Chapter 571 Superman's steel body!

After narrating his own defeat, Zhao Guangjian turned his head and stared at all the soldiers and shouted: "In our minds, we thought that the Jingshi Guards were the best team in the country. We regarded ourselves very high and looked down on anything. People, I think I'm just awesome."

"But now, I want to tell you that this point of view is so wrong. We lost today, and we lost completely! Not only me, all of you are, shit!"

"In the past, we sat in the well and watched the sky. Today, instructor Lu taught us a vivid lesson about what is outside and there are people outside the sky! We can only make progress if we formally recognize our own defects."

Zhao Guangjian shouted in a deep voice: "In one month, we will represent the Dragon Kingdom to participate in a world-wide guards exchange competition, and then we will run into master guards from all over the world! If we lose, we will lose the face of the country. It will expose loopholes in our country’s security defenses, which will directly affect the security of future leaders. Therefore, we can only win, not lose!"

"From today on, I ask each of you, including myself, to strictly follow the training of Instructor Lu! Even instructor Lu asks us to hit the wall without banging our heads, and never backing down, understand? ?"


Everyone shouted collectively, their eyes turned to Lu Yu: "Absolutely obey instructor Lu's arrangement."

"Instructor Lu for advice!"

Zhao Guangjian nodded in satisfaction, and walked to Lu Yu and asked, "Lao Lu, how do we plan next and how to train?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows. Although the old Lu's call was a little courteous, it also brought the two closer together and became much closer.

"We only have less than a month. The focus is on training and fighting, and we can squeeze out the night time, and use the night vision difference to sharpen everyone's marksmanship. This can do more with less!" Lu Yu thought for a while.

"Okay! Do what you say."

Zhao Guangjian had no objection to Lu Yu's decision, and simply nodded.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Now applaud, when you have to practice, you will have to complain! My method is rather strange, and most people can't bear it. You and your people must be mentally prepared."

Zhao Guangjian slapped his chest loudly: "If you have any means, please come to us. Since you are asked to be the instructor, we shall be prepared to endure hardships! As long as you can improve your strength, you can practice as you like!"

Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, with your words, I will let go of my hands and feet."

Soon, the guards disbanded, and Lu Yu asked them to go back to rest first, and the training officially began in the afternoon.

Zhao Guangjian was very curious, what method would Lu Yu use to train them?

He asked himself that he came from a family of martial arts. He practiced basic skills since he was a child, and he was able to achieve his current skills for decades.

In martial arts, there is no such thing as a quick one. It is very difficult to do without improving the abilities of their Forbidden Army in a short time.

With only 28 days left before the World Guard Exchange Tournament was held, Zhao Guangjian really wanted to know what clever method Lu Yu would take.

So along the way, Zhao Guangjian followed Lu Yu every step of the way, trying to find out.

Lu Yu was helpless, he still had his own things to do, he couldn't have a tail behind him, right?

After thinking about it, I found something to do for the other party.

Let Zhao Guangjian prepare some pebbles and spread them on the ground, preferably covering the entire training ground.

In addition to these, he was asked to prepare more than a thousand sticks, the size of an adult's arm.

"Do you remember? Get ready by the afternoon and start training right away."

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he entrusted.

"Lao Lu, what use are these things?" Zhao Guangjian couldn't help asking.

Seeing the other person's look like a curious baby, Lu Yu smiled and said, "Keep it secret for now, you will know it then, go and prepare!"

Without Lu Yu, Zhao Guangjian couldn't help it no matter how anxious.

Fortunately, he didn't have any doubts about Lu Yu's orders now, after all, no one could beat him into a pig.

Since the other party ordered this, it must be useful, so just do it yourself.

First arrange a dormitory for Lu Yu, and then send two guards to wait for his instructions at any time.

After doing this, Zhao Guangjian was busy preparing what Lu Yu said.

This dormitory is not big, but the facilities are complete, it is very convenient for Lu Yu to live alone.

Putting down the bag, Lu Yu was looking around. A guard walked in and said, "Instructor Lu, I'll help you clean it up. You can take a rest first."

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled: "No, our soldiers don't have this bad problem. They are all doing things by themselves. Go down."

"This... won't it be great?"

The guard was a little embarrassed, but Zhao Guangjian had instructed him to take care of Lu Yu's daily life.

This is also their task!

Lu Yu knew that he must have been ordered by Zhao Guangjian.

Now he is the chief instructor of the Forbidden Army. It is only natural that ordinary soldiers will take care of his daily life.

However, there has never been such a rule in Lu Yu's team, whether it is a soldier or a general, everything will be done by himself.

Lu Yu waved his hand at him: "Okay, when your commander asks, just say that I ordered it. From now on, you can help me make a meal. I will do the other things myself."

Seeing that the other party said so, the guards did nothing, and he saluted and turned and left.

Go forward and close the door, and the other people in the province will come to disturb.

Returning to the bed and sitting cross-legged, Lu Yu muttered.

He had already planned what exactly to train these imperial soldiers before they came.

It's just that he hasn't mastered this ability himself, so he has to take advantage of the rest to learn it.

In just one month, no matter how strong Lu Yu was, it would be impossible to increase the overall strength of the Janissaries by a large amount.

But there is an opportunistic way, which is to benefit their own skills, pass the merits to these imperial soldiers, and share their abilities among them.

In this way, the problem of insufficient time can be solved perfectly.

Just do it when he thinks of it, Lu Yu took out the books that were already ready to extract skills from the dimensional space.

"Comic, Superman Iron Man!" 》

Lu Yu had coveted Superman's skills for a long time.

After all, Superman's abilities are really awkward, and he can be called the most heavenly superhero.

Void flight, super hearing, energy absorption, super healing power, thermal vision, steel body...

This super hero who wears underwear from the planet of Krypton, every one of his abilities can kill any hero in seconds. It is almost a composite of all superheroes, terrifying to despair.

The merit points that he extracted also made Lu Yu very sad.

Every skill of Superman is a proper pinnacle level.

If you want to extract all the skills at once, you need a horrible feat of 1 million!

Sometimes the richest of Lu Yu is only one hundred thousand feats, but he can barely extract one skill.

What's more, one hundred thousand feats have already been spent, and no matter how much you want, you can only see through.

But fortunately, Lu Yu made great achievements in fighting floods this time, and indirectly saved tens of millions of people in several cities.

Moreover, he also became a military and civilian image ambassador and won the title of national idol.

The system rewarded him with a total of 100,000 merit points, plus the accumulation of previous tasks, the total merit value reached 120,000!

It's still far away from the million-level level, and it's not too shabby.

The superman skills that want to blast the sky day and night can finally be put on the agenda.

Although only one item can be extracted, one item of Superman's ability is also powerful enough.

Lu Yu suddenly felt that he had grown from a mere mortal to a powerful person in the tribulation period.

(End of this chapter)

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