Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing was thrown straight, but she did not resist, but followed him, so the next is a lot of intimacy.

He, who is close to melanism, is no longer as gentle as usual, because the dark personality has been suppressed for too long, and now he is suddenly released. This will burst out of the brain, which is enough to make people crazy. Rao is extremely high in Tang Qingxiu, and can't parry at all.

Shen Moli is like a fish that is dying, and the person under him is his last drop of water. He desperately asks for it, tirelessly ...

Tang Qing had followed him deliberately before, after all, there was a bond, she was suffering from a bit of flesh and blood, but she did not expect that this guy was lingering with her in the state of Lingzhi. Afterwards, before she had enough time to breathe, she turned into a human race.

Okay, the human race is still normal. Furthermore, she can cope with it after experiencing that horrible day and night. Anyway, when the human race is over, he appears again like a wizard.

In this regard, Tang Qing had an ominous hunch, but somebody was too provocative, and soon sanity once again floated up and down, and finally did not float up again, until another hour passed.

The four races changed back and forth. I thought that this step should be almost the same. The other person seemed to be tireless, and appeared in front of her in the form of a demon.

Watching the other party surround herself with black wings, she had to swear.

"Shen, Mo, Li! Me & %% ... ¥ You!"

Shen Moli in the form of the Demon Race, was already dark, and a pair of crimson eyes with thick and strange red eyes were staring at Tang Qing at this moment. After hearing the swearing of the other party, a demon provoked a beautiful face Extremely extreme arc, "Qing Qing, look at what you said, am I doing you, or do you not like this? It doesn't matter, then we can change it."

A moment ago, she was someone from the Mozu. At this moment, she thought that the form of the dragon appeared in front of her. Looking down at the two huge XX, Tang Qing cried.

"Shen Moli, we have something to say, don't play so big."

"But does Qingqing just like big ones?"

These words are a pun. Tang Qing blushed when she heard it, but she still said righteously: "Well, can we take a break?"

The four races haven't stopped in a minute, even if she is the deity of the Demon Race, that physical strength is also limited! Especially looking at the behemoth in front of me, if it really continues, it might as well die and fall down!

Fortunately, after so much trouble, Shen Moli's degree of blackening has been reduced, and it has not been as reckless as before. Finally, I still know that I feel distressed about my own daughter-in-law. Intermission.

Shen Moli shook his body and changed from a dragon to a humanoid figure. "This time I will spare you for a while. Go to sleep."

Tang Qing naively thought that this was the end, so his unguarded eyes closed and he slept over. I do n’t know how long I slept. When I was confused, I felt someone touched it. There was something that did n’t happen at all. I was particularly provocative and could only open my eyes. At this point, good guy, sleeping underneath, isn't it someone's rattan!

"Shen Moli!" She was so feeble that she felt a little smoke in her throat.

I don't know where Shen Moli got the water, which poured into her mouth, but said on the side: "Qing Qing, my real name is not called this."

Of course Tang Qing knew that his real name was not called this, but she had never heard of other names in his mouth. She had always changed his male name to him. After all, such a name, after having traveled through so many worlds, for her It's just a code name.

"Then what is your name?"

"Do you want to know?"

Although Tang Qing does not have to know, but since you said so, she must have nodded.

"So your name?"

Shen Moli lifted his thin lips slightly, but looked at his mouth shape. He clearly swallowed it, but swallowed it. Instead, he changed the content, "Qingqing, I will wait for you to remember that moment."

Tang Qing was stunned and just wanted to ask, but he suddenly fell over and kissed him fiercely. Although the kiss was hot, he felt a little panic ...

Tang Qing didn't realize that after all, there were countless tentacles and canes, and she still had a lot of thoughts, and even couldn't even cooperate, she could only bear everything passively until the appearance of abnormalities in front of her, let her eyes gradually loosen. Start to be amazed, and finally amazed.

I do n’t know when it started, and a very soft light began to glow around her. The light was very familiar, as if I had seen it not long ago, and in the light, there was a looming figure, a sudden disguise, and she had to rub it. Rubbing her eyes until she lifted her hand and pinched each other, it was a triumph.

She did not dream.

Shen Moli suddenly changed, and he was taken aback, until he felt a pinch at the thigh, and then he found someone's expression. For this, he couldn't help but chuckle, Nizi, in this I still remember pinching him instead of myself, what should I say about her?

"Qingqing, it's not a dream."

Tang Qing watched his silver hair gradually fade into white, and the pair of smart green eyes gradually disappeared, and finally formed a pair of pale golden pupils, even the ears quietly changed ...

"Elf race!"

Shen Moli looked at her with surprise and couldn't help but ask, "Do you like it?"

Tang Qing nodded immediately, the elven race, the most beautiful race, even the heaven race can't compare! As an appearance association, how could she not like it! However, just after she nodded, someone suddenly began to move his bee waist regularly.

In this regard, Tang Qing directly raised his index finger and despised him fiercely, "You fucking, I like to just like it!"

Shen Moli raised his eyebrows, "Is there a difference?"

Long hair swept her eyes, looking at his white ears and slender neck, just a glance was enough to let people spy on how delicate that look was.

As a result, Tang Qing was addicted to beauty again with little interest ...

This time she was completely indulged. The end result was that she fell asleep and woke up, and her eyes were still in a daze.

A man wearing extremely cumbersome and gorgeous clothes appeared in front of him, although the color of the clothes was not outstanding, even the cleanest white, but the cuffs were all lines painted with fine gold silk, and the outer cover was a crescent-colored gauze. With his footsteps lifted slightly, the translucent tulle was beautiful and gorgeous.

He came from the darkness, but after his appearance gradually revealed, it was amazingly gorgeous and exquisite.

Tang Qing wanted to ask who the little beauty was, but saw him speak first.

"How? Silly?"

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