Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 495: The villains have something to say 22

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Xie Yuan is not stupid, or that some things even happened under his deliberate indulgence. After all, the top of the snowy mountain is his place. How could he really be unaware of the fact that some people are in formation?

However, Tang Qing didn't feel malicious on him, so he just let it go, just didn't expect that he would ask back.

She leaned lazily on the head of the bed, tilting her lips, "I should ask you this, how much does our medical sage know about the top of the snowy mountain?"

Xie Yuan frowned slightly, but quickly smiled, "I know." After the words were over, she left with her head full of question marks.

As soon as he left, Tang Qing raised the smile on her face. She stared at the direction where he could no longer see him, and said coolly: "I always think that Xie Yuan is not easy. He knows many things, but ... Get out of the way. "

The system, "The function of detecting other people's data has been blocked, I can't help you."

Tang Qing shrugged, his face didn't matter, "My lovely system, I didn't expect you to help me." The words fell, ignoring the shouting guy in her head, she directly closed her eyes and continued her nap.

I slept for a long time, and when she woke up again, the sky was already dark. She blinked her bright black eyes, and found that this is not a magic palace.

She glanced at the banquet that she didn't know how long she had been by her side. She wondered: "Sovereign, where is this place?"

"The reverse side of the mainland, also known as the negative side of the darkness." Feng Yan stared at her and asked with a smile, "Are you afraid?"

Tang Qing shook her head, but the darkness was just the opposite. She was the one who had even been to the undead continent. How could she be afraid?

"What are we doing here?"

"Cure for you."

Seeing his expression does not seem to be a lie, Tang Qing couldn't help but stunned, "Can the dark side reshape the spirit root?"

"Yeah." There was a smile on the handsome face, but he obviously didn't want to tell her what to do.

He did n’t say Tang Qing or ask, the dark side has the same similarities with the previously experienced undead world. There are strange and strange creatures everywhere. They admire power and worship the strong, and the feast is exactly what they worship, so this way There was no surprise when they came, until they reached the depths of the dark side.

The demons living in the depths of the dark side of the darkness are not as good as before. Sometimes, they even meet on the road, and they fight together.

Of course, they are also principled, and the opponent they fight is also a banquet. For Tang Qing, who has no strength at all, it is like looking at the air.

All kinds of demons met along the way, and our gluttony was like an addiction. Sometimes Tang Qing began to wonder if this guy came to see him or did he fight?

This suspicion did not last long. After the two came to a place like a city, she heard that the devil in the ear was discussing the term witch, and she believed that this guy did come to see him.

"The only capital on the opposite side of the darkness, the city of Yan." The banquet held her in one hand and explained to her: "The person we are looking for is inside."

To some extent, witches and medical sages are a bit similar. Their existence is all for healing, but medical sages are for saving people, while the latter is for saving the devil.

Tang Qing didn't understand what she was doing as a human witch, until she heard the feast talking to the witch.

The witch's skin was as beautiful as white snow, her long black hair was meandering on her shoulders, and she was wearing a **** ultra-thin tutu. Following her footsteps under the dim candlelight, she wore nothing but a faint white light.

"You brought a human to me? Are you kidding me?" The witch smoked dry smoke gracefully, and as she spoke, a smoky white smoke spit out of her mouth.

The white smoke makes her unrecognizable, but the feeling of seeing flowers in the fog adds to the mysterious beauty of her body.

For the beauty in front of me, the banquet did not appreciate it at all, and directly carried Tang Qing in front of her. "You can turn her into a demon, it's fine."

The witch glared at him, "Become a demon, can't our feast our lord do such a simple thing?"

"Oh, the devil I am talking about is not a demon in the traditional sense, but from the inside out, even the souls fall together."

In the calm voice, the witch looked at Tang Qing sympathetically, "Poor boy, tell your sister how you offended this pervert?"

Along with the fall of the soul, that would never be superb. Forever, you can only be a demon. You can't do it with good human beings. When this kind of evil is inexorable, she feels that this poor human being is persecuted.

However, Tang Qing ’s eyes are extremely trusting, "Everything done by Venerable is good."

"Feast, why did you pick up a fool." The witch shook her head hopelessly. "Only a fool would make such a move."

"Oh, why do you still talk so much?" The banquet said impatiently. The little slave was thirty-two years old. If he hadn't been worried before, after all, he had no years of cultivation, and he lived casually for centuries. It was her that was seriously injured. Xie Yuan said that she could live more than fifty years and that her life would be too big. Among them, she could only pour different potions like a waste every day to continue her life.

Rather than being a human being waiting to die, he would rather demonize the little slave, not to mention that he himself is the irreversible demon, and so should his little slave.

"Okay, I'm going to come to see me and still disdain my words. I really don't know how the child can bear you." The witch complained, but the man turned around and walked back to the back room. "Wait for a while."

After waiting for a while, Tang Qing saw the witch come out, and at this time her hand suddenly had a bottle of black potion.

"Drink it."

Tang Qing took the potion without any hesitation and swallowed it. The bitter bitterness made her frown more than frown. Thinking of why she was suffering, she suddenly made a very bold move. With a tug of his hand, he pulled the feast directly in front of him, and then, on the occasion of his slight stun, he tipped his cool red lips directly.

When the lips touched, the banquet was stunned, but he didn't hate this feeling, and he was ready to enjoy it. How could he know that the other party was escaping at this juncture!

After retreating back, Tang Qing seemed uneasy and nervous.

Feng Yan's eyes were dull, and his thin lips were slightly raised, but this smile-like expression made people wonder whether he was happy or angry.

"Huh, now I'm afraid?"

As soon as the words came out, Tang Qing shrank back half a point. On the surface, she was annoyed by the previous reckless behavior, but her heart was calm until the system's prompt sound appeared in her mind.

"Quest completion 55%!"

Can a kiss rise so much? Tang Qing's lips were slightly raised, and she was really innocent.

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