Chapter 633 Old Man Long Gives Gifts (3)

Another day later, a lieutenant colonel in the army drove a brand new Mercedes-Benz G, and by the way gave the keys to An Dapan.

An Dapan has never driven such a luxurious car before. He was only envious of others before.

With the car keys now, I can’t wait to sleep in the car tonight.

Neighbors and colleagues who are close to each other all rushed over to watch. Such a luxurious Mercedes-Benz G is still the first in their community!

With envy on everyone's face, they took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the cars.

The car is not theirs, but they are familiar with Lao An, which does not prevent you from going to the circle of friends to install a wave.

The sixth day.

It was the last day of Lu Yu's wedding.

Settling down, a few men in suits and leather collars suddenly came.

"Excuse me, does Lu Yu live here?" a leading middle-aged man asked with a smile standing at the door.

"Yes, here!"

Ann Pershing hurried out. Could it be that someone came to give gifts again?

In the past two days, there has been an endless stream of people who have come to give gifts, and An Dapan’s hands are softened, but he is still happy.

"Are you friends of my son-in-law?"

An Dapan opened the security door with a smile on his face, and looked at these very well-dressed people.

I muttered in my heart, if you dress so well, should you give it a gift?

Looking at the leading man in the suit, his eyes almost lighted up.

The middle-aged leader smiled and said, "We are not, but we are here to give gifts to Mr. Lu on behalf of his friends!"


The smile on An Dapan's face became more cheerful when he heard the gift.

His eyes looked around on the group of people, wanting to see what the gift was.

Of course, he didn't kindly ask directly, so he said, "What kind of friend is he?"

The middle-aged in the suit smiled slightly and waved behind him, and two people immediately brought two things up.

The first gift is a character, the font is very arrogant and domineering, the pen is a dragon and snake, and it is impossible to write such a good character without years of knowledge.

However, An Dapan does not seem to be interested in such elegant objects as calligraphy and painting.

After all, it's just a small commoner, he will like something more.

For example, the Mercedes-Benz delivered yesterday...

So I took a look, a little disappointed, and looked at another gift.

This is a piece of jade pendant, warm and green, placed in a high-end box, it seems worthwhile.

However, compared with the precious things that other people give away these days, it's a bit out of the way.

It seems that this friend of the son-in-law is not very rich either!

An Dapan thought lightly in his heart.

"Is Mr. Lu here? I want to give it to him personally." The middle-aged in a suit said.

"Hehe, just call me, I am his old husband, and I will collect the gifts for him." An Dapan smiled.

The middle-aged man in a suit shook his head: "Mr. Lu's friend told me that the gift must be delivered to him personally."

An Dapan was taken aback for a moment, his brows wrinkled without a trace. The gift from his son-in-law was not big, and it was not too small.

At this moment, Lu Yu walked over from the living room and immediately recognized who this man was when he saw the middle-aged man in a suit.

Last time I met in Lao Long's room, but it was Lao Long's secretary.

Lu Yu immediately stepped forward and respectfully saluted: "Good leader!"

Secretary Long laughed and said, "Master Lu, it’s good if you are here. I will not be able to complete my mission without seeing you! This is a wedding gift from Long Lao and Commander-in-Chief, respectively. The two heads asked me to take a sentence. Then, I wish our national heroes an early son, and a hundred years of harmony."

"Thank you for the love of the two leaders!" Lu Yu was full of excitement.

Next to him, An Dapan saw something was wrong, it seemed that this person was higher than his son-in-law.

Also, who are they talking about? It looks even more important...

Quietly pulling on Lu Yu's sleeve, An Dapan asked, "Son-in-law, who is this chief?"

Lu Yu lowered his voice: "That's what you often see on TV every day, that old Long!"


An Dapan softened his legs and sat on the ground, his face sluggish and messy.

I rely on!

Old Long gave a picture to his son-in-law? Was he even disgusted?

An Dapan wanted to slap himself.

Actually so ignorant.

Dare to love this is the most precious of all gifts!

After receiving the gift from the other party, Lu Yu exchanged a few words with each other, and Lu Yu personally sent them away.

When he came back to the house, he found that An Dapan's legs were still trembling, as if he was suffering from Parkinson's.

Not only her, but Wu Xiangjun's eyes widened, staring straight at the words and jade pendant in front of him, as if he were dreaming and unreal.

For ordinary people like them, it is a great blessing to be able to look at Old Long.

Some people, after shaking hands with Old Long, are reluctant to wash them off when they go back.

This shows that Long Lao's position in the hearts of the people.

Now, Elder Long gave their son-in-law a gift personally. How could they not be shocked?

This kind of treatment, let alone a Mercedes-Benz big G, ten cars can't compare with a hundred cars!

"Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu is really promising..."

An agile Wu Xiangjun, his words also shuddered: "In our community, we can't find anyone who is more talented than Xiao Lu!"

"You old lady, don't talk if you can't speak!"

An Dapan said angrily: "What kind of community? No people in our entire city and province are more talented than Xiao Lu! Let Long Lao and Commander-in-Chief personally give gifts, who is so lucky?"

"In the past, it is a gift from the royal court. The gift from the emperor and the prince is a gift that anyone can get. Ordinary people get this treatment? Even the county guard and the governor can't receive such a good gift. !"

An Dapan said with excitement: "No, I want to enshrine these two gifts, especially this pair of characters, with the name and seal of Lao Long! Priceless treasure, this is a priceless treasure, no more money, I It must be framed as an heirloom."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Dad, if you like, just take it."


An Dapan widened his eyes in shock: "No, you, you really want to give it to me? This is from Old Long!"

Lu Yu shrugged: "It's okay. When I see Lao Long later, it's fine to ask him for a copy. If you like this, I will give it to you."

An Dapan didn't react at once, and swallowed his saliva before asking, "You...can you still see Old Long again?"


Lu Yu nodded and said nothing.

Before An Dapan could reply, An Ran grinned and said, "Dad, accept what Lu Yu gave you! I haven't told you that he was summoned by Old Long before, and he is fighting the flood with the commander in chief."

"In addition, the special forces division was personally awarded to him by Mr. Long to form. Therefore, in the future, he will definitely have the opportunity to see Mr. Long. Don't worry about him!"

(End of this chapter)

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