Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 303: Zuo Ming's plug-in has been paid

Konoha Village, Hokage Building, Hokage Office——

Although the atmosphere has always been subtle because of the Uchiha rebellion and the presence of related parties, after receiving urgent contact from the battlefield, both the Naruto and Uchiha dead are willing to help end the war.

Watergate expressed his willingness to run around and use the [Seal of Contract] to bring in some ninjas who are reliable in their personalities and standing in line, but he still has a request now——

"Excuse me, can I go see my son? He seems to have recovered."

Kakashi was stunned for a while, and then said, "Then please ask Ms. Watergate. I am a living person, not a medical ninja but Naruto. I cannot risk even 10% of the infection to meet him, even if it is my cute one. Disciple."

"Why have you been stunned for so long?"

"Sorry, because I'm really not used to the fourth generation of Hokage's Water Gate teacher talking to me in this subordinate tone, ha ha."

"It's okay, it's okay, you are a contemporary Hokage, and you still have a position in the coalition army. I have to listen to you in battlefield scheduling."

Jian Jian then interrupted and said, "I don't know how to interrupt the conversation between the yin and yang between the master and the disciple. But now is not the time to make a fuss, hurry up."

Zhu Jian couldn't help but said, "Fu Jian, how bad the killing atmosphere is at this time."

"Big brother, it's useless to say a few words less."

"That's what I said." Watergate's voice disappeared as soon as he finished.

Fei Jian ignored the column that was turned into a languid and pale by his blow, and looked at the position where the water gate disappeared: "Fei Lei Shen has done a pretty good improvement, um, it's a pity that a generation of talents died young."

"By the way, I still have a place I want to go." The tone between the pillars suddenly regained enthusiasm.

"Big brother, are you endless? Where are you going?" There was a bit of a bad premonition.

"Look at Huoyingyan, how can you not go to see before the expedition is the sixth generation? Anyway, didn't the fourth generation go to see his son? When he comes back, you will praise the improved Flying Thunder God, isn't it faster? .Haha, hahaha."


But he said that Watergate teleported to Naruto's side, but found that he was not in the ward, but in the hospital corridor. He looked down, why did his son lay on the ground with his buttocks as if he had just been fucked?

Then, both Sakura and Kushina walked out with anger as they did not recognize them, and ignoring the water gate, they lifted Naruto and dragged them into the ward like a coffin.

"Mom, Sakura, I was injured just now when I got better~" Naruto looked pitifully.

Jiuxinai: "Give me the inspection before going out! I want to disobey my mother and wait until I die, even though I'm already dead!"

Sakura: "Yes, what if you are an asymptomatic carrier of the virus! If you don't check and confirm your safety, even if you break your leg, you won't be on the battlefield. Don't worry, I will cure you of those injuries."

"This girl, it's so synchronized with Jiu Xinnai." Mizumon seemed to see the expression of "wife×2" on his face.

"Are you?" Kozakura only noticed Watergate.

Can't you see the words on Hokage's imperial robe, or you are too famous, but he still introduced himself kindly.

Sakura: "So you are the fourth generation of Naruto who was resurrected by Sasuke?"

Jiuxina: "Yes, it's my husband~"

Sakura: "I'm sorry that I don't have time to pay a visit to the predecessor of Naruto. Naruto's business is more important. If Naruto really heals on his own, he must prepare to extract antibodies to make a vaccine."

Naruto: "Wait, I'm stronger, I feel I can do everything, just let me go to help Sasuke, Shion, and Uncle Sunglasses (Yanshiro Aoba)!"

It is a pity that his wish could not be realized, so he tied a mask to Wuhuada and carried it to other medical rooms.

Although it is uncomfortable for Naruto, who has just received the new plug-in of the Six Ways of Yang Power from the Remnant Soul of the Six Ways of Immortality, this is normal. The medical ninjas and doctors saw the dying patient suddenly became energetic, and most of them thought it was. Backlight or the disease has mutated, rather than the patient hanging up.

"Please take care of Naruto's affairs." Watergate said to the figure who had disappeared at the door, and then turned and left.


"Wow, Sasuke!"

"Huh?" Mizumon turned his head and saw that there seemed to be a girl with glasses who had the same hair color as Kushina and ran by crying. Do the people of Kushina know Sasuke's people again. It's a pity that he can't follow up in those intensive care units.

The results of the inspection are naturally no abnormalities. The power of the Six Paths of Yang is usually manifested as the ultimate immortal body ability. Even if the whole body is charred, chakra, and life squeezed, it can be rescued with a hand, and even hit [to kill the ashes. ] Even the dead can greatly delay the time of death. Sasuke and others, who had been infected with the virus by Alfin, finally recovered after being touched by Naruto.


On the Naruto Rock——

The first generation of Naruto Senjuzu took the lead overlooking the metropolis-like Konoha Village, shouting excitedly: "Oh! This scenery is really nostalgic and unfamiliar. I am so gratified that Konoha Village can be so prosperous! Everyone, on top of Yan Yan in this watch village, keep in mind the appearance of the village! There is no war in the world, but this is the last one!"

"However, the people who contributed to the prosperity of Konoha Village have all become enemies trying to end the Ninja World. It is really ironic." Shisui thought of the interaction with "Yue Kui" during his lifetime, and couldn't help but sigh.

"That's what I said," Feima reminded Shima. "You were defeated by Madara Uchiha. Even if his eldest brother did not reach the peak of his strength during his lifetime, Madara did not use Kyuubi this time. It seems that he has also achieved better than his lifetime. Do you have any countermeasures? Do you need my help? It’s better to hurry up. According to the news from the headquarters, the coalition forces will be gone soon."

"There is Madara has absorbed my Xianshu Chakra, which is equivalent to one more weakness in my cell, so I can finally use that technique." He said with confidence between the pillars but added another sentence. , "The reincarnation eye can use certain techniques that I can't see the essence, if only the same eye assistance is available."

Itachi: "But Sasuke's current situation--"

Itachi remembered the golden reincarnation eyes of the big tube wood he had hidden before his death. After dealing with the pharmacist's pocket, he thought that it might be useful, so he looked for it, but it was gone. Being taken away by Xinsheng Xiao is a possibility.

Jiraiya also suggested: "Then, how about trying to lift Nagato's seal? I will try my best to convince that shameless disciple."

Jian Jian said: "This is also a way, but the easiest way is to change that Uchiha boy's reincarnation eyes to other of us? Anyway, those eyes are not his."

At this time--

"I've been waiting for a long time." A golden light flashed, and Mizumon brought Kushina and Naruto, Sasuke, and Shion who were healed by the six immortals to...

(to be continued)

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