Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 614: Fire Phoenix cheerleading team is online

At the same time that Lu Yu led his team to set off, the female Phoenix soldiers had already finished their makeup and turned into cheerleaders from a certain country.

The girls wore cheerleading uniforms, showed good figures, and took a sightseeing bus to Jiangxin Island Resort.

As the game day approaches, the Jiangxin Island Resort is extremely lively at this time, but the k2 members will definitely become more vigilant.

Anyone entering the resort will be closely monitored by them.

But a group of young and beautiful women will let them relax subconsciously.

This is the natural advantage of women.

Men can't do it.

After all, facing a group of delicate and weak women, it is difficult to be vigilant.

Who would have thought that they are actually well-trained special forces?

In order to explore the situation inside the resort, Fire Phoenix is ​​the most suitable candidate.

Of course, if there were no radioactive biochemical devices, Lu Yu would not do anything extra, and might directly order a storm.

But the existence of this thing made Lu Yu dare not underestimate it, so he had to find out clearly.

Most of the tourists drove all the way to the resort area. As the distance got closer, the female soldiers in the car became nervous.

Ye Cunxin held her two small hands tightly, and she felt very complicated when she thought of seeing the black cat soon, the father she had never met.

It's not excitement, but hatred of the people.

She must and can only kill the black cat, not only to give herself an explanation, but also to save the black cat.

Based on the sins committed by the other party, only death is the real relief.

If you let him live, more people will suffer.

"Everyone is ready!"

At this time, Tan Xiaolin said: "Remember our current identities. When you see a man, we must be enthusiastic. Don't let me see anyone with a cold face."

Qubi Azhuo reluctantly said: "Instructor, why should you be passionate about those men? They are criminals, and I will only be disgusted!"

Tan Xiaolin stared at her coldly: "Soldier, please remember your identity! In order to complete the mission, we can give anything and sacrifice everything. If you don't understand, you don't need to go this time."

Qubie Ajo stuck out his tongue and nodded quickly: "I know, I will behave well and won't lose the chain. Isn't it just to please men? I have learned this kind of training."

"Just know and get ready to get off." Tan Xiaolin ordered.

The bus drove slowly into the resort and stopped at the door of a luxury hotel.

The girls were already mentally prepared, and each of them was charming, twisting their buttocks, scratching their heads and getting out of the car.

When beautiful women come, they are all eye-catching scenery, let alone a group of beautiful women?

They wore cheerleaders' grass skirts, exposing straight and slender thighs, coupled with the hot body, even the waiter who came to the reception couldn't help swallowing secretly, and secretly took a second look.

"Sisters move faster, otherwise you won't be able to pick a good room later." Tan Xiaolin shouted with a smile.

"I'm coming!"

"Wait for us!"

A group of women rushed out of the car cheering.

It seems like a bird leaving the cage, talking and laughing endlessly.

The youthful and lively appearance is exactly the true nature of the cheerleading team, which fully demonstrates their profound camouflage skills.

The movement here also attracted the attention of the k2 members in the hotel, and they looked at it with cold eyes.

The curtains of the windows of some rooms opened a corner slightly, watching the new visitors secretly.

On the fifth floor, the black cat was also spying on this scene.

Seeing that it was a group of women, they didn't pay much attention, and asked casually, "Who?"

The assistant swiped the information on the tablet and reported: "According to the flight display, they are cheerleaders from Malay. There should be no problem."

The black cat nodded: "Is there any information?"


The assistant hurriedly searched, and said: "I found the information of two of them. The information is correct. There should be no problem with their identities. There are a lot of people who have stayed at the hotel in the past two days, and they are all for the World Youth Championship."

The black cat nodded and said: "In short, be careful. Although we have escaped the previous search, we must be more careful as we get behind."

"Yes!" the assistant agreed, and then asked: "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

The black cat had cold eyes and said indifferently: "When everything is arranged, I will leave immediately. This place is destined to be destroyed. I will not stay stupidly!"

Downstairs hotel lobby.

At this moment, Fire Phoenix and his party have already checked in.

Under Tang Xiaoxiao's suggestion, everyone is going to visit this hotel and ask the waiter to help send the luggage back.

The female soldiers laughed and played together, and began to visit the hotel grandiosely.

Before leaving, they had installed a miniature camera in their bag.

At the same time of the visit, the pictures he saw were transmitted to Lu Yu in real time.

While no one was paying attention, Tan Xiaolin touched his ear and whispered: "Captain, we are here."

"Continue to observe!"

Lu Yu's brief words were sent back in his ear.

Tan Xiaolin put her hair together pretendingly and turned off the headset.

Take the mouth red from the bag, wipe it against the small mirror, make sure the angle of the camera is ok, then smile, and follow the team to continue the romp tour.

The female soldiers were very active all the way, going to the backyard and then to the swimming pool.

During the period, two members of k2 pretended to be other tourists, and came to them pretendingly to strike up a conversation.

Ye Cunxin and Tang Xiaoxiao didn't care about their three-seven-ones. They went up to have a close As a result, they all provoked the anger of the two guys.

If it weren't for the task, they could not wait to drag the two chicks and go to the room to do it.

After visiting the Phoenix, the general layout and situation of the hotel's interior were all mastered by Lu Yu.

Lu Yu set up the program and let the computer automatically simulate it to generate a floor plan of the hotel.

In addition, the female soldiers captured the portraits of many people in the hotel and transmitted them at the same time.

Lu Yu used a computer to screen, find the hidden k2 members, and label them one by one.

When they set out on a mission, they are the key targets.

Hotel outdoor swimming pool.

Tan Xiaolin leaned comfortably on a bamboo wicker chair and communicated with Lu Yu secretly: "Captain, this is the situation on the first floor. We will go upstairs later and have a look."

Lu Yu took a helicopter and said: "Be careful, don't expose yourself, otherwise it will be very dangerous! Half of the people you photographed just now are in K2 disguise, and this hotel is under their full control."

Tan Xiaolin nodded: "Don't worry, our makeup penetration is very successful. Everyone fully enters the role. K2 should not doubt us."

"Yeah." Lu Yu agreed softly and looked at his watch: "Before dawn, my people will rush to the outside of the resort, and I will notify you at that time, so that everyone is ready to evacuate tourists from the resort."

"Yes!" Tan Xiaolin replied.

After cutting off the connection, Lu Yu took the internal floor plan of the hotel generated on the computer and showed it to everyone: "Remembering this map will be crucial to our offense. Whether we can catch the black cat in one fell swoop is in this battle. "

"Understand!" The crowd shouted fiercely.

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