Lu Yu's gaze swept away from everyone, and the corners of his mouth raised a curve of a smile.

Several people couldn't help but straighten their bodies, like javelins rising into the sky.

Everyone has high confidence on their faces, and they have full confidence in this internal inspection.

Soldiers are strictly prohibited from growing beards, hair, and long nails in the army. This is commonly known as the three long.

There are back hands, sleeves, and hands. These three hands are strictly prohibited.

In addition, it also includes standing, walking, and sitting. This is the most basic posture of a soldier.

Lu Yu's scrutiny gaze swept over everyone's hair and clothes, not missing any details.

Good military capacity and military discipline are the most basic qualities of a soldier.

After sweeping around, Lu Yu skipped the group of people and landed on the bed behind him.

This is square plus straight line.

Straight line means walking straight and body straight.

The cube is better understood. The quilt that gets up every day should be folded into a standard tofu block.

To describe it in one sentence, the flies have to split when they stand up!

Everyone's bedding is neatly folded, smooth, and no fault can be found.

Seeing that Lu Yu couldn't find the problem, several people smiled secretly, a little proud.

Hey, since they can't pick a problem, there is always no reason to let them conduct devil training during the holidays, right?

However, their ideas are still too simple!

Lu Yu rubbed his hands together, as if conjuring up two white gloves from nowhere.

Wearing it on his hand, he began to lie in the gap in everyone's bed, reaching out to touch it.

When it was taken out again, the white gloves were covered with a layer of dust.

Damn... this is all right? !

He Chenguang and others were completely dumbfounded.

Song Kaifei pierced his temples, grinning and wailing: "I rub! This is a bit too much, right? The recruits are not so perverted..."

Lu Yu's mouth burst out with a successful smile: "Hehe, don't tell me what I don't have. I've told you a long time ago that discipline is not only on the surface. Don't relax your vigilance in every detail of life."

"I know that your training is very busy on weekdays, and it's just that you get used to it because you don't care about it. I just remind you to pay attention to these details in the future... The details determine success or failure!

"If you don't develop the good habit of paying attention to details, then on the battlefield, you will probably lose your lives due to negligence, understand?"


The crowd looked solemn and shouted in unison.

Lu Yu smiled: "Don't you want to organize the housework? Then I will satisfy you."

Before the smiles on everyone's faces bloom, the following sentence completely blows them up!

"Go out for a 30-kilometer cross-country run, and move your muscles and bones."

"You haven't been lazy during the time I'm leaving? If that's the case, then pick up all the training that was previously lost!" Lu Yu yelled.

"Emma, ​​it's hard to guard against!"

"I'm careless, I didn't hide."

"Captain, you can take it back, I'd rather organize my housework..."

A wailing came from the dormitory.

Song Kai flew down and said, "Captain, are you serious?"

"Do I seem to be joking? Let's talk nonsense and add 30 kilometers!"


As soon as Lu Yu shouted, there was a knock on the door.

A soldier saluted and stood at the door of the dormitory: "Excuse me, is Colonel Lu here?"

"I am."

Lu Yu walked over and glanced at him doubtfully: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Here is a letter from you, please sign for it."

Seeing a letter from the other party, Lu Yu accepted it suspiciously: "Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome."

After speaking, the soldier turned and left.

"Captain, what is it?"? Song Kaifei came up like a curious baby.

Lu Yu ignored him and opened the envelope in his hand, revealing a gilded red invitation letter inside.

"Yo? The invitation letter, it's pretty formal!" Song Kaifei asked with a stubborn expression, "Captain, you are getting married again?"


Lu Yu directly gave him a thud, and said in a bad mood: "Is it a beating? If you let your sister-in-law hear this, I can't save you."

Song Kaifei was full of aggrieved face, and grinned at the place where he was knocked.

Lu Yu opened the invitation letter, and everyone else also leaned forward, staring at the invitation letter.

"Dear Mr. Lu Yu, hello..."

Wang Yanbing read the first line of the invitation letter, with a pompous expression: "Wow, it's so formal?"

He Chenguang continued to read: "Legendary Sabre Culture Media Company invites you to participate in the celebration conference of "Leave Me the Last Bullet" at 10 o'clock this morning. The location is..."

"Zhuang Yan sincerely invites, please be sure to attend!"

"Wow, this kid Xiao Zhuang is playing so big now, he has a celebration party?"

Song Kaifei was amazed at the side: "There will definitely be many media reporters. With the popularity of "The Last Bullet", I will definitely be able to make the news!"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes in a bad mood: "Pilot, what does it have to do with you? Give me special training at home, and wait for you to come back to check you."

Song Kaifei wanted to cry without tears: "Captain, you can't favor one another, why don't you check them?"

"Because you should!"

Everyone gloated over Song Kaifei's middle finger.

Song Kaifei: "..."

Putting away the invitation letter, Lu Yu walked to the closet, changed his uniform, put on a sweatshirt and went out.


at the same time.

On a driveway in Donghai city, a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle is whizzing and speeding.

Zhuang Yan was holding the steering wheel while driving. At this moment, he took off his military uniform and wore a straight black suit, but his spirit was not diminished.

Suddenly, the phone next to him rang, and Zhuang Yan smoothly pressed the Bluetooth headset.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

On the phone, the voice of Zhuang Yan's current assistant came.

"My great director, the director of the partner company invited you to talk about film investment soon, don't you remember?"

Zhuang Yan said: "Remember, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Why are you missing at this critical moment? Don't make people wait in a hurry."

The assistant's voice was slightly anxious.

"I didn't say I want to go?"

Zhuang Yan is inexplicable: "The captain is coming over, so I have to pick him up quickly. If the director wants to talk, let him change time!"

"I'm going?" The assistant was stunned by Zhuang Yan's operation, and smiled bitterly: "You are really my uncle!"

The assistant's name is Fatty Shao, who was also a good friend of Zhuang Yan's college years, and was led by him to invest in filming "The Last Bullet".

"Hehe, I'm not that old!" Zhuang Yan jokingly said, "It's almost the same for your son to call me I really owe you in my previous life!"

Fatty Shao said in a huff: "Let me wipe your ass."

"Fatty, trouble you."

Hearing the complaint in the other's tone, Zhuang Yan apologized: "I have planned the itinerary and cannot change it at will. This is a good habit I have developed as a soldier!"

Fatty Shao felt a bit of a toothache: "It's so good, you are awesome! I have forgotten that you are still a special soldier, so you are deliberately hanging out?"

"Haha, who made the director arrogant? I just can't understand his face, this kind of person can't be used to it."

Zhuang Yan patted the steering wheel and laughed: "Okay, you can help me fix them. I'm driving, don't say anything."

"That's OK, you can't be late for the celebration banquet later, the media are all waiting." Shao Fatty warned.

"I see, you don't need to rush."

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