Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 327: Dancing, sunflower vs. Konoha

When Sunflower sealed the two earth shadows, seeing Asma stabbing herself back, she despised the 35 million heads who could not make waves in front of her at all-the price was really bleeding.

She continued to complete the pyramid seal with both hands, and once again turned her head one hundred and eighty degrees to the Asma who attacked after her.

Asma turned her eyes away slightly, and lifted the narrower and sharper Chakra with both hands and fists, and cut it like scissors.

"I have said that I am not only good at eye surgery. [Huo Dun·Huanghuo Lost]!" Sunflower spit out a meteorite-like fireball and hit Asma's body at near zero distance.

It exploded almost on the spot, Asma shattered and flew, and Sunflower blocked the impact of the explosion with [Suzonenhu].

At this time, she felt the noise above the back of her head.

The shadow clone of Water Gate (main body is maintaining the [Four Red Sun Formation]) instantaneously reached the blind spot of coral eyes on the inner side of her [Suzanoh], under the cover with a head-sized chakra light ball in her hand!

"[Xianfa·Spiral Pill]."

However, it seemed that the flaw was caught, and a black sphere appeared on the back of Sunflower's head in time [Absorption Array] to eliminate the attack of the Watergate clone.

"The seal of the earth shadow is completed. The fourth generation of Hokage, when I did not notice the Thunder God technique on my body? I also specially got the position where it is not easy to replace the spare parts!" Sunflower removed the golden red ribs and turned around to stab the lightsaber. Cut the water gate.

The Water Gate avatar made a beautiful twisting turn for ten and a half weeks to avoid the sunflower's chopping. The goddess scattered flowers and threw countless Thunder God Kumai around, and almost immediately turned around and kicked at her.

Sunflower unceremoniously wanted to cut Watergate's leg with a sword. However, the power of Xianshu's blessing was extraordinary. The moment Watergate exploded with one foot, the sunflower was also rushed to the ground by a huge force, which was avoided by the gorgeous big wings and large cushioning materials. Embedded in the ground, his legs bent slightly and landed.

Immediately afterwards, the afterimages of the water gate teleporting continuously appeared around, the speed was too fast, even the coral-colored eyes of the sunflower could only see light and shadow.

"Four generations of Hokage, my writing wheel eyes are going to faint, you... don't you faint?"

Suddenly, two hands were stretched out from the ground under the sunflower's feet, which was the [Sound of Earth Escape·Beheading in the Heart]!

Sunflowers can fly, their body shape has not moved, and their legs retracted upwards without resistance to avoid the future being pulled underground. Unexpectedly, the hands that just stretched out to the ground immediately burst out with purple electric needles!

"[Lei Dun·Thunder Dragon Heaven]!"

Not only is the lightning from the bottom up, but the needle-like purple lightning that rises to the sky does act as a lightning rod. The lightning rod is not just what the name suggests, but attracts lightning.

"Boom!" Responding to the thunder on the ground, a purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and the natural thunder from above was unable to absorb it! There is no time to absorb the attack under his feet, and he will be struck by the sky thunder.

"Kakashi! [Suzano nohu]!" Sunflower immediately once again sacrificed the housekeeping skills of writing round eyes, and the golden-red giant immediately appeared to resist.

"Fuck, this thunder and lightning is too powerful?!" Sunflower immediately moved out of the range of lightning bombardment. At this time, the golden and red giant that had just unfolded had only incomplete bones left.

"Kakashi clearly didn't write round eyes, so why did he stole Sasuke's [Raidun Kirin]? Or did it crash the car by developing ninjutsu?"

Kakashi taught Sasuke [Chidori] who needed the assistance of writing round eyes, but because he did not have writing round eyes, he slowed down and increased his power and changed it to [Purple Lights]. Sasuke’s [Kirin] was originally developed on the basis of [Chidori] and does not require the aid of writing round eyes. After Sasuke returned to the village, it is not surprising that Kakashi imitated on the basis of [Purple Light], anyway, forbearance When does the technology have copyright? The second generation of Hokage has invented so many forbidden techniques, isn't it for future generations to pretend to be forced?

Sunflower Yuguang looked at the sky. Because of the natural disasters and earthquakes caused by Togo, the clouds in the sky were still full. The Togo would really drag her back. She stomped angrily and started the earth to slap Kakashi, who had attacked herself from the ground. Squeeze to death.

Kakashi was forced out of the ground.

"Unexpectedly, the fourth generation of Hokage is actually the bait, but the main attack is the living Kakashi?" Sunflower patted his hands again, "[Flower Escape·Flower and Grass Enchantment]."

Numerous sunflowers were in full bloom in the surrounding area in an instant.

Kakashi and Watergate immediately cut off the flowers and plants around their bodies, and kept the flowers away.

"[Flower Escaping·Flower Scattering Dance]."

Numerous petals were rolled up in the gust of wind, and thousands of petals were spinning around the sunflower like a tornado protecting her.

Originally, the sunflower had a similar ability. It disassembled many parts of the [Flying Flower Shuriken] and fired it, and also used the wind to increase its power. However, because the various parts of the flower have different shapes and weights and are affected by the airflow, it is difficult to control. It is a waste to let the sunflower have no other use besides launching it forward.

The fairy compatriots suggested to her after her daily persecution not long ago: You only need petals and leaves. The concentrated force that is freed up after easy manipulation is used to control the wind. It is also good to rely on rotation to increase the power. How to learn quickly-Sunflower learned [ Spiral pill], it means that it is easy to cooperate with the magic of operating memory.

The sunflower caused the scattered leaves of the flying flowers to rotate and spread outward. Kakashi and the water gate clones were forced to retreat. Kakashi's hands were sealed, and he used the [Fire Escape·Big Fireball Technique] to blow out flames and burn a part of the flowers and leaves.

"Innocent." Sunflower began to seal with his hands. The ground mountain had just been blown away. All the bare rhizomes of the flowers and leaves grew and bloomed again. They continued to be stripped and turned into sharp edges. They kept adding, and the number soon exceeded eight figures.

All the surrounding Fei Lei Shen Kuwu was shattered by Huaye Sharp and his technique.

"[Fire escape · Ashes burn]." Asma, whose body was repaired, joined the The fire ninjutsu ignited and exploded with a puff of gas, smoke and dust, and set off a storm to repel a large number of flowers and leaves, which was also burned. A drop in the bucket.

"Turn me into a broken Dingding and die obediently or be sealed." Sunflower stopped Jieyin, raised his hand and started to direct music, manipulating its countless mosaic blades into waves to surround Kakashi and Watergate clones, as well as Asma.

(Yes, this is Jingyan Qianben Sakura)

However, the fairies had previously discussed that the tactics that were effective against the shadow-level ninjas did not have an immediate effect.

As the water gate flashed again, another man with long straight hair, Hyuga Nissa, was brought to the battlefield. He stood in front of the other three, spouting blue light all over his body and spinning: "[Bagua Palm·Return to Heaven]! "

This is a ninjutsu where the chakra spurts and rotates at high speed and turns into a hemispherical gas shield, which turns into an offensive and defensive shield that is easy to ricochet and strangle.

In addition, Asma poured his high tearing wind chakra and explosive gas into the rotating gas hood, and all the nearby flying flowers and leaves were shattered into powder that could no longer be manipulated.

(to be continued)

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