Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 665: I rely on this handsome face to eat!

Chapter 656 I'm Relying On This Handsome Face To Eat!

After a fierce pursuit, most of the scouts have basically figured out the pattern.

Knowing which places are dangerous and which places are safer, will avoid dangerous places and take a safe path.

This kind of experience is summed up after the sacrifice of countless people and hitting the trap.

Although they were eliminated a lot, most of them managed to survive for an hour and finally passed the hurdle of being eliminated.

But the next road is not easy to walk. Once caught by the chasing special forces, he will still face abnormal punishment after returning.

Thousands of push-ups and sit-ups, that's a rhythm to be properly practiced!

Just thinking about it makes the scalp numb and shudder.

In order not to be punished, the remaining people ran even more desperately, all using the energy of milking, and they made themselves into Bolt.

All of them were embarrassed on the way to escape, because they couldn't take the road and could only go to those areas where no one was involved.

Many people's camouflage uniforms were torn apart by vines and branches and turned into strips to hang on their bodies.

Stumbled like a beggar and fled forward.

It can only be described as escape!

No one thinks about daring to stay to fight, and fighting those perverts is purely a brain hole.

Even if they heard a scream from a partner behind them, they couldn't turn their heads to watch the show. There was only one thought in their mind: Run!

The farther you run, the better.

One more second is wasted, one more second is dangerous!

But even if they gritted their teeth and fleeing desperately, they still couldn't get rid of those who were pursuing them.

He Chenguang and the others are like ghosts, following them all the time.

If anyone is caught, he will rush up and knock him out with a hand knife.

In terms of escape technology anyway, these scouts are like cats and mice in front of them.

It was too easy to knock them out without looking back and running.

As time goes by, the number of remaining scouts continues to decrease.

By the second hour, another three to four hundred people were eliminated!

Whenever someone catches up and is knocked out, the special forces will immediately sound the distress signal on them, and then continue to chase forward.

Puff puff!

One after another the flares were sounded.

From a distance, the mountains and plains are filled with smoke everywhere, which is spectacular.

Just when everyone was chased by Team A and fled in panic, Zhang Energy and the group, because of his command, the five of them ran smoothly.

Of course, the price is also obvious.

My feet started to hurt soon after I ran, and I walked on difficult roads, and my body was very hard to bear.

However, fortunately, the wind and the water did not encounter danger, this is the only thing I am lucky.

Huang Xiaomeng's face is a little pale, and her running feet are painful, but her expression is very excited: "Zhang Nengli, it's just right to have you lead the way. They should not be able to catch up with us, right? We can go back!"

La Qiangdong huffed his breath, and his eyes flickered with excitement: "After running for so long, it seems that it is not far from the end point, at most ten kilometers...I, I have just been able to see the camp on the top of the mountain."

"Zhang Nengli, are you okay? After participating in the selection of Team A, I came back as if I were inlaid with gold, even I can't match it!"

Yang Junyu smiled and stretched out his thumb and praised.

Zhang Nengli scratched his head: "Actually, I still have a lot to learn, but I know the tactics of these people better than you! If it's really good, I won't be eliminated."

La Qiangdong patted his energy shoulder: "Your boy has not been with us for a year, the changes are really big. You used to be like this."

Wang Xiaowei nodded solemnly: "Before the change, his tail must have been up to the sky. I think Laozi is the number one in the world! Now Zhang Nengli looks like a different person."

Zhang Nengli's face blushed: "I used to be too ignorant, and I was ashamed of myself when I think about it! Or that the army is a big dye tank and can change a person? I also feel that I have grown a lot. In the past, I It's just a big idiot!"

The others smiled at each other.

La Qiangdong opened his mouth: "Haha, you know it! Then now..."

Without finishing talking, suddenly ‘Ouch’ and Wang Xiaowei fell together.

Huang Xiaomeng, who was close to them, was also caught and fell to the ground.

Zhang energy face changed, and he rushed to grab them.

As a result, three people took them to fly together!

Huang Xiaomeng screamed, and suddenly stepped on the air and fell into a trap.

Zhang Nengli, La Qiangdong and Wang Xiaowei were also covered by a large net that fell from the tree.

Like the prey, he whizzed down and mentioned swinging in the air.

What a coincidence!

La Qiangdong's face was sat down by Wang Xiaowei who was above him and shouted on the spot: "I'm going!"

Maybe he was too nervous, Wang Xiaowei snapped a fart on La Qiangdong's face, disgusting, he almost fainted on the spot.

"Fuck! What did you eat this morning? So smelly!"

La Qiangdong's face turned green after being smoked and shouted.

Wang Xiaowei smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I ate more sweet potatoes last night, just laughed and laughed..."


La Qiangdong made a **** in his heart and said angrily: "Take care of your chrysanthemum, my face is underneath!"

Yang Junyu also rushed over at this moment, yelling anxiously: "You hold on, I'll save you!"

"Run! Run, leave us alone!"

Zhang Nengli yelled: "The special forces should be nearby, and they will be chasing after you. If you don't leave, everyone will be finished!"

Yang Junyu wanted to say something, when suddenly he heard footsteps coming from the grass and the screams of other people not far away.

Needless to say, the special forces must be chasing!

Yang Junyu gritted his teeth, and finally stomped his feet and shouted, "You promise, I'm leaving first!"

After speaking, he ran away without looking back.

"Damn! You unscrupulous fellow, let you go, really go?" La Qiangdong shouted.

Zhang Nengli sighed secretly: "Forget it, someone who can escape is better than if we are here! This is a selection. If on the real battlefield, I believe he will not leave us behind. After all, they are the battalion commander. , If you really want to be caught, you will lose your face!"

Wang Xiaowei said: "I understand that he is right to go, and I will definitely run away if he changes."

As he was talking, the bush on the opposite side moved slightly, and a group of people ran out of it.

"Hehe, it turned out to be a few veterans, don't come here unharmed!"

Looking at those familiar faces, Zhang Nengli suddenly smiled.

"Yo? Dare to be your kid!"

Seeing Zhang's energy hippie smiley face, Wang Yanbing appeared to be abusive: "You run tricky enough? Have you escaped a lot of our traps? But I didn't expect that we would set up a trap here too?"

"This shows are abnormal enough!" La Qiangdong hummed.

"Is it?"

Song Kaifei waved his fist and walked forward with a grin: "You don't even know how abnormal we are!"

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang surrounded at the same time.

La Qiangdong turned pale with fright, and shouted: "Say okay first, don't hit someone in the face! I have to rely on this handsome face to eat!"


Song Kaifei was full of playfulness and said maliciously: "In front of me, do you dare to call yourself handsome? That's right, brothers slapped this kid **** the face! See how handsome your face is after the fight! "

Bang bang bang.

The next second, three special forces rushed up, punching and kicking.

The three people in the net yelled, howling ghosts!

(End of this chapter)

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