Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 369: The White Army Defends the Earth

Have Otohime or Crownpies learned the Six Ways of Immortality?

The answer is no, but all the abilities of this world originate from the Chakra of Otsuki. As long as Otsuki knows how to use the power of this world, he can use it easily.

Moreover, the last time Kraun Pith let his compatriots go home collectively, he was worried that they had sacrificed in vain and backed up their memories. Even the memories from three years ago can be of great use.

Otohime saw that Kaguya was still lifted into the air despite her clothes and hairstyle becoming a little embarrassed, and she clapped her hands to seal the seal: "[Xianfa·HuoDun·Huanghuo Lost]."

Huiye immediately raised his hands and opened the Chakra barrier to block the incoming flames, looking a bit like [Huitian] not rotating.

At this time, both Otohime and Crownpis felt a mental fluctuation spreading around, and the White Jue Legion, which had been obedient until the launch of [Infinite Moon Read], broke away from the control of the fairies.

They crawled out of the ground again and looked at Otohime in the sky.

Even more uncomfortable for Kraunpith is that relying on Bai Jue’s ability to carry cargo into the ground, the tanks actually crawled out of the ground like a ground drill, 76 guns and 88 guns towered and aimed. Otohime.

Ordinary Baijue began to spread spores into the air, while the special Baijue who copied the appearance of the twins in batches before, and the chariot, all incarnate "air defense firepower", fireballs, wind blades, lightning, clods, water bombs, wooden escapes, Cannonballs and machine gun shells are all shot into the air!

"Is this?" Otohime raised her hand and took a look. Because the spores attached and multiplied, the white cotton-like substance began to wrap her up, trying to restrict her movement.

The number of attacks is too much. Compared with those without mystery bullets and shells that can instantly become the size of bacteria, magic bullets and ninjutsu bullets with a certain degree of mystery are reduced by a beat, and it is difficult for Otohime to come close. All in front of him shrank to no harm at all.

Countless Bai Jue's ninjutsu and guns and magic bullets continued to explode and hit her around and on her body.

Kraunpiss complained: "Providing Bai Jue with chariots to improve his combat abilities against ninjas, I have no objection, but who allowed the magic bullets to be provided to them for use...Fuck, even the fire of **** Yes?! The fire of **** can really hurt Datongmu! Do you want to train it after the things here are over."

But no one expected that Hui Ye could directly control all Bai Jue, ignoring all factors, should it be said that it was the weapon she personally led the manufacture.

There is no way to be negligent. Since it has become an enemy, it has to be annihilated.

"This level—" Otohime angrily tore off the spores that had wrapped her, and a large number of Baijue's attacks were useful in addition to soiling and crumpling her clothes and skin.

There seems to be too many spores that can be spread, there will always be spores passing through the ninjutsu anti-aircraft fire bombing and attaching to her body, swelling up, and turning into Bai Jue's face.

"Disgusting!" Otohime once again slapped a few Bai Jue who had grown out of the spores on her body.

At this time, Kaguya moved behind her with 【Huangquan Biliangzaka】, and pierced out with 【Kill the Ashen Bones】!

These Bai Jue are too weak after all, their task is to rely on the number of people to pile up and create flaws for the owner.

But Otsuhime just repeated the old tricks, and the blue reincarnation eyes flashed into red light thousand paper cranes, avoiding the attack and breaking free from Bai Jue.

In the next moment, her figure appeared among the Bai Jue on the ground, facing the white Jue who imitated the appearance of the fairy and put on a dress and a red cloud coat with a black background.

Kraunpisi gritted his teeth: "It's really bad. Although I know that battlefield recognition and appearance are very important, my compatriots shouldn't turn these guys who can't be companions sooner or later into compatriots. Playing like this is like looking at a big tube. It's the same as killing compatriots."

Hui Ye did not rush to continue the attack, but slowly fell to the ground, slapped both hands on the ground, and summoned a part of the sacred tree. There were several blooming sacred tree flowers hanging on it, and it began to bear fruit, and each flower began to gather. Black [tail beast jade].

"It's no joke. [Qion Qiong Chuzun]!" Yi Ji took a deep breath.

[Joong Qiong Chuzun] This is a trick used by Ehime to deal with Kraun Pisi and blow the explosion of the magic nuclear bomb back to Pisi. It looks a lot like a ninja’s wind escape, but the scale is incomparable, or The ability that ordinary ninjas in Naruto can learn is the deterioration of Otsuki's ability.

Uhime decided to clear the field quickly. After her inhalation, she opened her mouth and blew lightly. The hurricane that swept through everything rolled everything around her into the air. Both Baijue and the accompanying soil and rocks could not bear the acceleration and shattered one after another.

However, Kaguya's movement and Chakra's call speed are increasing over time, this meeting is ready, and nine ten-tailed [Tailed Beast Jade] are aimed at Ou Ji's location.

Otohime was about to move, when a huge Thousand-Hand Guanyin Colossus rose from the ground, A Fei stood on it, and Hundred Hands hugged Otohime in a posture of catching insects.

"It's useless." Otohime once again used the blue reincarnation eye ability to avoid A Fei's attack, but—

"!?" Otohime found the place where she appeared, and the nine [tail beast jade] who turned into light cannons doubled here.

"The third eye on Xiaohuiye's head can predict the position of my forehead where I will once again dock with the current dimension after using my time and space abilities. But I don't know if my ten tails are a little sluggish, and my third eye opens. No. Otherwise I will also send [Unlimited Monthly Reading]."

When Huiye casts it, the speed of the space ability is insufficient.

Seeing the real attack followed closely along the trajectory of the [Tail Beast Jade], Yi Ji switched to the blood-red six-hook jade reincarnation and instantly reached out of the attack range, and stored the pre-stored [Crimson Spiral] in his hand. Hold up the huge energy ball and inject more chakras. Although it is not convenient for the [High Emperor Production Spirit Zun] to directly increase the contradiction, you can continue to add more techniques——

"[Crimson Big Spiral]."

Otsuhime turned the huge energy ball in her hand into a huge beam of light and blasted it out, slowly swinging her arm, correcting the trajectory, and causing Huiye’s [tail beast jade] to hit her beam of light, destroying the sky. The blast of destruction was set off between the two big pipes.

"It's almost time to go to the next stage when the jokes are hitting this point." As always, Kraunpisi flew high in space to plan a high-altitude drop attack.

Kraunpisi activates the diamond mark, and getting this mark can use the power of the big barrel that keeps its own existence here to a certain extent. If there is any disadvantage, it will be gradually eroded by Otsuki's consciousness.

In Kraunpith’s view, Otohime’s most convenient ability is not the eyes of reincarnation, but the ability to store various non-creatures like time and space after being reduced. Fortunately, the Blue Groove of Klauen Pisi is much higher than the normal Ou Ji, and can do a lot of things that Ou Ji can do.

(to be continued)

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