Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 692: You can live 50 more years

Zhang Jinzhong held back his inner excitement and said to Lu Yu: "I will go in and meet a few chiefs later, don't be too cautious, just let it go, and show your truest side. They don't like to make use of others. "

Lu Yu smiled and said, "It's just right. I don't like to dress like that. It's good to be myself."

The sun jumped out of the eastern horizon, the car turned up a low mountain, and drove along the mountain road to a manor halfway up the mountain.

After driving not far, just after turning a turn, a checkpoint appeared in front of him.

The two of them handed over their certificates, and the soldiers on guards checked that there was no problem before they saluted and let them go.

After passing two consecutive levels ahead, the car finally drove halfway up the mountain.

The line of sight is suddenly clear, and a large building surrounded by mountains and rivers is located in front.

Lu Yu looked through the car window. There were secret guards in many hidden places. The security measures here were very strict.

Of course, compared to Long Lao's residence in the backyard of the Forbidden City Palace wall, this place is still a bit short.

But among the security measures in the country, it is also one of the best!

Seeing Lu Yu looking around curiously, Zhang Jinzhong explained to him: "This is a nursing home built specifically for these retired heads of the older generation. Most of the people living in it are the first leaders. There are our headquarters and high-level officials. Yes, they are also the founders of the country."

Lu Yu nodded slightly, and followed in awe.

These elders paid a lot at the beginning, until they voluntarily gave up all their glory, returned to the mountains and forests, and lived a simple life.

The real name of the scholar of the country!

Lu Yu felt ashamed of himself.

In the face of these elders who have no desires and desires and only think about the prosperity of the country, he is still far behind.

The car drove slowly into the nursing home in the manor and stopped under a locust tree.

At the door, there was a guard waiting long ago. When Zhang Jinzhong and Lu Yu got off the car, they immediately ran to salute: "Hello, two chiefs!"

Zhang Jinzhong looked at him with a smile, and asked cordially, "How has the old leader been? Are you up?"

The other party nodded and said: "The old chief has always been fine. He got up early in the morning, but now he has some inconveniences in his legs and feet, and several chiefs can't walk by themselves. Because we are used to it, we still push them every day and walk around the yard for a long time. , Take a breath of fresh air outside."

Zhang Jinzhong's face was full of melancholy, and he sighed inwardly: "It's really time to be unforgiving!"

"This, it must be Master Lu Yu, right?" The guard turned to Lu Yu and asked excitedly.

"It's me!" Lu Yu answered with a smile, "Do you know me?"

The guard chuckled: "Last night, I watched TV with a few chiefs. I saw you on TV! Because of this, the chief wanted to see you."

Lu Yu nodded, it was because of this!

No wonder several old chiefs suddenly wanted to see him.

Originally, Lu Yu thought it was because of this action that several old leaders admired him after learning about it, so he came to summon it specially.

Now it seems that I think too much. People only saw him because they were happy to watch TV.

Lu Yu's nose silently awkwardly, but the old man summoned, no matter what the reason, he had to come over.

"Let's go, don't let the old chief just wait, let's go in and see you!" Zhang Jinzhong said.

The guards led the way and led Zhang Jinzhong and Lu Yu to the rest area.

This rest is a relatively large room with various entertainment facilities.

Those retired leaders are engaged in recreational activities inside.

Some people practice calligraphy and painting, and several people play cards in groups. There are several people in the corner, singing and hanging out.

In a huge entertainment room, there is a badminton court and a table tennis table. At the end of the room is dedicated to watching TV. A classic war film "Tunnel War" is playing inside. Several old leaders sit together and watch With relish.

Those years were also their unforgettable youth!

Leading the two of them all the way to the room where the TV is placed.

Standing at the door, the guard shouted: "Several chiefs, I will bring the people you want to meet."

Zhang Jinzhong couldn't restrain his excitement, and rushed into the room to salute vigorously, "How are you several chiefs!"

The eyes of the old men collectively shifted from the TV, but they didn't look at him, as if he was just a pile of air.

Turning his head tremblingly, he looked at Lu Yu who was standing upright at the door.

"Young man, you... did you sing on TV yesterday?" an old man asked.

"Yes, chief!" Lu Yu saluted quickly.

"Are you composing those two songs yourself?" an old man next to him asked.

"Yes!" Lu Yu nodded again.

In the next second, several old men all leaned on their wheelchairs and stood up excitedly.

This shocked Zhang Jinzhong and the guards, and rushed over to help a few people.

"Don't move!" Several old men shouted in a low voice: "We are still that old!"

"We want to salute this young man...!"

The old people struggled to stand trembling as if they could fall down at any time.

However, they still tried their best to straighten their rickety bodies and lifted their right hands towards Lu Yu.

At this moment, Lu Yu was full of enthusiasm, and he also held his chest high, paying respect to the four elders in front of him.


Zhang Jinzhong and the guards were shocked beyond reply.

In their hearts, the status of these four elders is too important, how high is their status?

Most people are not worthy of them.

Although Lu Yu is very good, he is second to none among the younger generation, but he is still too far away from these four!

It seems impossible to salute the younger of this kind of younger generation.

But the facts in front of them, the four elders did just that, and they were still very solemnly saluting.

Make yourself look younger!

The four elders put down their hands, and their faces reappeared with smiles: "Hehe, lad, we old guys salute you, you don’t need it! Your song last night brought us many memories of our youth, this is We should thank you."

Lu Yu held up his head and said: "The chiefs have exalted me too much, but just a few songs, and they are not worth mentioning in front of the chiefs! You are the real heroes of this country. Back then, if you didn't save your country In peril, it is impossible to have everything I have today."

Several old men looked at Lu Yu in surprise and couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Jinzhong watched this scene in amazement.

In his impression, it seemed that he hadn't seen it in a long time, and several chiefs had laughed like this.

What the four old people showed to others was always rigorous and severe. .

And it's really rare to see such a happy smile today.

The guard shouted happily: "Several chiefs, smile more, smile more! Smile for less than ten years, you can live another fifty years!"

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