Chapter 638

Cao Shizhu's expression changed. Seeing Ma Tianliang so nervous, he immediately realized that it was not good.

He quickly took the documents handed by the other party, and hurriedly looked through it.

However, after only reading a few pages, Cao Shizhu's face was already extremely ugly, becoming extremely solemn.

"Why does this happen?" he roared with a solemn face.

Ma Tianliang smiled bitterly: "Yesterday afternoon, I don't know who put this video on the Internet, and it was accompanied by an ulterior motive. He accused Lu Yu of using public funds to hold a luxurious wedding banquet and invited corrupt people to the party."

"In the video, a lot of high-level shots were taken, and the hotel’s high cost was exposed, and pictures of ten helicopters were even taken... These pictures were all edited together. Obviously someone did this deliberately. Distorting the facts, causing corruption."

Cao Shizhu's face was green and his fists clenched tightly.

He knew that in Lu Yu's marriage this time, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, taking pictures and recording videos had been banned.

The hotel site was also sealed off, all personnel present were subject to security checks, and the entire wedding was also monitored.

But the video still circulates, which explains everything.

The caring person has already targeted this wedding banquet.

"Chief, you are still in the video, and I will introduce you below!"

Ma Tianliang said: "There are all kinds of things, and other content is derived. Basically, they are malicious and false speculations, saying that you have an improper relationship with Lu Yu, and some say that you are Lu Yu's backstage. Give him Give out more than one million wedding gifts."

"This is groundless fabrication, too presumptuous!"

Cao Shizhu's face was gloomy and roared: "Have you checked the source of this video? Is there any news?"

Ma Tianliang nodded quickly: "It has been traced that the video IP address was sent from abroad, and the technical department is still investigating it! I came to you, just to ask what should we do next?"

These words silenced Cao Shizhu!

Lu Yu is a hero.

If this malicious video continues to ferment, it will have a great impact on his reputation.

In this case, he was stigmatized and rejected by thousands of people. Cyber ​​violence is very powerful and can completely destroy a person.

Besides being a hero?

"Does it need to be, should I close the major portals for rectification?" Ma Tianliang asked.

Cao Shizhu almost agreed, reasoning to keep him calm, and then shook his head.

"Closing the website will prevent the spread of the video, but it will also make the public feel that this is trying to cover up, and the other party will continue to attack us with topics, saying that we did this because of a guilty conscience, which will only have the opposite effect!

"What should I do now?" Ma Tianliang asked anxiously: "Will the power of public opinion continue to ferment and make them lawless?"


Cao Shizhu shot a cold light: "Lu Yu has done this for the country, and has gone through life and death for several times. He finally took a vacation with his newlywed wife. He must not let his reputation be insulted and slandered at all! Otherwise, it would be our negligence. We're sorry, does he know?"

Cao Shizhu paced back and forth anxiously, and suddenly asked Ma Tianliang, "How many people are there on your hands?"

Ma Tianliang thought for a while and said: "Adding network technicians across the country, there are probably around five or six thousand!"

"Okay, let them go and let them act immediately. At this critical moment, someone must stand up and speak for Lu Yu."

Cao Shizhu solemnly shouted.

"What are we talking about?" Ma Tianliang asked.

"Don't say anything, don't argue with the navy, and announce Lu Yu's achievements to the public. How much has he done for the country!"

Cao Shizhu took the initiative and said coldly: "As long as we say this, netizens will naturally join us. Although there are naval forces and spouts on the Internet, they are only a small part of them. I believe that most people in our country still Understand the truth and will not be used by people with ulterior motives."

"They know what Lu Yu has done, so they will definitely choose the right side!"

"Okay, I immediately order to let the technical staff unite all the experts they know to operate together."

Ma Tian pointed out: "We are all professional information technology teams. Dealing with these navy and network spies, we can definitely defeat them!"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!" Cao Shizhu said seriously.


Ma Tianliang saluted vigorously and left quickly.

Cao Shizhu clenched his fists tightly, and his anger was about to erupt like a volcano.

After taking a few deep breaths and walking around the room a few times, I still couldn't calm down.

He felt that he was a little sorry to Lu Yu!

Before, Lu Yu helped them a lot several times and made such a great contribution to the country alone.

Now being maliciously personally attacked, I can only do something in a hurry and can't do anything.

Cao Shizhu became more angry the more he thought about it. He grabbed the desk phone and yelled at the secretary: "Immediately summon the leaders of various departments to the conference room. I will chair it personally. Let's fight a battle, a battle that will truly be won!"

Fifteen minutes later, the leaders of each department quickly gathered in the conference room.

Cao Shizhu arrived with the deputy minister and chief of staff. From his extremely stern expression, everyone felt that something must have happened.

Looking around the audience coldly, Cao Shizhu said: "A major event has happened on the Internet today. Our hero of the flood fighting, the creator of the two songs "The Motherland Will Not Forget" and "The Green Flower in the Army", is Experience a terrible cyber violence!"

"At his wedding, someone who wanted to sneak in sneaked in and took pictures, and put him on the Internet to call him a moth and scum of the army. He held a luxury wedding with the people's anointing from the common people and made excessive consumption. Even his whole family was cursed and insulted! "

Although no name was mentioned, everyone present knew who it was.

As a senior, I couldn't be more familiar with what Lu Yu had done during this period.


Cao Shizhu slammed a fist on the table: "Now our technical department is under a full investigation. We will never allow our heroes to be slandered or personally insulted by such rumors and personal insults. It is bound to cause them to pay a heavy price for Internet sprayers!"

"In the last flood fight, it was precisely because Lu Yu and his troops parachuted into the fog-filled disaster area regardless of the danger of their lives, they were able to move the disaster-affected people who were in danger before the flood arrived! Moreover, Lu Yu was himself. As a teacher, I am willing to be the first to take the plunge and guide everyone in the coordinate direction."

"It was him who completed the arduous task of burying explosives and draining the flood alone! It was also him who took the lead in jumping into the rolling Yangtze River, and used his body to forge the Great Wall of human flesh to withstand the flood..."

"Without him, this sudden flood will inevitably inundate the homes of thousands of people downstream, causing immeasurable property losses, and countless people will die in the flood! He is what we deserve. Hero!"

Cao Shizhu's voice shook the world, and the entire ceiling was buzzing and shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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