Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 418: Fairy and cheap, poisonous! 3

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Although Tang Qing said that there was no discomfort, the doctor still dedicated her to give her a full-body examination project to do it. Who knows, did not know if she had been sleeping for three days, just at the moment she was ready, even before her Black, if not by the doctor, he might fall to the ground.

In this regard, she can only gritt her teeth to interrogate the system, "Tonger?"

The system that took the three-day long vacation was still playing the snake game he loved recently. Hearing that someone in a distant place seemed to call himself, he slowly quit the game slowly.


"How can I? How can I become so weak? Did you secretly give me heavy medicine?"

The system said it was wrong, but I just wanted to refute it and found that I suddenly found out what went wrong with the data source.

"Qingqing, do you remember that you can change souls because of the experiment done by the male parents?"

How could Tang Qing forget such an important thing, so he said: "Naturally it is remembered, so I became so related to this experiment?"

The system nodded, "There is no chance for the soul and the body, there will be certain obstacles for you to control the body, but this is not a big deal. After a few days, you will get used to it, and this symptom will disappear."

Hearing this explanation, Tang Qing calmed down, but now she can only lie in bed all day, and someone has to take care of it, and besides the assistant beside Mo Ju, only the group of pirates in the interstellar are left. Not wanting to find one, simply find a piece of information on the Internet looking for helpers.

She used to think that the helpers are usually aunt-level characters. Aunts are not as crazy as young people, so she did n’t think much about it, but she almost came out of bed when her own assistant led the aunt. Jumped down.

The person coming is not someone else, it is Mai Xiaoxiao, no, it should be Mo Ju exactly!

The assistant didn't notice the weirdness in his boss's eyes, but asked aloud, "Boss, this girl said she was from you?"

This year, there are too many leftovers in the brain, and the assistant should not dare to relax, so she brought her to come and ask again.

Tang Qing certainly does not shake his head, but that is the male host of her family, and still the male host with his daughter in it! Although it is unclear how he knew the news he published, but since it came, it must be left behind.

"Yes, she found me."

With the movie emperor's words, the assistant no longer doubted much, but he warned the girl before leaving, after all, her own boss's identity was special.

Talking about acting skills, Mo Ju naturally has nothing to say. He nodded cleverly, and it seems that he is really a harmless girl, but Mai Xiaoxiao's face is really good, it can be said that she is alluring, but she The beauty of is not that kind of aggressive beauty, but it makes people want to get close to one or two.

When the assistant saw her being so obedient, she didn't say anything more, and after asking her boss to find herself something, she obediently left the hospital.

As soon as the assistant left, Tang Qing couldn't help it anymore. She slowly waved at Mo Ju and waited for the other person to come in front of her and said, "Sit down a little, let me see."

Mo Ju did so naturally, even leaning her forward a little bit in order to let her see herself clearly. When he was about to ask her how she was, a certain part of the body was suddenly pinched.

Mo Ju: ...

Tang Qing's grinning face, "Little girl, know I let you come, are you here to serve me?"

This is like a bully tone that teases a good woman, which is obviously disgusting, but unexpectedly, there is no slight disgust in her mouth.

Mo Ju returned to its original state after a short stay, seeing that she wanted to play, she simply continued with her, "I don't know, why don't you tell me how to serve?"

Tang Qing was full of curiosity everywhere at this moment. After first tossing her up and down, she couldn't help but squeeze herself again, half-sounding, she smashed her mouth, "Hey, the feel doesn't seem to be bad."

Mo Ju was so angry and funny that Nizi seemed to be addicted to playing, not only touching him up and down, but also had to ask him how he felt.

What else can he feel, of course, the feeling of ****!

However, in this weird body, he was stupefied to suppress this horrible idea. After all ... all of this made him unable to resist.

After opening his eyes and discovering that he had become a woman, his heart almost collapsed. He thought that there should be nothing other than his wife in the world that shocked him. Who knows, this world is really full Fantasy.

He, will one day become a woman!

To say that after being a man for so long, it turned out to be a woman at first, and I was really not used to it at all. Especially looking at the two piles of meat on my chest, it was so weird that I could n’t do it. Star News, after learning that she was in a coma, immediately hacked into all his terminals. After discovering that he anonymously posted a recruitment notice, he hurriedly cleaned up.

Originally, she was a little worried about her, but in the end, Nizi started to play by herself.

Mo Ju took a deep breath and pressed down all the emotions in his heart without expressing, "Is enough play?"

Tang Qing smiled and shook his head, "Enough? How is it possible, I can play with a girl like this for a lifetime!" A feeling. "

Mo Ju always knew that her daughter-in-law's brain circuit was clear, but she never thought that she would be clear to this point!

"So what do you think?"

"I think it's natural to come together and let me touch." Tang Qing's smiling face is cunning. Who made this guy tossing himself before, obviously said no, and had to toss her, how to say it. Qiu Bao came back?

Halfway, Tang Qing put down his sinful hands, "I'm hungry."

Mo Ju has always spoiled her, and of course she is also happy to spoil her, but this time, she gave birth to a heart that wanted to be hungry, but she did n’t wait for him to speak, and her nose was like a puppy, and she had aimed for a long time. His bag.

"I know you must have brought it!"

"That's what I brought myself to eat."

It was said that Tang Qing was not choked badly. After a while, she pitifully said: "Don't be so stingy, I will make a joke."

Mo Ju couldn't look at her wronged. Once she showed this expression, she wished to pick up the stars and the moon, so soon all the emotions he had risen before disappeared without a trace.

He sighed secretly, helplessly said: "I'm also kidding you, eat it."

With the food, Tang Qing immediately put away the pitiful expression and turned to eat happily.

"Right, have you ever eaten it?"

Mo Ju wanted to say that he had eaten, but when he talked to his mouth, he shook his head deliberately, "No."

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