Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 441: Fairy and cheap, poisonous! 26

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Mo Jue really, as Qiao said, appeared in Sirius that night. He was so servant, he didn't even pack the salute, obviously hurried over in a hurry.

The first thing I saw when Tang Qing was holding her in her arms.

"Little, I shouldn't let you go alone."

Originally just wanted her to avoid entertainment, away from trouble, unimaginable, almost lost her.

He watched the video, the Starship Voyage was blown up, he was involved, how could he not bear the biochemical weapon, if it were not for Joe Yi, it would be impossible to end so smoothly, thinking of this, he was not willing to let go Qing, it is rare to look at Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi looks from the appearance, but a girl about ten years old, but he never regarded her as a child.

"Thank you."

The thank you surprised Joe a little. She always thought that the man in front of her was very arrogant. Unexpectedly, she misunderstood him.

"No need to thank." Qiao said this, and once again looked at Tang Qing. She wasn't really as simple as it seemed on the surface. She even approached Tang Qing from the beginning, also because she had a familiar feeling in her body. Because of this feeling, she let go of her guard.

Mo Ju could vaguely feel that something had changed between the two. He frowned slightly, but saw Qiao Yi suddenly turn around and leave.

She waved her hand and didn't return her head but just said, "I'm going to bed."

Tang Qing glanced at the sky, but it was indeed a little late, and did not keep it, but when it was good night, he and Mo Ju returned to his bedroom.

After returning to the house, he didn't wait for her to speak, he locked her tightly in his arms again, and gave a very passionate kiss.

The sudden hot kiss made Tang Qing froze for a moment, but soon she gave a full response. She stretched out her arms to hug his neck, and even left a shallow kiss at the corner of his mouth even after the hot kiss was over.

"Okay, now I can feel at ease. I am still here." Then, she retracted her hand and poked his beating heart.

With a weak touch, Mo Ju was reluctant to let her loose her hand and simply held her hand and kept sticking to her chest.

He has no sense of security, how could she not know, but this kind of security can not be solved overnight, plus the main system on the head of the two. To this, she has no solution other than giving her the biggest response.

However, there is another very important thing between the two now, that is Qiao Yi.

"Xiao Moju, have you ever doubted the origin of Qiao Yi?"

Mo Ju frowned slightly, "What did you find?"

"It's not what I found, she told me herself." Tang Qing recounted the previous conversation between the two, and finally asked: "You said, will she be like you?"

This time, Mo Ju's brows were deeper. He avoided the main system by relying on vulnerabilities. Now that these vulnerabilities are more perfect, he can't be as unscrupulous as before. With the addition of more abnormalities, the possibility of being discovered The bigger it is.

"Little, we will complete this task as soon as possible."

"What about Joe one?"

"We can't control her affairs for the time being." Mo Ju knew that she was soft-hearted, and then said: "She can avoid the eyes and ears of the main system, and still retain such a high skill, it is impossible to have no preparation at all before the accident. She ca n’t help herself. How likely are you to think that we can help her. Do n’t forget that her skills are not worse than you and me. ”

Although Tang Qing knew what he said was reasonable, it really made her care about the little girl.

"Well, I will try to help her before the task is completed."

Mo Ju did not insist, he knew this was her biggest concession.


Since this night, Mo Ju hastened his layout. Now, although others are in Sirius, Ke Dixing is in a huge panic.

Biochemical weapons are like a time bomb. Once they are released to the world, the credibility of the government will definitely drop to the lowest level in history. However, the most feared thing about the group of officials of Dixing has happened. They do n’t know how the person who posted the video With this content, the entire galaxy is now exploding.

Everyone is condemning, and the apparently unified government of Dixing has long been divided into two factions. One faction advocates the continuation of biochemical weapons laboratories, while the other is strongly opposed.

Those who advocate continued to be more or less involved in the persecution of the male-dominant parents, and the best way to completely reduce his blackening value is to eradicate all the officials who advocate these, just to be light, in the end, emperor star For many years, it is so easy to deal with it, and it is even more difficult to add to the military department.

Fortunately, Mo Ju has been fully prepared. To solve these people, the first step is to cut off their funds. Once the capital chain is destroyed, the experiment cannot continue. In fact, Mai Kai is also a disaster-free disaster. The reason why the Mai family would fall so quickly is because his biggest collaborator is the number one gold master of this experiment.

Mo Ju kills the chicken and the monkey, and the first person to kill is the richest man enough to make Emperor Xingzhen shake.

In addition to the video of the previous terrorist attack, the guy with the biological weapon is the best selling point of public opinion. First, he published the question of how everyone in the Sixth Legion silenced, and then wrote some sensational news. As for the richest man, he was spontaneously protested by countless people. In just a few months, assets began to shrink sharply.

Under the guidance of public opinion, the government's credibility fell below zero, and the empire, which had barely maintained order, was torn apart in just half a year.

Mo Ju did not intend to stand up this time. In the original world line, the male master once again reorganized the empire and turned the empire into a confederation, but this time he did not intend to cause trouble for himself, simply picked one of them to start supporting, The supported person is also somewhat patient, and the people's voice for him is getting higher and higher.

The task here was extremely smooth, but Qiao Yi was stuck in a dead end. No matter what method he tried, even Tang Qing had to resume his old career and began to give her acupuncture to moxibustion, still unable to do anything.

"Qiao Yi, do you really feel a little different?"

Joe was full of silver needles and shook his head calmly. "No."

Tang Qing then collapsed on the sofa with the discouraged ball. "If I can't do it, I will use the killer."

The three words killer mace made Qiao Yi curious, "What killer mace?"

Tang Qing, "Xiao Qiao Yi, do you know that there is a class of people who are thoughtful and calculate almost everything that might happen? I have checked your body, even your soul, I have also probed , There was no accident, the only thing that can be said is that your memory is blocked. "

Her words are not without basis. The system detected a slight imperceptible energy fluctuation on her side. This energy does not belong to her, but comes from one of her contract beasts. If it is really her contract beast, it is impossible to appear. Repel this phenomenon.

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