Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 588: tacit mutual

It can be calculated that among these people, it has been more than two months since they came to Hinterland, and the latest one is less than ten days old. But seeing how busy they are now, it seems that they don't have much resistance to being forcibly moved to the Hinterlands.

Of course, this is just what it looks like. What is the actual situation? Habayashi Blood Eagle still needs to find out in detail. Naturally, if you want to find out, you can't ask these high elves who have just migrated.

These newly relocated high elves have just arrived, and naturally everyone who has just arrived has some concerns in their hearts, and it is normal to say things that are not true.

Besides, Habayashi Blood Eagle is still followed by a few Griffin Knights wearing Quel'Dannis military uniforms, which makes this possibility even more serious.

If he wanted to know the real situation, he had to go to the old villagers to find out the specific situation, but Habayashi Xueying also realized that he had made a very stupid mistake at this time.

The old villagers had expressed to him their desire to move out of Quel'Dannis City and live in the Quel'Dannis Valley. At that time, the construction of the fort had not yet started, and the number of high elves was too small. Habayashi Xueying was worried about their safety, so he did not agree to their immediate relocation. But for a period of time after this incident, he was busy with this and that, and over time he completely forgot about these things.

At this moment, when he thought of going to those old villagers, Habayashi Xueying realized that there is now a green dragon helping to use plant magic to give birth to plants, making them grow into various tree houses suitable for high elves to live in.

Since the tree house where the elves live is just a residence, compared with the castle as a military fortress, the requirements are relatively simpler, as long as the space inside has a standard high-level elf-style building space.

Unlike large military fortresses, the outer walls are required to be thick enough and tall. Not only to meet the defense, but also to facilitate the attack. There must be enough space to accommodate a large number of troops, and there must be a lot of space to store combat supplies and so many complicated conditions.

As the tree house where the high elves live, it only needs to stimulate the plants to grow into a certain shape and size, so the green dragons are very relaxed, and the construction speed of the tree house village is also very fast.

Although Seradan only had a dozen green dragons coming over, the speed of building a tree house-style village was almost at the speed of a thousand-person village a day, which was much faster than the stone high elf-style village built by humans and Wildhammers. The speed of the village is unknown how many times faster.

Thirty thousand high elf civilians only need 30 treehouse villages with a thousand people, so the tree house type high elf villages are more than enough to accommodate the newly relocated high elf civilians, and even many villages have been left vacant.

But now the green dragons are still building. It is said that those green dragons almost thought they were helping the night elves build a tree house in Darnassus.

Seeing a large number of thousand-person treehouse villages quickly take shape, the Quel'Dannis Council also moved their minds. They invited more than a dozen green dragons to help build many tree house buildings in various districts of Quel'Dannis City.

In fact, now the military area of ​​Quel'Dannis City has been compressed to only the bottom floor, and the other two floors have been classified as trade areas. Naturally, the commercial and trade area that was originally on the top floor was also re-divided by various districts.

Today, the city of Quel'Dannis is no longer a small number of dilapidated stone buildings in the time of the evil branch trolls. Nor was it the dusty earthworks site that Habayashi Bloodhawk went to Quel'Thalas. Instead, it became an intoxicatingly prosperous city that at least looked beautiful on the outside.

Originally, there were very few trees in Quel'Dannis City, but after the green dragon participated in the construction, various types of tree houses now account for at least 60% of all buildings in Quel'Dannis City.

Stone buildings and tree houses are intertwined everywhere, but they reflect each other.

Seen from outside Quel'Dannis, the city appears to sit amidst a sea of ​​lush greenery. Only when you enter the city, you will find that those forests that look like green seas are actually the green leaves growing on those tree houses. In fact, the city is also densely packed with rows of buildings of various uses.

Because these dozen green dragons from Seradan have made great contributions to the construction of Quel'Dannis City, these green dragons are highly respected by all the high elves in Quel'Dannis.

Later, these green dragons simply transformed into high elves and had a great time in Quel'Danis, and the Quel'Danis council also worked very hard to satisfy these green dragons who came to support the construction, and provided them with a lot something they need.

In fact, the task of these green dragons coming to support the construction has already been completed long ago, but it seems that these green dragons have no intention of returning to Seradan at all. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Naturally, this is a good thing for the Quel'Danis Council and the Habayashi Blood Eagle, so both Quel'Danis and the green dragons who came to support the construction are pretending to be deaf and dumb, and one of them didn't say that the task had been completed and wanted to reply. When Osama bin Laden went, no one said that the cooperation was over. Whether to continue the new cooperation, everyone tacitly assumed that the task was not completed and the cooperation was not over.

That's why the green dragons will go to the planned village address in Quel'Danis Valley every day. A dozen or so green dragons released plant magic together to form a tree-house village of thousands of people, and then ran back to their residence in Quel'Dannis City, where they ate, drank and had fun with peace of mind.

It is said that these green dragons spent too much time sleeping when they were in Seradan, because although the land occupied by Radan is not small, it is much larger than the city of Quel'Dannis and the valley of Quel'Dannis combined, but it is only There are only a few green dragons and at most two draconian troops stationed there, so it can be said that it is a sparsely populated place.

With a vast land and few people, it is natural to be lonely, not to mention that the green dragon has the power of dreams, and many of these people often hide in the emerald dream and do not want to wake up. It's not that easy to find someone to talk to.

Before the Habayashi Blood Eagle brought the high elves to the Hinterlands, the Hinterlands were basically deadwood trolls and shoe branch trolls in a barbaric or semi-barbaric state.

For these seemingly uncivilized guys, these proud dragons really can't think of playing with them.

Throughout Azeroth, you may often see dragons transforming into night elves, high elves and even humans, but basically it is impossible for you to see a dragon transforming into a troll.

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