Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 430: Fairy and cheap, poisonous! 15

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Mo Ju bullied the child and bullied him, and then returned to the imperial capital. The surface was calm and calm, but it was another scene in the dark, especially the interstellar empire, the voyage starship was blown up, and the sixth army on the starship was shocked. In the face of all brutal killings, they only knew very little about the people who did these things. Apart from knowing that the other party was a woman, they had no external description.

Biochemical weapons are an interstellar opportunity, because the biochemical weapons developed by a planet eventually led to the annihilation of that planet, especially almost involving other planets, resulting in an unwritten rule for all galaxy governments, that is, it is not allowed to appear Biochemical weapons are now secretly developed and sent back to Emperor Xing, but they are destroyed halfway. In addition to shock, they are actually more fearful. If this matter is leaked, everyone will condemn them, all of them are government. The credibility will drop to the lowest level in history, and these parliamentarians will be in jeopardy.

At the beginning, the government thought about covering the matter, but the Sixth Legion had too many deaths and injuries. Even if this matter could be concealed temporarily, it would not be possible to conceal it for a lifetime, and it would simply be disclosed. Of course, they chose to deal with biological and chemical weapons. In order to conceal, it only said that the voyage starship suffered an unknown attack during the cruise, which caused the entire army to annihilate.

This incident immediately caused a sensation in all galaxies. Voyager was the main starship of the Kersa Federal Empire. It was so silent that it died. What is the other party's way? Attacking a cruise starship, are you ready to declare war, or other?

When Tang Qing and Mo Ju took Qiao out of the starship terminal, they saw the screen full of grief, everyone smiled in the news, and even the king of the Federal Empire of Kelsa appeared in In the video.

Tang Qing looked at the sorrowful man with a sad face, and said a bit of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth, "Hey, pretend to be pretend, he is very good."

Child Qiao Yi looked up in the eyes of her little girl. She didn't know the people in the video, but if she could be disgusted by the little girl, it must be a bad person.

"Miss, are you going to kill him?"

Qiao Yi's voice was very clear, but in such a clear voice, his mouth was to kill, but looking at her firm gaze, obviously this was not a joke.

Mo Ju's face changed slightly, but this was his own line, which was actually taken by the dead child!

"Hey, it's not a matter of time between adults to talk."

Qiao glanced at him as soon as he looked up. There was no hotness in Tang Qing's eyes, but he just explained coldly: "I'm not small anymore."

Mo Ju returned with a sneer. The little one in front of him, from the appearance, would not be more than thirteen years old.

"Oh, the definition of adult is not more than ten years old, like you, wait for another ten years to say this sentence."

Seemingly strolling the Heart Sutra, but with a slight contempt in the truth, Joe heard it, but when he thought about the relationship between the other party and the little girl, he finally frowned, "I am talking about psychological age, only naive people, Only when I open my mouth and treat my so-called true age as an experience, I often hang my mouth. "

Tang Qing squirted out at the end when she heard this, but this was the first time she saw Mo Ju eating deflated. That look, that look, do n’t be too fun!

"Hahahahaha ..."

The big one and the little glared, Mo Ju's face was extremely ugly, but this untimely laughter interrupted the tension between them.

"Little Qiao Yi, you are so fun, hahaha."

Qiao Yi still frowned, although the other party was Miss Xiao, but she still said: "Miss, I'm not small." After she finished, she didn't forget to say again, "Although I don't remember many things, but The sixth sense tells me that I am definitely not small anymore. "

Looking at her intriguing little touch, Tang Qing nodded, "Yes, our little Qiao is not small anymore." The words fell, and then turned to look at Mo Ju, aside, "Xiao Mo Ju, This is Emperor Star, if you still follow us, Baoqi will be photographed. "

Mo Ju's face turned black, "Little, I'm not too small."

Tang Qing is used to it. Since she came to this world, she has lived with Mo Jiu's body. She will be tall, and Mo Ju will have her petite body. In contrast, she has She began to call him Xiao Mojue, and until the body of the two changed back, she never changed her tongue.

He is reminded right now that Tang Qing is domineering, "I don't care whether you are big or small, anyway, I am the boss in this team, you know?"

Qiao Yi was very obedient, "Yes, boss!"

Mo Ju: ...

After a brief silence, he suddenly smiled, "Yes, ma'am!"

Tang Qing nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, you go back to your studio, waiting for me to draw up a contract to find you."

"Good lady." Mo Ju restored the warm man's image again. He raised his lips and smiled. Before he left, no one bowed his head, and finally left an ambiguous light kiss next to her earlobe.

Under the **** voice, Tang Qing's eartips quickly turned red. After a while, his fair face was slightly blushed, which was very beautiful.

The biggest advantage of Xiaobudian is his young age. This will make Tang Qing soft-hearted and Mo Ju is very clear. If he wants to regain her attention, he can only use his killer skills.

Sure enough, after he left the kiss that was too light to lighten, the tip of the other party's ears quickly turned red.

"Okay, let's go." Tang Qing urged on the surface, but in fact, his heart was speeding up. This guy was too foul. Knowing that her ears are sensitive, she deliberately put her **** voice to her Side, it's almost!

The system looked at the host with pink bubbles all over his body and looked down with contempt, "Okay, everyone is gone, don't watch it."

"Oh, isn't this our lovely system? What's wrong, is the game not fun, or the movie is not good-looking, and it ran out of heaven and earth."

Where does the system fail to hear her sneer and sarcastic voice, not to blame him for being neglected recently, but every time he comes out to see a dog slaughtering scene, what is he doing here? Look for abuse!

"Okay, I'm just here to remind you of the low profile recently. There is also Joe Q. The origin is too strange. I can't find any of her origins until now. She seems to appear out of thin air."

If it is a person of the original world, it is impossible to leave no information at all, but this person has a contract beast, which is very strange.

No wonder the system is vigilant. After all, judging by the current situation of her host, one carelessness is to punish the world for them.

"Relax, I have a balance."

Tang Qing put away the smile on his face, and then took Qiao Yi's hand and left the terminal.

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