no gap between grandparents and grandsons. At this moment, he was not nervous when he heard the words of guilt, and walked to him in accordance with the words. The child is planning to plead guilty to his grandfather! "

"When you are finished, go to the palace and ask your fourth aunt to plead guilty—after that, do n’t you and your elder brothers? Is this the case?" Qin Guogong squinted at him, "Is there such a good pass?"

Jiang Yashuang's innocent face: "I didn't say anything to my brothers in the past!"

"What about my aunt and you?" Qin Guogong hummed.

"Grandfather and the fourth aunt have always hurt me ..." He was interrupted before he spoke: "Knowing that we hurt you, and dragged us into the water? What did I say before? We did it for you, and the rest You can practice your little things! What happened? You still smashed our heads around the circle, didn't you? It hurts to bully you, didn't you? If you can't bear to be scolded by your sweetheart, you can push your grandfather and aunt to scold you-you No filial piety! It hurts you! "

Jiang Yashuang said by his head and face, he laughed instead: "At the beginning, you said that the closing thing was for me to do, and you didn't care what I did ..."

"You tired lazy boy!" Qin Guogong cursed, "Are there any such elders!"

Having said that, Qin Guogong didn't really take the matter seriously, saying, "It's just a matter of this ... I won't be so filial in the future, I'll pack you up!"

Jiang Yashuang responded with a smile, and asked, "Isn't my grandfather calling me over here just for this?"

"Of course not." Qin Guogong casually said, "Those in our family who are not fighting ... We should all yell and scold for all the troubles. I don't have to do anything!" Take a letter from the sleeve. , "There is a letter from the northern Xinjiang, please take a look."

Jiang Yashuang heard a word of joy and said, "Is it my father's?"

Hou of Jibei is the younger brother of the male from She County and Qin Guogong. It is not unusual to exchange letters with Qin Guogong. However, letters between their older brothers are rarely shown to younger generations.

Jiang Yashuang is the closest grandson of Qin Guogong, but this is the first time that he saw the letter of his uncle directly, and he dare not neglect. After reading the letter, I handed it back to Qin Guogong, and then I was a bit surprised: "Uncle is going to the official?"

"At the time of his old injury three years ago, I wanted to call him back to Beijing to support him!" Qin Guogong caressed his thigh and sighed. "At that time, he was chopped by Hu Nu, almost all his legs ... Although it was said that the army was robbed by the soldiers and rescued, it fell into the root of the disease! It was painful in the rainy days! The northerly side was rare to see the sun several times a year! But he was worried that your father could not control the thorns in the north army. ... have to last a few more years! "

Speaking of this, the old man sighed, "Now your father has stood firm, and he can't stand it anymore ... but he is willing to come to Beijing!" The Sangzijing County of the Jiang family has been raining for many years, which is not suitable for Jibei Where Hoo An spent his old age. Therefore, after this Hou Ye Zhishi, the most suitable place to live is Changqing Jingzhong.

Jiang Yashuang groaned: "My uncle was a horse in his life, and it is impossible for the imperial court to say nothing because of his injuries. However, the uncle is already a marquis, and we are the third concubine of the Jiang family. The queen mother will never promise to give her uncle Jinjue again! Xue Xiang won't promise out of balance-but the reward on the money alone is not enough to show his uncle's credit ... this? "

Qin Guogong nodded: "This is a problem. The reward is heavy. The queen mother and Xue Chang will not agree! Although our family is known as" Jiang Banchao ", they will not be able to work together! The reward is light, even if your uncle does not care, our family But his face cannot be ignored. "

This is not just a battle of spirits, it is more important that it means the strength of the Jiang family-not even the Qin Guogong's brother, the queen's uncle and uncle are very glorious. What is the future of the Queen's Party?

For this centripetal force, the Jiang family also forced the court to give Dejibeihou decent!

"And the fourth aunt just gave his 15th sister to His Royal Highness Qi." Jiang Yashuang frowned. "At this time, my uncle went to Beijing to return to Beijing. The queen mother must have suspected that the move was intentional by our family. The purpose was Zhenbei Army's situation, come back to help King Qi win the reserve! "

Qin Guo justice: "Natural. But this is not bad. King Qi is not as good as King Yan and Zhou. They can do it. They are the humble mother and the eldest son. It is necessary to push him. How is it possible to plan well in the Upper East Palace? "

Obviously, Qin Guogong intends to take his plan into consideration, and while Jibei Hou is here, he will give his daughter Chu Jun a support.

"The wedding of King Qi and the fifteen sisters is just after the summer." Jiang Yashuang calculated the next day. "My uncle intends to return at that time. I heard my aunt said that the queen mother is going to lower Princess Changping to Qingwu-this is it. The Zhenbei Army and the Zhenxi Army each stand on one side. In the end, this Chu Jun candidate still has to look at North Korea and fight! "

"Xue Chang's old fox, I'm afraid to stand idly by again!" Qin Guogong shook his head slightly, and said, "He won't intervene, and our family will fight with the queen queen. If there is no accident, the ending is difficult to say."

Jiang Yashuang thought for a while, and said, "This time is different from the past. In the past, he didn't stand in the team, not only because he was an emperor, but also a clever and deep-rooted man. Moreover, because he still had the guise of His Majesty, he could refuse Sigu and The Empress Dowager's envelope! But now ... Grandson told his grandfather a word of heart: Chu Junruo, no matter which side wins, I'm afraid Your Majesty ... Even if Xue Xiang doesn't care about his self-proclaimed 'loyal king' in the history books, he sits in danger. Evaluation, he must also consider how to continue to hold on without this guise! "

If the Jiang family wins the battle for the monarch, the emperor's life will surely be unsustainable. After all, the Empress Dowager Gu regency was because her son was the emperor-the Jiang family who had long been annoyed by the Empress Dowager, would surely choose to let King Qi ascend the throne as soon as possible, embrace the power of victory, and kill the Gu family in the name of the new monarch!

