The man hung up the phone and walked back again, looking at Lan Zhiguang's expression slightly changed, with some guilt.

"Sorry, I didn't know this happened! I took back what I said to you just now."

The other party spoke earnestly, and his expression was full of seriousness: "I believe this is a situation that we don't want to see each other. I sincerely apologize to you!"

"In addition, I will also cooperate with you. We will not interfere in any treatment Harvey makes. What do you think?"

In the face of this kind of problem, Lan Zhiguang must be very cautious and cautious. If it is not handled well, it will intensify conflicts. This is not what he wants to see.

Since the other party had expressed ignorance and sincerely apologized, Lan Zhiguang would naturally not hold on to this.

"As you said, after Harvey is arrested, we will make the most appropriate treatment!"

Lan Zhiguang solemnly promised.

As the two sides discussed with each other, Yang Junyu also led the people from the special war company and arrived at the scene of the incident smoothly.

Prior to this, Harvey's escape happened unexpectedly, and the few remaining men had not had time to react.

When Yang Junyu was looking dumbfounded, Yang Junyu just brought someone there.

Harvey only took care of his own escape, without giving them any instructions.

After discovering the people of the special war company, he suddenly recovered.

As soon as the two sides met, there was a fierce exchange of fire.

Suppressed by the complete equipment and manpower of the special warfare company, Harvey's men were immediately beaten.

There was no resistance, all fell to the ground and howled.

Let his subordinates clean up the battlefield, Yang Junyu rushed to Niu Effort and Zhang Nengli, and asked with concern: "Are you two all right?"


Zhang Nengli shook his head, and pointed at Niu, and said, "However, the old Niu was shot."

Yang Junyu was taken aback, and he was about to take a look at Niu's hard-working clothes on the spot, but was pushed away by the latter with an unhappy wave.

In broad daylight, two big men are pulling and pulling, in what style?

If this is to be photographed, one's own fame will be ruined!

"Eh... I'm fine, wearing sun protection clothes, don't move!"

Yang Junyu smirked and retracted his hand before he was relieved.

"Tie these people, I'll go back with you, and report to Brigadier Lan if I have important matters." Niu tried to add another sentence.

"About Harvey?"

Yang Junyu asked: "I heard from the brigade commander when I came. He has asked the Secrecy Bureau to find out multiple crimes against Harvey, so don't worry... By the way, why didn't you see the tank?"

Zhang Nengli put in his mouth and said, "Our tank was driven away by Harvey!"

What the hell? ?

Yang Junyu was taken aback immediately, and quickly looked around.

Sure enough, no half of the shadow of the tank was seen, only the deep traces of two tracks crushed on the spot, which spread to the far end.

Seeing Yang Junyu's ugly expression, Niu tried his best to comfort him: "Don't worry, our captain is chasing it!"

Seeing him not panicked at all, Yang Junyu was so anxious that he sighed helplessly: "You two have no water in your head? Is he chasing a tank alone?"

That is a tank known as the "King of Land Wars". A person wants to stop a tank with flesh and blood?

Isn't this a proper praying man's arm to block the car, is it a dream?

Yang Junyu didn't know what to say, his heart was sweating!

But the two of them still looked carefree, as if they didn't worry about whether Lu Yu could settle down.

After seeing the incredible scene just now, they knew Lu Yu even more deeply, and they didn't think there was any problem with doing so.

In particular, Zhang Nengli had a blind trust in Lu Yu in his heart, and he could even block bullets. What else was wrong for Lu Yu?

"Well, it's useless if you are in a hurry. He has been out for a while, and it is estimated that he will have arrived at the border long ago."

Niu tried to comfort him calmly.

But Yang Junyu still couldn't calm down, as anxious as an ant in a hot pot.

Next to him, Zhang Nengli shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Anyway, the Marines must be fine. Didn't he say that he has left behind? Let's wait for the news with peace of mind!"

Yang Junyu smiled bitterly.

At this time, there is no other way. I can only pray that Lu Yu can **** the tank back.


On the endless yellow sand ground, gusts of gusts of wind whizzed past the sky.

In the yellow sand-filled field of vision, a figure galloping like black lightning, pierced through the dust-covered smoke, and sprinted into this barren land at a speed hard to distinguish with the naked eye.


In the squally wind, a few Ruoyouruowu electric currents suddenly sounded.

This is the signal of wireless channel contact!

"War Wolf Squadron, Wolf Squadron, please reply when you receive it!"

"This is Lu Yu, please reply when you receive it..."

After yelling to the radio continuously, after a short silence, there was finally a reply.

"Wolves received! This is Yu Fei's team, please tell me, Lu Brigade!"

Lu Yu squinted his eyes, looking at the 965 tank that was fleeing frantically at the end of his field of vision, calmly began to give orders.

"Listen to the Wolf Squadron. There is now a Type 96a main tank numbered 965, which is rushing to the pre-ambush location."

"Not far from the front is the unarmed zone. I will intercept it there! You inform Shao Bing and get ready as soon as possible!"

Yu Fei asked: "Lu Team, what about us?"

"The man driving the tank is a spy named Harvey. It should be a group of mercenary organizations who should respond to him. Your task is to hold them back and wait for the next instructions!"

"and then?"

Lu Yu sneered: "Of course they are all wiped out, not one left!"

In fact, I also understand here.

The back hand Lu Yu had prepared was the Wolf Warrior Squadron that had been waiting here for a long time!

This was also the decision he had negotiated with Long Xiaoyun to second the Wolf Warrior Squadron, completely cut off the retreat, and annihilated the criminal organization in one fell swoop.

It would be better if the main messenger Mr. Ban could be exploded behind the

Thirty kilometers northeast of the World Tank Competition is the border zone of the host country.

At least half an hour with the full speed of the tank on the mountain, it can reach the past smoothly.

This is also the final place Harvey planned to escape!

After leaving the border, there is still a non-armed conflict area that is more than ten kilometers long.

This area is not marked on the satellite map.

But in fact it has always existed and is a natural barrier.

This place is densely covered with high mountains and ridges, and it is inaccessible, not to mention that people will step in.

All parties are only deploying defenses in their own areas, and will not go beyond the mine pool and set foot on this area.

If someone is unprepared, once they cross the boundary, they will sink into the ocean and find no trace.

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