Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 675: It's like killing pigs in my hometown

Chapter 666

Lu Yu led the team all the way, quickly approaching Xiang Pa Song’s camp.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, they crossed a 40-kilometer mountain road and arrived near the Yingzhai.

Standing in the distance, Lu Yu turned on Super Hawkeye to observe, and quickly found out all the hidden whistle, and quickly marked on the paper.

Calling the backbone of the recruits, Lu Yu spread out the drawings and displayed them in front of them, pointing to the markings on them: "Look, remember every position on this. These are hidden secret posts. The task of clearing the secret posts will be handed in. Here you are."

"Don't make any noise, otherwise, you will start to stun the snake. Even if you shoot, you must add a silencer. You can't let the secret whistle have a chance to scream, and you must kill them all silently."

After that, Lu Yu looked at everyone: "You are the best among them, and the commanders of the squad. This action is to test your abilities! Don’t let me down, and don’t let your hard training go to waste. Let your subordinates look down! Understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted sternly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Yang Junyu and the others took a deep breath and immediately went back to their team to select people.

In a short while, a team of about 30 people was selected and divided into groups of four to set off.

The large forces were still waiting on the spot, waiting for these secret guards to be cleared, and then unified operations.

Lu Yu was still a little worried. After all, it was the first time they acted. It is hard to guarantee that no one would be stiff and accidentally occurred.

Once one person makes a mistake, this assault operation fails, and the drug dealers are alert, and they will be unable to move.

They told Zhuang Yan that they were staying and optimistic about everyone, and Lu Yu led He Chenguang and the others and quickly followed.

Of course, they didn't show up, just followed each team from a distance and observed in secret.

Some team found an accident. With the marksmanship of people like Lu Yu, it was easy to get everything done from a distance.

Yang Junyu's team took the lead to approach a outpost in the camp halfway up the mountain.

The two guards under the outpost were chatting, and there was a person on the outpost leaning on a machine gun, smoking a cigarette alone.

Yang Junyu and the others were hidden in the grass. He waved his hand and motioned everyone to squat down and get close to them, not to be exposed.

When they arrived at a suitable shooting location, the four of them fitted the muzzle with silencers, and everything went silently.

Lu Yu, who observed this scene from a distance, nodded slightly.

Relying on the outpost and being halfway up the mountain, the drug dealers will have a good view.

This situation is still in broad daylight, and it is difficult for Yang Junyu and others to approach the past silently without being noticed.

Long-range sniping is the best way!

Puff puff!

After a few silent gunshots, the three guards of the outpost were successfully hit by a single shot and fell to the ground.


Yang Junyu drank low, and the four of them got out of the grass and quickly approached.

After arriving in the past, they drew out the dagger according to Lu Yu's explanation, and patched everyone's chest.

It was confirmed that the three of them could not die anymore, and then they proceeded to the next target point again.

After Yang Junyu they killed the first wave of dark whistle, the Zhang energy group on the other side was also led by him, Wang Xiaowei La Qiangdong and Huang Xiaomeng followed closely behind.

The four approached quietly to a secret post.

Lie in the grass, with all his body hidden inside, slowly creeping closer to the secret whistle.

There were also three drug dealers at this checkpoint, smoking cigarettes together, and laughing loudly from time to time.

The four people watched quietly for a while, and Zhang Nengli lowered his voice: "Beside this, there is another checkpoint. We can't use guns! Everyone took out the daggers, and we rushed to make a quick battle!"

The other three trembled, their pupils slightly dilated.

Fighting in close quarters is completely different from the experience of shooting a gun at a distance.

Seeing a person dying in front of him at close range, or he killed it by himself, is too strong.

When they think about it, they sweat in cold sweat and their complexion becomes pale.

Seeing the three people look like this, Zhang Energy drank in a low voice: "What are you hesitating now? There is no time, come on! When they find us, it will be too late!"

Wang Xiaowei and La Qiangdong gritted their teeth and pulled out their daggers from their waists.

Although Huang Xiaomeng was frightened, she could think of not harassing her comrades, and tremblingly pulled out the dagger.


Zhang Nengli waved his hand.

Wang Xiaowei La Qiangdong and Huang Xiaomeng rushed out, and rushed towards the three guards in a training manner.

The three of them didn't realize that there were people hidden in the grass beside them.

Without rushing back to God from the sudden change, he was thrown to the ground.

The three of Wang Xiaowei stubbornly covered their mouths, puffed and puffed three times, and wiped their necks with sharp daggers, just like killing a chicken.

The three guards struggled twice and lay motionless on the ground.

Zhang Nengli followed, and saw the three of them all dead, and then patted the shoulders of the three teammates who were panting violently.

"Let's go, people are already dead, go elsewhere!"

Huang Xiaomeng held the **** dagger in both hands, and sat trembling on the ground.

Seeing that he killed a person with his own eyes, the blood was bleeding all over the floor, and finally couldn't help but spit up beside the corpse.

La Qiangdong's face was as pale as paper, and his teeth trembled up and down: "Killing...It turns out that it was this way..."

On the contrary, Wang Xiaowei exhaled and looked very relaxed: "It looks like it's nothing! It's like killing pigs in my hometown, it doesn't feel any different!"

The same scene as this one happened between the other teams.

Ten minutes later, the secret posts hidden around the cottage were all swept away.

The teams quickly sent back messages.

At this moment, Lu Yu was lying in the grass, carefully observing the situation in the cottage.

The super eagle eye penetrates the forest barrier and reaches every corner of the camp, like a tight scanner working.

Even the secret sentry placed in any corner cannot escape his scanning and detection.


After sweeping it down two consecutive times, Lu Yu frowned.

Because, there is no more powerful team hidden here.

He was a little strange. It stands to reason that a powerful mercenary like the Red Devil should be very easy to identify, and belong to the kind of existence that can be found at the first glance of the crowd.

But in this camp, let alone the Red I didn't even find a decent mercenary squad, most of them were mobs.

Is it possible that they are not in the camp?

"Captain, have you found the Red Devil?" Wang Yanbing approached and asked in a low voice.

Lu Yu shook his head: "Chenguang, ostrich, have you noticed it?"

He Chenguang and Deng Zhenhua were hiding in two big trees, scanning the entire camp through a sniper mirror.

"No!" The two shook their heads at the same time.

Lu Yu said: "None of us found out, it seems they are not here anymore."

Xu Tianlong said solemnly: "Since there is news from the headquarters, this group of people must exist!"

Lu Yu thought for a while and said, "There are two situations. Either they haven't arrived yet, or they have left... Either way, let's leave them alone and take time to act before we catch Phrasong. , Everything is clear."

(End of this chapter)

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