Even if the candidate on the Queen Mother's side wins the crown prince, the emperor will not be better! Even if the Empress Dowager did not kill her own flesh and blood, she would not mind letting her son abdicate and even abolish him! Husband and wife together, so Queen Jiang naturally did not end well!

All in all, the powers of Empress Dowager Gu, Empress Jiang, and the daughter-in-law are based on the fact that the emperor is their son or husband. Once the emperor is no longer, and the new monarch is not theirs, they will not have the opportunity to continue to control the political affairs!

In this case, relying on the banner of "loyal monarch", the neutral party, which is not affected by the second post, will not wait for the winner to clear it up!

Qin Guogong said, "According to you, Xue Chang is more likely to choose the Queen Mother? At least the Queen Mother will not hurt her life."

Jiang Yashuang shook his head and said, "Not necessarily! After all, the King Qi selected by the fourth aunt is the eldest son! When Xue Xiang pulled down this banner and declined the fourth aunt and the queen mother to solicit, but he raised the ancient system! The ancient system is not Is there a stand, no stand? "

In fact, Xue Chang was also rushed by the lobbyists who were sent by the second and the second queens. They took their hearts to the side and declared that they were ancient advocates. Those who have been courtiers since ancient times are loyal to the emperor, not the queen or queen -Yeah, Xue Chang is an Emperor Party! So do n’t come to draw me in. People who have been emperors in my life will be ghosts of emperors!

... If you change the emperor, he will be destroyed by the queen party or queen party. But the Majesty's Cowardly Index was too high to support him at all! So both Queen Mother Gu and Queen Jiang smiled at the Emperor Party, and put all of them into the Neutral Party-anyway, the Emperor Party would not be angry, and the Emperor Party would be useless!

Back to the topic, although Xue Chang's words were spoken in a hurry, many people knew it. Then the problem came. He wanted to stand on the side of the queen mother in the battle between Chu and Jun, which was tantamount to denying that he had previously vowed to "advocate the ancient system"!

Although it is normal to say that the politician's mouth is yellow, Xue Chang claimed that "advocating the ancient system" was a footnote for defining himself as the Emperor Party. If he denies this advocacy ... it is also an indirect denial of his loyalty to the Emperor!

In Xue Chang's position, both fame and fortune have been obtained, and there are also good juniors under the knee. This will no longer be considered as a position of power but as a back road—and evaluated by history books.

"Taking Xue Chang as a person, it's really not easy to get through this level." Qin Guogong thought for a moment, and nodded, "But he is not a pedantic person, so it's hard to say before." Shen Yin said, " This matter is still in a hurry, let's not talk about it. Did you bring your homework today? Check it out with me. "

Jiang Yashuang had long been ready to take out a large roll of rice paper from his sleeve and present it.

Qin Guogong took it, spread it on the desk, and after reading it carefully, he showed a hint of satisfaction, and called him to the side, pointed to a few places that can be modified, but sighed at the end: "In your generation, you have to talk about talent, in fact, Dan isn't worse than you. I taught him to paint red at first, and I learned even faster than you! "

Jiang Yashuang smiled helplessly: "My noble is ... sex. Be anxious, not very seated."

"He was spoiled!" Sure enough, Qin Guogong's face quickly cooled down. "It's all blame your mother! It's not her one who has been separated from her husband for many years in this world. No one else can bear it, she refuses. Affected by this grievance, I ’m going to reunite with your father in Beijiang! I ’ll go there too, but I will spoil Dan, and I ca n’t bear his past bitter cold—I said it at the time, and I will give it to you Grandmother! It is a matter of course to be a grandmother's raising grandson. Secondly, although your grandmother is not a relative, she is the grandmother of the late Tao Gong!

"Even though the Tao family ca n’t produce any descendants, the glory of the family is" a seven-entry scholar, and father and son three prime ministers. " It ’s better than this Manchu culture! ”

"Why she is so foolish! After listening to your aunt's challenge, I thought your grandmother was so stern, and entrusted Dan to the big room! The result is good, the big room is indeed not harsh at all. Seeds are petted into waste that can only cause flowers! "

Jiang Yashuang quietly listened to his grandfather's complaints, and half a while whispered softly: "In fact, the uncle is really worried, grandfather, you hurt him far better than his three uncles, his uncles, and uncles."

When Qin Guogong heard his words stunned and smiled bitterly for a while, he waved weakly: "I'm tired, you go, remember not to slack off."

The ancestors and grandchildren both knew clearly that Qin Guogong yelled at Mrs. Zhuang. In fact, the real nephew Jiang Tianyu was to be scolded—but the kindness of Jiang Qianshan, Jiangxian's father, was read. Qin Guogong could not curse this nephew. At the exit, I can only be angry at my wife who is bewildered by the Jiang Tianshou couple ...

Jiang Yashuang came to the door, and Qin Guogong shouted again: "Officially go to Qiu family to propose a marriage, you tell your grandmother, let her do it for you ... this matter is settled, you can also concentrate on the book Stop being distracted! "

"Yes!" Jiang Yashuang hurriedly promised, "Grandchild must be ready for the exam, and he will never let his grandfather down!"

"Come on!" Qin Guogong sighed lonely, looking at his still childish face.

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