Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 661: Family

Because they have to maintain the reputation passed down by the family with their hearts, they must not discredit the family. Therefore, they have been indoctrinated with many things since they were young, and the pressure they have endured since childhood is beyond the comprehension of ordinary civilians.

It is undeniable that there are occasional scum in the aristocratic family, but such people are very few, and they are definitely worthy of being people who have inherited the long-standing family. In fact, most of these people are like temporary nouveau riche with no background, and they are just families who get powerful for a while and become arrogant.

However, these families are often impossible to last long. Due to the lack of heritage, they have a lot of power at once, and they will become forgetful for a while, which is why they do so many things that are hated by others.

But the real background and long-standing family are different, because they have been in the peak power game for a long time, and they understand the rules of the game very well. At the same time, they also understand better that the permanence of a family is not only accumulated by one generation, but needs to be maintained and accumulated by generations.

The prestige of the aristocratic family comes from those seemingly ordinary civilians. The so-called prestige is the trust buried deep in the hearts of countless civilians. Once this trust no longer exists, the family is basically finished.

No matter how glorious and prominent the Ni family was, once the trust deeply buried in the hearts of the people disappears, the family will also decline, or even completely disappear. To maintain this kind of trust rooted in the hearts of the people, the children of aristocratic families must be upright, kind and just.

If you think that the children of aristocratic families are born superior and can oppress the people with dominance, then this is extremely ridiculous and naive. Because once this kind of person appears in a real and well-established family, there is no need to wait for the people to rebel. The family rules and customs of those aristocratic families will first punish him on the spot.

Even if the offender is the patriarch, it is useless, and some clan will come out and deal with him. Because a real aristocratic family will regard the family reputation as more important than life, no matter who touches it, it will be smashed to pieces.

Although this kind of trust buried deep in the hearts of the people cannot be seen or touched, the old power is extremely powerful. It can make a new family rise to the peak in an instant, and it can also make a family with a long history standing at the top instantly fall apart.

The aristocratic families with a long history understand this truth very well, so there are family rules outside the national law. Otherwise, what do you think those family rules are for? Their function is to restrain the children of one's own family, so that they can develop the habit of self-discipline since childhood.

Compared with ordinary commoners, the children of aristocratic families seem to be born superior, that's right! However, compared with ordinary civilians, the birth of the children of these aristocratic families is also subject to more constraints than ordinary civilians.

Ordinary civilians are basically only bound by the laws of the country, but the children of aristocratic families are not only bound by the laws of the country, but also by the rules of the family.

However, it is also true that the children of aristocratic families are more greedy for power than ordinary people. Because this is the most powerful way for them to add brilliance to the family and improve the family's prestige.

Arrogant, domineering and lawless aristocratic families basically do not exist. Even if there are some legends, they are actually just catering to the psychology of ordinary civilians.

Because the aristocratic family has strict family rules, the big family has its own family rules, and the clan enforces the law. More importantly, in fact, those national laws are mostly formulated by those aristocratic families, so how can they destroy the laws they have set by themselves? Isn't it nonsense to be lawless?

The real people who break the rules of the game are actually those ordinary people or minor nobles who suddenly gained power and have no background. Because they suddenly gained power but did not understand the rules of the game very well, they often end up miserable in the end.

Because they haven't understood at all that the real root of an aristocratic family is the trust in the hearts of the people, and oppressing the people will only destroy the foundation of their own family.

And it is precisely because of the characteristics of these aristocratic families that Habayashi Blood Eagle feels difficult when facing those aristocratic families, and also feels almost hopelessly powerless when facing the family of the Sun Chaser.

Think about it! Prince Kael'thas never forgot the suffering of the people until the moment of his death! Such a family, such a royal family dedicated to the people, how could Habayashi Blood Eagle not feel the pressure like facing a mountain?

Habayashi Blood Eagle left after introducing it to several people, leaving only Turalyon and the others to discuss among themselves.

Habayashi Blood Eagle only called Turalyon and none of the others called. He wanted to let the current officer corps get in touch with Turalyon first. If there are too many people, it will be complicated, and there will be more demands, so it will be easy to quarrel again. But only Turalyon and the leaders of the current officer corps were there, even if they quarreled, it was not so easy to quarrel.

Moreover, Turalyon is likely to be the highest-ranking leader of the Stormwind Kingdom Restoration Corps in the future, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com If they can't even handle Turalyon's relationship well, then it's really better not to join the legion.

What good fruit can a general who has a bad relationship with the army commander have? Even if Turalyon had a big heart, it was not something a smart subordinate should do if he insisted on froze the relationship with his immediate superior.

After Habayashi Blood Eagle left, he entered the teleportation array and headed to Quel'Dannis City.

The information Turalyon brought to him was very important, and the members of the Quel'Dannis City Council were already gearing up, and they had waited for this news for a long time.

Lothar said that he hoped that the Hinterlands could send people to Lordaeron for a discussion. Bloodhawk Habayashi planned to let the people from the Quel'Danis Council organize their own meetings. Bloodhawk Habayashi thinks that such a political meeting I was really not a good fit in the past.

The council of Quel'Dannis immediately became agitated when they received the news from Habayashi Blood Eagle. Such a big deal, but Quel'Danis has become the biggest deal ever. As long as this deal is successful, many of Quel'Dannis' currently suspended projects will receive sufficient funds to start.

Although in this business, the alliance only pays about one-third of the payment in cash, the other third is mainly barter transactions, and the other third of the payment will be paid after the war is over. .

However, the price of goods is extremely high now, whether it is armor or food, it is much higher than usual, even if it is only one-third of the cash payment, but this amount is already very large.

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