Lu Yu had already sneaked under the glass wall.

His body is like a spider, firmly clinging to the wall, just avoiding the cameras on both sides of his head.

Staring at the girl's corpse not far from the ground, Lu Yu exuded a terrifying and tyrannical aura.

"Damn! Bastard! I promise you don't even want to leave alive!"

Lu Yu clenched his teeth, eyes bursting with fire.


The next second, he turned around and jumped quickly, and at the moment when the camera didn't capture it, he jumped high.

The mucus secreted quickly from the fingers of both hands, and he took his body firmly to the smooth glass wall.

Like Spider-Man possessed, he crawled up quickly.

Inside the mall building.

The Red Queen probed slightly and looked at the girl's body in the clearing downstairs through the window, but no guards around dared to approach it.

The charming and enchanting face was full of smiles and triumphant expressions: "What inviolable? Just like this, it's really vulnerable!"

After speaking, he twisted his plump **** and turned around and returned to the shop.

"There are four minutes left, if there is no reply there, keep throwing!"

The Red Queen confessed lightly, and then stretched, showing enchanting curves, leaning back on the sofa and continuing to watch TV.

"Yes!" his subordinate shouted.

Everyone in the mall curled up together, shivering, and everyone's eyes were full of extreme panic.

No one knows whether he will be the next one.

But they still have a firm belief in their hearts that they will never be abandoned!

the other side.

Lu Yu moved quickly, climbing all the way up the glass.

At the beginning, he couldn't control his body well, it was swaying like a gecko walking.

Those who saw him below were also terrified, for fear that Lu Yu would fall off accidentally and not follow the little girl's footsteps.

However, after the initial discomfort, Lu Yu became more and more proficient in his movements and gradually mastered his body.

The output of mucus on his hands was gradually controlled.

Lu Yu also discovered that not only his hands but also the pores of any part of his body can see mucus.

His body can cling to the glass wall in all directions, even if it is blocked by clothes.

Next, Lu Yu started using his hands and feet together, rushing to the top of the building faster and faster.

Five minutes later, he was close to the top of a dozen-storey building.

During the climb, Lu Yu also used super eagle eyes to observe the situation in the building.

As long as he finds a mercenary, he will move and evade in time and jump over the next piece of glass to avoid being spotted.

Thousands of eyes were watching Lu Yu in the square under the mall building.

Seeing that he was about to successfully reach the summit, the crowd burst into cheers!

"Oh my God! This Longguo is so powerful, he actually climbed more than ten floors of buildings with his bare hands!"

"Come on Longguo people, you are good!"

"Spiderman from the East, rush in and kill all the bad guys!"

Not only the ordinary people, but the media reporters were also very excited and immediately ordered the camera to take pictures of Lu Yu's vigorous posture.

Some reporters even started a live broadcast on the spot to broadcast this Spider-Man from Dragon Kingdom to the world.

The security guards at the scene rushed over and blocked their camera.

"Sorry, everyone! Please close the live broadcast, because the people in the building may also be watching the live broadcast, so that the hero will be discovered!"

A local major shouted: "Once they know it, they will put more innocent people in danger! So, please cooperate. For the safety of the people inside and the hero, please don't broadcast it for the time being."

After hearing this, the reporters expressed their understanding. After all, they didn't want Lu Yu to be discovered, so they would give up all their efforts.

"We only take pictures of him, can we not broadcast it?" a reporter asked.

The major nodded: "The video is okay. I believe everyone doesn't want to see it. If something happens, our hero will not be put in danger."

All media have closed the live broadcast function.

Turn on the camera to record and record this shocking scene.

After half a minute, Lu Yu successfully climbed to the top of the building and disappeared from the public's sight.

At the scene, everyone prayed silently for him.

And the people on the A team side are serious about preparing for action.

He Chenguang said coldly to the watch: "There are two minutes left, they will throw people again. This is enough for the captain to rush in! Now, the countdown starts. After two minutes, I will kill the guy who pushed the person. Prepare, I believe the captain should act at that time."


Everyone shouted in low voices.

Zhuang Yan waved his hand, and everyone followed him, quickly approaching the entrances of the building.

With a sniper rifle on his back, He Chenguang climbed alone on the roof of the next building. After setting up the sniper position, he locked onto the opposite building.

As long as someone on the opposite side dared to show up, he would be shot.

the other side.

Turning to the top of the building, Lu Yu immediately found two guards from the Red Devil guarding the stairs.

The moment Lu Yu saw them, the two also found Lu Yu.

The two well-trained people did not hesitate to raise their guns to shoot But Lu Yu was faster than them, and the first time he went upstairs, he fully deployed his high-speed ability.

Whoosh, like a gust of wind, he rushed to the top of the stairs in the blink of an eye.

The two of them couldn't even aim, so they were hit in the chest by two fists that were like cannonballs.

Bang bang.

They flew upside down quickly and hit the wall, their bones all over as if they were crushed.

Lu Yu strode forward without giving them a chance at all, hitting the head directly with the **** of the rifle.

The shot was full of anger, and the gun was lowered, and their heads cracked like a ripe watermelon.

Lu Yu was immediately splashed with blood, and he couldn't die anymore.

Without even looking at them, Lu Yu rushed down the stairs.

The spider senses are fully dispersed, and after upgrading to the pinnacle level, the entire commercial building is easily included in his perception.

In an instant, a huge amount of information was quickly fed back to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu clearly grasped where the Red Devil’s people were, and where the trapped people were.

In his mind, it was like a three-dimensional panoramic map of the entire building.

Looking at the watch, there is only one minute left, and it's the second person's turn.

Before he could think about other things, Lu Yu rushed down the stairs quickly until he reached the fourth floor before running out of the stairs.

He already knew where the Red Devil's people were hiding.

At the same time as he rushed out, he didn't need to look at the position, and he fired at the position where the personnel were.

Bang bang.

After a dull gunshot, five unprepared guards were instantly beaten into sieves.

Their bodies were like mud, slipping along the corner of the wall, bleeding all over the ground.

Until he died, he didn't understand who killed him.

Lying on the ground, staring intently.

Madly dead!

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