Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 308: Knowing that defeat is too easy and more like a comedy

Although Ling Xian’s magic damage is calculated based on the target’s own value, it is very unreasonable in reality, but it is not surprising in the game. Now it is the reality of game transformation. In general, it is to the ninja—

The ninjas were all cultivated in their own body, and the chakra, which symbolized their physical and spiritual energy, broke out and burned to death.

Although PVP in the game can be countermeasures, this kind of tricks often have limitations in BOSS battles, but opponents who can see through Lingxian's current ability or make Lingxian's magic flaws have not yet stood in front of them.

Ling Xian ignored the useless attack on him, raised it up with a finger gun in his hand, and shot a small red light bullet that landed in the coalition group.

The people around the bullet ran away immediately, and it was a natural response to have seen Ling Xian's attack power.

"[Fantasy Blasting [Mind]]."

"Boom!" The red light burst covered a large area, and the ninjas bathed in red light had already lost their lives.

"Compared with the Chakra equivalent of MP, do these people have super low HP?" Ling Xian tilted his head.

At this time, a flame flew towards Ling Xian.

Unlike before, the flame gave Lingxian a sense of danger. Although the power was not too great, it was not something that could be ignored until MISS suddenly turned into HP-100.

It seems that Mary's loss was immediately hit by a ninja combo cbo to return her HP to zero.

Ling Xian jumped backward and somersaulted to avoid the flames, looking at the person who came.

"Don't underestimate people!"

The Hua Xia Feng girl held a huge fan in one hand and a big pot in the other hand, shouting.

Konoha Ninja has good luck with honey every day. Not only did she pick up the treasures left by the six immortals in Yunyin Village during the battle a few days ago, she had clearly arrived nearby but was not hit by Lingxian’s various indiscriminate coverage. Hit.

"Huh?" Ling Xian looked at Tian Tian, ​​who was useless except for the props, stunned, and then...


In the eyes of Hinata, Ling Xian continued to slaughter the ninja with some tricks she didn't recognize. Although the killing area was not as good as Mary, it was like another dimension. What happened to the golden eyes that gave her an insurmountable sense of pressure on the biological level?

Hinata couldn't help taking a step back.

"Hinata, what happened over there?" Kai asked.

"I... have to go." Hinata's eyes widened, and she saw it again. Tian Tian was on the other side. Perhaps because of this, Neji, who had gotten rid of Mary's control, was also running there.

Only Hinata can see that Lingxian is there, so she must go.

She carried Mary's body on her back and repeatedly jumped over the ninja coalition that became more chaotic. She flew over there quickly. I don't know if it was feasible. If only Mary could use Mary to make the opponent hesitate a little bit.

At least Ning Ci and Tian Tian must be brought back. That is not an opponent that Ning Ci and Tian Tian can deal with. But--

"Huh?" Hinata was confused at this time, and seemed to have really solved it.

Ning Ci, who rushed to Tiantian first, shouted, "Tiantian, are you okay? Did you solve the enemy alone?"

"Eh..." Tian Tian touched the Yujing bottle next to him, and said, "Actually, I don't know too much. I found this one. I haven't had time to ask someone from Yunyin Village to find out how to use it. But that's terrible. My enemy has already arrived, I can only attack and call her, and then she sucked into it as soon as she answered. That's it."

"Brother Ningci, Tian Tiansang!" After Hina Tian returned to his senses, he rushed here with Mary's body on his back.

"Hinata, did you defeat Mary?" shouted every day.

"Thanks to Teacher Kai and Li Jun for their help." Hinata said.

"Hinata-sama, what are you going to do with her?" The reason why Ning Ci asked like this was because he noticed the way Mary's eyes are now.

However, Hinata didn't have any awareness of the flow of blood from the family. He just said: "First...seal it up, otherwise she always feels that after some time, she will reappear in the body of [Foul Land Reincarnation]."

"Ah, then put it in? It feels much safer than the scroll." Tiantian pointed to the Yujing bottle.

"Ah, agree, but if Yunyin Village wants to take back these ninjas, they have to remember to get the corpse back." Ning Ci said.

Here, unlike the ninja coalition forces in other places where they were destroyed one by one, the main member of Akatsuki, Mary, was killed and Ling Xian was sealed.

This is the victory of the Ninja Allied Forces.

After rectification, they continued to march towards the location of Togo.


Ninja Alliance Headquarters——

As soon as Nara Shikahisa and Yamanakahiro heard some good news, their sweaty and tight foreheads finally stretched a little, but they couldn't relax at all. It would be great if he could defeat Akatsuki members one by one with restrained ability and combination, but the enemy would lose two generals at once, and he would be more cautious. Perhaps it will no longer take the initiative to attack, the next is a decisive battle, it is also possible to try to more cautiously combat the weakness of the coalition forces.

There is also a bad possibility, not that I have not considered it, but the way the enemy appears is really unreasonable——

A vortex twisted and appeared in the headquarters, and the masked man appeared with soil.

"You are! Uchiha takes soil!" Lujiu, who had obtained the information, pulled out kunai to take soil, and the other ninjas also stopped their work and took their positions to take soil.

"Who am I...does it matter?" Dai Tu shrugged.

There is no one who can be an opponent with soil here. The shadows who originally sat here have already stepped onto the battlefield. The rest are ninjas who specialize in command, perception and communication, and their combat power and soil are incomparable.

"Uchiha brought the soil, you were once Konoha's hero, and you who had longed for Naruto, why did you do such a thing?" Hiichi asked slowly, shaking.

Trying to delay as much as possible to contact reliable rescuers is also his emotional character as a Konoha ninja.

"I want to ask why even Teacher Watergate is always late, even if he later became Hokage, he couldn't protect Lin well before, let her continue to receive that kind of inhuman treatment." .

"Naughty!" Lu Jiu patted the table and stood up. "It is true that the village has the responsibility to protect, but the people who support the umbrella for the village are also living people like you and me. You were a ninja in name before you died. Still relying on the protection of adults everywhere? Since you didn't sacrifice back then, why didn't you go back to the village? When Lyn and Kakashi were in danger, where did you go? What qualifications do you have to blame the fourth generation of Hokage?"

"Yes, so I'm a waste. Neither Ms. Watergate nor Kakashi can fulfill their promises. They are also waste. Everyone is waste. This world doesn't need waste." Bring the soil to Lujiu and pierced out with a knife—


"Take the soil, if the teacher is not there, do you care about it...seal."

"Old~Master~" Tai Tu turned his head and looked at the water gate that suddenly appeared behind him, and fell down.

"Catch up." Hai sighed.

(to be continued)

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