Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing didn't want to skew it before. After all, except for Shen Moli, only Shen Moli was left. However, after the voice of the system appeared, the whole person started to feel bad.

Not to mention, it is not because of the system prompt, she always feels that the places touched by these canes are a little ... strange.

I had just wrapped her hands and feet and her waistline, and the broken rattan tended to move up.

Waist up, that's an absolute field!

In my mind, the system was still tweeting, just like a voiceover, every time the rattan changed its position, he began to exclaim.

"Mistgrass, Mistgrass! Qingqing, chest, rattan began to extend toward the chest!"

"Ouch I wipe, thigh! The rattan position on the thigh has also started to change, and up again!"

"Hey, I've seen this knotting method! Standard Japanese binding!"

After a series of shocks, the system spoke again, "There are so many routines in your city, or is our system simple ..."

Tang Qing's face was so dark that she couldn't be any darker, but it was only for clenching her teeth in order to ensure that there was no voice.

Shen Moli, this king and bastard, will definitely awaken the blood of the Lingzhi tribe, otherwise these rattans will not be able to touch her sensitive points so accurately every time, and the tree of life is already dying It is even less likely that there will be power to extend so many canes!

Although I don't know how he manipulated this tree of life in a short time, at this moment he is undoubtedly the tree of life!

The system is still in shock, especially when I see the red-faced look of my host. I do n’t know why, obviously he has no face, but inexplicably feels that the entire set of data is very hot.

Hey, Qingqing Qing is really a stunner, no wonder that the spicy chicken man gave up her life after life for her.

"System, find a way!" Tang Qing doesn't want to be passive at all, but can only help the system.

The system just listened to what the host said about her, and she knew her mood at the moment, which was very unbeautiful. Even the first name and last name, she hadn't called herself like this for so long.

"Where are you thinking?"

"Untie this rattan!"

With a faint whispering voice, even the system is almost uncontrollable!

"Qingqing, you will wait!"

"Come on, can't wait!"

Tang Qing hurriedly urged, but listened to the system again, "How can you say that you are the person I cover, actually bullying you in my face, even the male owner can not!"

"So? Hurry up!"

Rarely urged by the host without a bit of resentment system, but seriously said: "Qing Qing, do you want revenge? I have a devil egg, wait for me to deal with you, take it to let this broken tree know and know, but you have People in the background! "

Tang Qing didn't refuse, not even hesitating, "OK."

The transaction was completed in the blink of an eye, and looking at the extra devil's eggs in his hand, Tang Qing smiled in his own eyes, "Amo, I'm waiting for you to regret it."

I don't know if the Tree of Life has realized anything, or something else, which is surprisingly exciting, especially the rattan, which seems to be dancing in the air.

Once the devil's egg is shot, it can be immediately integrated into the bone blood of the other party. There is no medicine to save, and it can only wait for this long day and night to pass. Tang Qing knows this law well, in the urge to teach him a bit, who knows, the front foot of this egg is loose, but the other side of the back foot is hooping each other violently, unable to move at all.

For this unexpected situation, Tang Qing was dumbfounded, "what happened?"

The system is also dumbfounded, because the devil's egg can only be checked for its properties after being used, so he didn't say anything, and immediately went over its characteristics. At this point, the whole system was crying.

"Qingqing, I'm sorry for you!"

The system is arrogant like her, and almost does not apologize, even if it apologizes, it is also under her coercion, and now she admits her mistakes, which makes her calm.

"You ... have something to say, what's wrong."

"This devil's egg is a potion property."

The whole cry of the system crying has become sluggish, and even a little afraid, the devilish attribute of the devil egg, it can be more terrifying than the ordinary medicine! As long as he is the first person he sees after taking Chinese medicine, he will perform various shameless play of ‘inhumanity’!

All day and night!

He couldn't imagine how his host would be spoiled.

What's more, the tree of life is a place of taboo. Except for the permission of the elven king, ordinary people can't come in at all, and the elf king's guy is probably investigating the dragon race. After all, he has been absent several times before!

My host completely cut off any foreign aid and asked for help, isolated and helpless, and was forced to bear it.

Seeing that the other party's body is getting less and less cloth, the system can only cry, and soon he is determined to enter the small black room, and for this, he can only say: "Qing Qing, I'm sorry you!"

"It's okay." Tang Qing smiled with a lip, and there was a hint of gloom in the smile, "I don't blame you, I have a way."

His host laughed too terribly, Rao was the system, and all shook three times.

"Are you able to save yourself?"

"Of course, how can I say that I am also a person with a space of Lingquan. After evading this day and night, wouldn't it be okay?" Thinking of this, she laughed again, and Shen Moli would definitely not touch others, so this night , Let him suffer well.

The system is so scared by the property of the devil egg that it forgets that its host is a person with space in the spirit spring, but it can disappear in any place, any space space power in any world!

"Okay, remember to call me after day and night, I'm gone."

Tang Qing looked at the rattan that made her tighter and tighter, and there was a gloating smile on her face, "Little guy, I have no time to play with you, so you can just bear it by yourself."

If the Elven King is again, it will definitely shock that some people will disappear from the sky, but there is no one around the huge tree of life.

After the tree of life disappeared in his arms, the entire rattan was stiff in the air, like losing his beloved treasure, he suddenly became restless, but blinked, all the surrounding buildings were destroyed instantly.

Although the thing was destroyed, it did not counteract the sudden strangeness in his heart. He waved the rattan again indiscriminately, and after determining that he could not find the other party, he even spread the entire elven clan using the roots of the four developed trees underneath.

However, even if they go through the elves, there is still no trace of each other.

The next moment, the green tree of life was finally restored, which seemed uncomfortable, but for a moment, he actually became lifeless again.

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