Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 171: An Qi wants to ask for love

"Could it be..." Sonny suddenly realized something when she heard Bo Ren's shouting. The whole body of the person who was "resurrected" by her was not just...

"Tuan Zang" eyelids trembled and opened slightly, but it was a coral-colored writing wheel and a white eye!

"Stop! No, kill him now!" Sasuke shouted.

Sunny felt that the experiment was enough, and her curiosity was satisfied, and she did not want to personally resurrect a fellow who could not be a companion, a back jump, and raised her hand to call: "[Magic triple is the most strengthened·brilliant brilliance [tmm· br]】!"

"Boom!" A white beam of light like a satellite orbital gun fell from the sky!

The power of this beam of light is no longer the same as the beam of light that Sunny had used to fight the Dragon King of the Dead Coffin for the last time.

Although this is not the most destructive magic in the magic that Sunny now knows, all the souls bathed in the beam of sacred magic, the more evil the object, the stronger the effect, and it will evaporate.

This is usually the case.

"Suck... absorbed?" Sonny's mouth twitched and looked at "Danzao" who raised the "tattoo" arm to absorb the beam of light.

"This guy is too dangerous and weird!" Anna clenched her sickle and galloped towards "Danzo", "Just get rid of him!"


This combo was Anna's full strength, the sickle shone with cursed purple light, and the "Danzo" was cut to pieces with a few slashes.

Unexpectedly, the fragments of "Danzo" disappeared like a phantom, and the intact "Danzo" appeared in the air, just floating there. The coral color wheel eyes turned white.

He muttered as if he hadn't woken up: "This is... [Izanaki]? Uh, what tricks does this person have?"

Anna didn't hesitate, and rushed into the air under her feet. Since the opponent would absorb it, she couldn't rely on some long-range attacks.

"Yes..." "Danzo" took a breath and squirted out suddenly, "[Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade]!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Like being hit by an invisible heavy hammer from the sky, Anna fell sharply under the pressure of the wind, smashing a large pit several meters deep on the ground.

"Woo... this level." Anna stood up forcibly against the wind pressure.

Sasuke carefully observed the "Danzo" who was suspected of being possessed by a peach-like possession, and observed who his tricks were closer to seeking countermeasures-since Anna could still stand it.

The blogger was terrified. [Feng Dun·Vacuum Jade] is the ninjutsu he knows, how could it have such power? Even if it's Shangnin, it's dead if you get a shot, right?

At this moment, "Danzo" covered his head: "Inferior creatures...what kind of broken container? Forget it—"

He said loudly to the crowd: "Only thanks to the inferior creatures for allowing me to resurrect a few years in advance. In return, let you live a little longer and spend the last time tremblingly." After that, he In a whirlpool, his body disappeared.

"That's bad." Sasuke frowned and said to Sunny and Anna, "If that guy can have the peach-like ability, maybe he has found the location of Kyuubi."


"That guy Taoshi has quite a strong perception. From past information, if the target is a tail beast, the range that can be sensed may be the entire continent." Sasuke continued, "You have to act quickly. Fortunately, Dan Zang Nian It’s because the physique is very different from that of the blogger. Tao Shi is not in good shape and Pu Shi is a cautious guy. That means we still have some time."

Sunny was a bit at a loss, although she was pretending: "You guys, don't you blame me?"

The blogger shook the hand with the diamond-shaped mark, and said, "No, I have to thank you, or the hateful peach-style will be resurrected on me."


The land of the sea, the island of the ghost world——

Iglia, who received the news, was flattered.

Although she feels complacent because of her role as Claun Pith's underwear and thinks she is better than other fairies, it seems that there are not many birds. The news about Datongmu Taoshi's resurrection was the first to inform her, and asked her to talk to other compatriots, which made her very happy.

In fact, it’s just that Igria’s high-level race "Dual Phantom" can directly replicate the abilities of the former character, plus her "reincarnation" character attributes. There is no need for 100% fusion surgery, it really only needs Transplant eyes, so she has the highest chance of being awake at this time.

Eh? Where's the sunflower?

Because Sunflower only led the way, Sunny ignored her subconsciously.

At this time, Iglia was pacing back and forth outside the large-scale training room. After receiving the news, she ran to the door and kicked open the ordinary door, shouting: "The situation has become urgent! Has anyone not settled yet? ?"

There was no one in the cultivation tank used for fusion. The single Granbell, Mary, Alfin, and Anqi were sitting and lying down, seeming to have come out and found a comfortable place nearby. rest.

Shinraku Jin is kneeling on the ground to help them with a wet towel on their They are obviously not companions, and they have not done anything worthy of Konoha. They are really considerate humans. Yuhuo, who has restored its human appearance, is also helping, even if it seems unwilling.

"It's so noisy, it's not unfettered." Sunflower coped. "But it seems that the physical exertion is very serious and the body temperature is a little high. Everyone needs to rest. What happened?"

Igria recounted the situation.

"No." Jin was a little scared and covered his mouth. For them, a big pipe could already threaten the world. How about those two?

"The goal is me, right?" An Qi shook her head and stood up, "must, hurry...recover."

"Even if you say that, this is an adaptation phase response after fusion, and healing magic and regeneration magic are useless." Sunflower said in embarrassment.

"Give me strength."

"No, the same kind of surgery can no longer be done. Two-in-one is the greatest result without higher technology."

Even if it is a fusion of "removing the dross and taking the essence", it will not be accurate enough to leave half of each side of the fusion, thinking that the density of the body and the compactness of the organs can be expanded indefinitely? If you want to become a monster with three heads and six arms, you can also consider transformation. It's better to say that doing that kind of thing is easier, but whether the combat power can be proportional or not is another question.

An Qi smiled and said, "Is it time? Sunflower, give me the foreshadowing that you and Oshemaru planted in that place when you cooperated in Konoha Village. Hip-hop."

"No, that's everyone's..."

"Hee hee, hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha." An Qi staggered to the front of Sunflower, lay on her body, and whispered: "What have you done to me... Why do I always suffer... Give me Some special treatments, can't you? Hee hee."

(to be continued)()

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