Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 620: Defraud the black cat to trust

Chapter 611

Lu Yu suddenly admired Zhang Haiyan.

This is the greatness of maternal love, willing to give up everything for my daughter!

Of course, only limited to her mother's identity, Lu Yu didn't have a cold with Zhang Haiyan.

Lu Yu smiled faintly, "Ye Cunxin is blessed to have a mother like you. Okay, I will help you in."

"help me?"

Zhang Haiyan was surprised for a while: " do you help me?"

Lu Yu said: "If you just go in like this, the black cat will definitely suspect that you can't survive by his means. I don't want Ye Cunxin's parents to die after tonight! So, I will help you."

"But how can you help me?" Zhang Haiyan was still puzzled.

"Of course I will accompany you in."

Lu Yu grinned.


Zhang Haiyan's expression changed, and she hurriedly shook her head: "If you let the black cat see you, you will not be able to live even more! The black cat won't trust other people. My death can be exchanged for the peace of mind and life, and it is worth it."

"Captain Lu, thank you for your kindness. My life is no longer important. If I didn't take care of Cun Xin these years, I should pay for my actions!"

Zhang Haiyan looked dim and sincerely thanked Lu Yu.

"Listen to me finishing up!"

Lu Yu smiled and pointed to the two people on the ground: "What if I make up them to go in? Will the black cat still doubt it?"

Zhang Haiyan stared at Lu Yu blankly, shook her head and said, " is this possible? They are so close to the black cat. If it weren't for them, you would find flaws at a glance. Even if the black cat can't recognize it, people around him would recognize it. Come out!"

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about it. Since I made this decision, I must be sure." Lu Yu smiled and shrugged.

In addition, Lu Yu had his own plan when he entered.

He was ready to go in just now, and now, just take advantage of this opportunity.

Walking over and squatting down, Lu Yu looked at the mole coldly and said, "Give you a chance to confess everything you know. When I do something, you will regret not saying it earlier!"

Mole was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and sneered, "Do you think I was threatened to grow up? There is no one in K2. Even if you take all my bones apart, I will never reveal a word! "

The other guy spit out **** saliva with a proud face: "Yes, there are no cowards in k2, and you won't live long if we die! And I bet you will die 10,000 times more painful than us."

These two guys are very spine-sounding and go to death.

Lu Yu curled his mouth and sneered, "Okay, since you have such a backbone, you would rather die than be loyal to the black cat, then I can fulfill you."

Put your hands on top of the two people's heads, and powerful brain waves are instantly transmitted into their brains, and the perception of everything is activated.

The bodies of the two of them resembled a sheep having a seizure, and they trembled violently, their eyes rolled.

Lu Yu's perception of everything is already very strong now, even though the two of them have strong willpower, they have no resistance and gradually lose consciousness.

And the more resistance, the greater their pain.

After half a minute, Lu Yu released his hand, and the two of them were completely controlled by him.

"What is your name?" Lu Yu asked lightly.

"My name is Mole!" Mole replied with dull eyes.

The other followed: "My name is frog."


Zhang Haiyan was beside her as if she had seen a ghost, covering her mouth unbelievably.

She was shocked in her heart, and she didn't understand what method the other party used to make these two guys speak honestly.

The black cat's end to those who betrayed him is extremely harsh and terrifying, and it is almost impossible for him to report to his family willingly.

But in front of him, Lu Yu just touched their heads, and it was easy.

It's incredible!

Seeing the two guys finally be honest, Lu Yu nodded in satisfaction: "What does the black cat tell you to come out for?"

"The boss let us go over and see why the warehouse hasn't moved yet!" Mole replied blankly.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed, and the answer was almost the same as he had guessed.

"Where is the biochemical device hidden?" Lu Yu asked the most critical link.

In an instant, everyone's spirits became tense, and this was their ultimate goal.

"Just in the basement of the resort hotel, there are K2 elites guarding, a total of thirty people!" Mole replied.

"How can I detonate this thing?" Lu Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Free fall, you can fall from more than five meters, touch the lead to activate the self-exposure device, there is another method, remotely detonate it. There is a chip hidden in the device, which can be remotely controlled, and the chip is networked. Connect to the Internet anywhere in the world and it will start blasting..."

Mole confessed verbatim.

Everyone present was stunned.

If it weren't for the Mole to say this, it would be really dangerous this time!

Next, Lu Yu continued to ask some relevant details before knocking them out.

Taking off his backpack, Lu Yu looked through the tools and made two human skin masks according to the two people except the mole.

Later, he made the same mask based on the photo of Secretary Lin sent by Cao Shizhu.

They called Wang Yanbing and Xu Tianlong to follow him, and called An Ran.

Putting on the human skin masks made by Lu Yu, and giving the three of them a little make-up, their appearance suddenly changed drastically.

Next, Lu Yu himself turned into a mole.

"How about? Do we still recognize it?" Lu Yu smiled and looked at Zhang Haiyan.

At this moment, Zhang Haiyan was shocked and could not say a word.

Where is makeup?

It's just transfiguration!

Exactly the same as the previous four.

Especially Secretary Lin, who is pretending to be An Ran, this woman has been with Zhang Haiyan for many years, and she is most familiar with her.

But now, she put her eyes closer to her, no matter how she looked, she was the ‘Secretary Lin’ she knew, so vivid!

Even An Ran's voice was exactly the same as Secretary Lin's, and there was almost no flaw.

If I didn't know in advance, I thought that Secretary Lin would stand in front of him.

"It's too similar, just like the one carved out of a mold! It's also amazing, flawless..."

Zhang Haiyan shook her head incredulously: "Secretary Lin has been with me for so many years, I can't recognize it. The black cat can see it, then hell!"

" is ready."

Lu Yu looked at the sky, it was less than an hour before dawn.

Immediately arrange for An Ran to be familiar with the information of Secretary Xia Lin, so as not to reveal any flaws.

"Remember, when we go in, we will accompany you to see the black cat first, and you will say that I found you, and then bring you over."

Lu Yu looked at Zhang Haiyan and said lightly: "You tell him that this side has been exposed, and you are going to take him to Tianhai Group, where is the safest."

"He will believe it."

Zhang Haiyan nodded and said that he understood: "The black cat now is completely frightened. With you help me, it should be no problem to cheat his trust."

"it is good."

Lu Yu's eyes were cold: "You get the black cat, and then leave the biochemical device to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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