Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 374: The professional team behind Pisibige

"Where are you going?" Kraun Pace looked compellingly standing in front of the bridge, Niwangli, looking down at Kaguya.

Hui Ye didn't answer, she was thinking about ways, even if she was not good at it.

"You're not going? Then I'm going." Crown Pith raised the wand torch, "Quintet [Maximum Output·Negative Light [RayOfNegativeEnergy]]."

The wand from this "dream call" can adjust the output just like the wand of Meiyou. The extremely thin rays that could only be used as first-level magic turned into a purple-black light with a diameter of several meters and blasted towards Kaguya.

Originally, Kraunpisi didn't bother to use this kind of low-level magic. It was better to use powerful moves directly by increasing the output magic power to strengthen the power. But this time is a special case.

Although the physiology and ecology of Otoki have not been studied yet, Otohime's experiments have found that a humble magic is better for the Otsuki clan at the same amount of magical power. Even if it's only the first level magic.

Kaguya subconsciously wanted to use [Huangquan Biliangzaka], but found that it couldn't open it! In other words, it was cut off as soon as it opened.

"I've said it all, where are you going?" Kraun Pith squinted and smiled, with the color pattern of Ochi's blood-red six-hook jade reincarnation eyes in her eyes.

This is the ability of Otohime preserved in the "device" to unfold and offset the coordinates of the space that Kaguya wants to fold at a faster speed.

Hui Ye could only raise her hand to blast Chakra to resist, and was pushed out by a huge beam of light more than a hundred meters away.

"Oh~" Huiye vomited a big mouthful of black blood, full of shock. She just resisted it. If it weren't for Star's blow to keep her mind and didn't absorb the light, it would be easy to imagine that she didn't have ten tails. Definitely fail quickly.

"There is no time to rest for you, [Maximum Output·UndieingFme], Sanlian."

The flame on the torch of Kraunpisi's wand was dyed bluish white, and under the wave of Kraunpisi, it turned into three huge firebirds and flew towards the night.

Hui Ye flew to avoid, and his hands repeatedly blasted the huge fists of "Shen Kong Strike" to disperse the blue and white firebirds, but they were all avoided by the firebirds and chased up, scorching Hui Ye's delicate body frantically until the energy was dissipated. Kaguya's resistance was exhausted.

"Your actions are really pure, without any other branch." Kraunpith's foresight can be seen.

"[Life Essence [LifeEssence]]." After Klauen Pith's eyes confirmed the damage of both the negative energy light and the flame of the undead, he decided the next attack method.

Both physics and magic were considered in both the original production and subsequent transformation of the battleship. The barrel can fire cannonballs, and the barrel itself is also a huge magic wand.

"There is a slight error with Otohime's experimental data, but the negative energy damage is the best. The main battery of the ship, the odd-numbered secondary battery, the negative burst grenade is loaded, and the negative magic charge begins."

Feeling the power that made her vomit blood crazily, Hui Ye was really scared and couldn't escape, so she could only interrupt, rushing to the close blind spot that the attack could not hit.

When the huge dark battleship was close at hand, Kaguya felt that power was around him, and she had to separate Chakra to neutralize that power. The moment the impact speed slowed down—

"You entered the scope of my magic [DeathDecay], what do you want to do?" Kraunpisi flew not far from Huiye and smiled.

Hui Ye was about to attack this existence that was indeed capable of killing herself, suddenly several purple-red whirlpool halos appeared in the air, and chains shot out to bind her.

"This chain is..." Hui Ye discovered that her Chakra had been imprisoned to a certain extent, and the more she struggled, the tighter she tied it.

"Sure enough, Otsuki has a divine nature." Crown Pith thought.

The chain is the "Enkidu" that is infested by the power of Kraunpith.

Although, Kraunpi Si absolutely can not get Gilgamesh to use Enkidu's power and ability.


Kraunpisi took over the two discs that Sunflower gave her that looked the same as cosmetic contact lenses. One disc had a pattern of blood red jade reincarnation writing round eyes, and the other was a coral-colored kaleidoscope writing round eyes pattern, just a kaleidoscope. The pattern is a bit clumsy, like a perfunctory effort to forcibly knead the three-gou jade and the shape of the pupil.

Klauen Pith listened to Sunflower talk about the origin of these things and how to use them.

"Pather, how about it, am I very good?" Sunflower even almost danced when he said it, "I got the prop of Uchiha with soil to activate the [Limited Moon Reading] Eye of the Moon, I will get it. Cheng—it’s a world that is so small that it is enough to create an illusion. It means that there are a lot of chakras, but it’s okay for Pith, maybe it will be of great use in the future."

"And this, I did when Uncle Snake and I were studying cloning Shaolamyan. I used my eyes as the prototype. It's just... probably because Shaolamyan is the eye of the heart, even if the awakening Kaleidoscope cannot be reproduced. Any existing Uchiha pupil technique, and then I found an experimental body named Shin who would never reject any cells to cultivate, but there was a degraded version of [Shenwei] and the ability to manipulate things in the air. Usually touch marks You can manipulate everything you have passed."

"Fuck the upper limit?" Kraunpith was more interested in the latter.

[Limited Monthly Reading] The level of illusionism and the treasure "sent" by Francesca Pleratti does not exist in the "Luoshan City, so the world's madness is never ending (Grand. Too much, the latter has advantages over the former in terms of controllability and consumption.

There is a similar ability in the rank card of the Heroic Spirit in the new connection of the Moon It just gives people the feeling that they have come to a new world, and it does not seem to be a big deal. The so-called illusion is real. If you spend a whole life in the illusion before being killed by the caster, it will be no different from a life of true ease.

In contrast, the air-operated objects with the same power of thought make Kraunpith more tempted.

"It depends on how many levels of concentration the user's chakras and mental power can maintain, but Pisi must be fine. There are more MPs, and multiple thinking is possible. It must problem." Sunflower said. It seemed to hesitate to the back.

"Isn’t Sunflower’s MP now also infinite? As for the amount of concentration required to manipulate plural objects, do you have to worry about lack of concentration after you have learned the'Senbon Sakura'? Don’t you need it? Besides, you have a coral color. Lunyan, is it better for you to use it? I heard that everyone has a lot of complaints about the mismatch between your combat power and abilities." Kraun Pith said with his hand tilted and his head tilted.

"I..." Sunflower's expression stiffened for a while, and then he laughed miserably, "I have a lot of equipment, I'm already... too busy to use all of them at the same time. I remember it, but I can't get it out at the critical moment. That's how I fight. That’s enough. No matter how much Pith has, it’s okay."

(to be continued)

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