Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 404: God wants to condemn sin, then fulfill your wish

WeiXin Yi Ai seems to have always wanted to go to Mars, but it was probably knowing nothing to do, although it is not similar to Ye Gonghaolong, but as a little compensation and reward for interfering with her life, to realize her wish, watching her unable to look at reality directly The flustered appearance was never a pastime for the fairies, and it was a good one as a souvenir before leaving.

On the other hand, Tiny Yi Ai, who had fumbled on the surface of Mars for a while, finally accepted the fact that she was probably on the surface of Mars.

"Huh, huh, the soil quality here is the same as that analyzed by the detector in the Academy City... Indeed, with your superpowers, humans can operate normally on other planets. The aerospace agency of the Academy City simply didn’t look at you. It's blind." She sighed.

The only thing that can't be solved now is why the jump distance of that space system's "ability" is so far. However, she is a person who knows the existence of magic. Not long ago, there were events in the world that the Demon God and the Great Demon could shake the entire plane. Qianhezi's former user, Retili, seemed to have become an accomplice of the Demon God. Anyone who knows magic knows that when you reach that height, you may be able to do it, but it is dangerous to continue to go deeper. Maybe it is better to give up thinking here.

Chizuko put the phone in front of her.

There is no signal here, but the system is still operable, and information is entered——

"Don't contact the Martians? It's not far away. Do you want to contact them and look at them from a distance with your own eyes?"

For a moment, on the surface of Mars, the girl who had gone from flustered to weak in the previous moment, holding the communicator that communicated with the Martian in one hand, ran in the direction of the radio wave.

"I see, is it there!"

Although it is only a simulation, she has simulated the environment of Martians on Earth, and can see the surface of Mars similar to the simulation result with her own eyes. If the scientist is probably going to roll with joy.

However, Qian Hezi grabbed her shoulders and held her tightly, not allowing her to go any further.

"Let go of me, why, it's already here..."

Qianhezi silently picked up the phone that had been finished.

"The optimal environment you need is different. You should know. Which environment should I simulate? You can't live normally on Mars, and they can't live on Earth in a balanced posture."


"You should be clear about this, otherwise, why did you make isolation facilities when you first set out to prepare for this?"

"Sure, so..."

Even if she brought the protective clothing and the equipment to contain the bacterial weapons, it would be meaningless. If it was brought back to the earth in that state, would that way of living really count as survival for intelligent creatures?

[This matter, we understand very well. 】

The sound from the Martians, to be precise, is a signal released by a large number of Martian microbes that generate electric currents through vibration and chemical reactions. This time it is particularly clear because it is indeed close at hand.

[Going to the earth, entering the earth, the problems are piled up for us, we understand very well. However, no one can ask except for you who received our signal by accident. 】

"...I'm sorry, I gave you worthless hope."

[However, we are not pursuing disorderly diffusion and mutated reproduction. In a sense, even if the distance is so close, this result is reasonable. 】

The Martian's tone revealed helplessness.

Kraunpith: "Wishes, dreams, they look beautiful because they are impossible to see."

Angie: "Hey, haha, Piss still hasn't changed."

Sunflower: "Angea...ahhhhhh, reminds me of the past. I boasted that I made the best body for An Qi and was knocked off by An Qi. But how did you do it, Pace When it arrives, this Anqia is not only an evil spirit, but also has the power of dark coexistence, reincarnation eyes and vortex?"

"Hehe, it’s not easy for me as the demon gods? Although shaping is the skill [Creating Monsters Ⅹ], there is also the mechanism of the big barrel wood white'tool', which only saves and transmits power, and An Qi’s Ou It doesn’t matter whether the body and the soul exist. But, Sunflower, you were more fun at that time.” Crown Pith raised his hand and opened [Huangquan Hirazaka] near the two of them, and asked Chizuko to send Weixi Yiai back, by the way. Type "MerryChristmas" on the phone.

Of course, the "Beginning Child", which was forcibly assigned to the world's first modern ability person developed by Mifune Chizuko's ability data by the elf, was to be taken back as a sample of superpower research. Jenny the man-made ability was also taken away.

"Let's go, there is nothing to care about in this world anymore." Crown Pith turned to launch [Huangquan Hirazaka] again to open the "door" to the universe where home is located.

Lily, who hadn't spoken, suddenly said: "Um, Pith, aren't the fans and admirers you left in this world counted in your cause and effect? ​​There are still six-digit populations, right?"

"Hey, that is Fran Pisi’s pot, let’s say it's dead again. Now Fran Pisi has all the parts containing the'I' gone, and it has become a negative composition of people who belong to this world. Of the creatures, leave the rest to her."

"Then, what about my future life? Is Sunflower responsible?"

"Huh?" x2

Sunflower and Kraunpith, who were taking a few steps to step into the "door", turned their heads in surprise.

Lily squeezed her face and said, "I can't make an expression. Although considering the life of the elf, it is not a problem for me to be absent from work for a few months, but is it really capable of becoming a facial paralysis?"

When Sunflower lifted his chin and raised his head to think about Pith casually shook her hand and rolled her eyes, jokingly: "Don’t care about that kind of thing, I also worked in the fairy kingdom. Teachers, they have been dissatisfied with the quality of your classes for a century. But the timetable arranged by the fairies is most conducive to the advancement of the royal family, and the'iron' relationship between the Elf King and me will never break out."

"But, doesn't Piss going to class make some students want to commit suicide (literally)?"

"Haha, don't you understand this very well?" Crowe Pace patted Lily's cheek lightly and smiled, "Compared to those stupid students who want to commit suicide in my class, I shouldn't be extremely happy in Lily's class. Is it? You can ignore multiple facial paralysis problems. Go back."

"Pather, it's really okay this time? I'm really worried that our house will be broken by Pace."

"Ah, do you think I’m just being idle for half a month? Aleister has killed the Demon God, and there is a corresponding method. She also wants to send me the "cosmic man" away, and has helped a lot. busy."

time to go.

(to be continued)

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