Lu Yu found that his speed was still too slow.

The flood flow was too fierce, completely offsetting the heart-shaped herb's play. Even if he burst out at full strength, he could only swim at the same speed as usual.

According to this situation, there is no way to dive into the river for exploration within ten minutes.

Lu Yu was a little anxious, and suddenly wondered whether his high-speed ability would be useful in this situation?

On land, the high-speed ability is certainly no problem, but in the current, he has never used it!

The current forward speed is undoubtedly similar to that of a snail crawling.

After swimming for a long time, the 30 meters that was rushed out have not swam past.

There is no way, but a dead horse can be a living doctor!

Lu Yu immediately used the high-speed ability to accelerate to his feet.


Suddenly, his feet were like engines, pushing his entire body like a cannonball, rushing forward.

At this speed, one is the sky and the other is the earth!

Against the impact of the current, Lu Yu was not affected at all, like a cheetah running wild on the land, rushing hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Because the speed was too fast, all kinds of debris in the water rushed towards him.

Lu Yu turned on super eagle eyes and spider sensing, and his senses instantly increased a hundredfold.

The whole person is still like a cheerful fish, able to do well in the water, but the speed is still unabated, rushing forward.

Two minutes later, the blocked river channel appeared in front of us.

Of course, it is invisible to the naked eye, only the turbulent flood.

But in front of the super eagle eye, everything is floating clouds, presented in front of him without any barriers.

"Go and see below!"

Lu Yu took a deep breath, plunged into the flood, and accelerated forward.

the other side.

On the top of the cliff.

He Chenguang checked the time and found that in the past five minutes, his heart was even more anxious.

Looking down, the flood was still boiling, but Lu Yu was still nowhere to be seen, and his palms were covered with sweat.

The worker who led the way shrank his neck and said, "You still don't pull the rope? The chief hasn't moved at all until now. Isn't it submerged?"

"To shut up!"

An Ran stared at him, wishing to kick him down: "The dog can't vomit ivory! Dare to curse him, believe it or not, I will throw you down?"

The worker's face was pale, and An Ran, who was furious like a little lioness, was frightened.

I dare not say a word.

"Tell you, there is nothing in this world that can stump him!"

An Ran was full of madness, dragging the worker's collar tightly, and shouting: "He will not die, otherwise, you will go to his funeral!"

The worker almost didn't pee his pants.

How does this female cadre look so fierce?

Xu Sanduo and Chengcai were a little embarrassed and hurriedly pulled An Ran away: "Sister-in-law, calm down, calm down! Don't be so angry, people are also unintentional."

The worker reacted and smiled bitterly: "Just...that's right! I just remind you that people have been going down for so long, and there has been no movement yet. Moreover, he didn't bring any protective equipment, so don't really be surprised. ."

"You know what a shit!"

An Ran roared angrily: "He said that there will be nothing wrong, so he will definitely not. He is the most powerful special soldier in the country!

The worker got up from the ground and whispered: "The special soldier is also a human? He is not a superman. How can it be possible that such a large current is not dangerous?"

An Ran still wanted to yell, at this moment, He Chenguang's eyes suddenly brightened next to him.

"Quick! Come here, something is happening!"

In an instant, everyone immediately rushed to the rope.

The rope connected to the flood was pulled straight at this moment, even shaking violently.

Seeing this scene, An Ran was immediately excited, and He Chenguang also anxiously shouted: "What are you still doing? Help me pull it!"

Everyone hurried forward, grabbing the rope together, and pulling it back vigorously.

The three ropes were all taut, and the pulling force of the flood was too great, and everyone almost got sucked up.

Seeing this, the previous worker also hurried forward to help everyone pull the rope.


A head emerged from the flood.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu's whole body came out of the water.

Holding the rope with two hands, stepping on the stone wall under his feet, as if flying over the wall, rushing towards the top of the mountain.

Finally, Lu Yu leaped up the cliff, lying on the ground panting.

An Ran screamed and rushed up, hugged Lu Yu, kissed and chewed on his cheek, regardless of the crowd watching.

Just now, she almost thought she couldn't see the latter.

Tang Xinyi wanted to go up, but seeing An Ran stepped forward, she had to stop, a flash of loss flashed in her eyes.

"Telling you to be able to do it, telling you to love to do it, it scares me to death!"

An Ran slapped Lu Yu with her little hand, crying: "Do you know how much I worried about you just now? I thought you would never be able to get up again..."

Lu Yu smiled and stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears for her: "Didn't I come up here? No task, I am not willing to die."

At this moment, he could feel the concern from An Ran.

This stupid woman really thought she would never see herself again.

Pat An Ran's shoulder, a few words of comfort, then pushed her away to stand up.

Now, there are more important things to do!

"I went down and looked, the situation there was a bit complicated."

Speaking of business affairs, Lu Yu's expression became a little serious: "The river is blocked by a lot of wood and sand, and it is blocked from below to the mountain! Time is running out. It is impossible to remove the garbage below, so I can only explode it with explosives. But I have to ask for instructions on this and give me the call!"

He Chenguang immediately handed over the satellite phone.

Without saying anything, Lu Yu immediately called Gao Shiwei and reported the current situation and solutions truthfully.

"I only worry about one point. If the river channel is blasted, will it cause another landslide? Also, if the flood is diverted to other places, will it have a new impact there?" Lu Yu said solemnly, "These are not. Questions, you can explode!"

Gao Shiwei nodded: "You wait, I'll ask a water conservancy expert, and I will reply immediately."

Lu Yu paced back and forth from time to time to check his watch.

It is getting closer and closer to the arrival of the next flood peak. This is a race against time.

The level of the flood below has risen a lot, hitting the dam over and over again, and I don't know how long it can last.

Fortunately, I didn't wait much time. After five minutes, there was another voice on the phone.

"I'm the commander in chief!"

There he asked in a deep voice, "Lu Yu, are you sure about this matter?"

Lu Yu said: "Please don't worry, the chief, we have enough explosives in our hands. It is completely okay to only blow up the river. Once it is cleared, it will not be blocked today."

"it is good!"

The commander-in-chief’s voice was faintly excited: "I have asked the water conservancy experts. As long as the mountains on both sides of the river are bombed, the mountains will not collapse, and the river directly leads to the tributary of the Yangtze River. The water level over there is sufficient to withstand at least three flood peak attacks! So, don't worry, go ahead and do it!"

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