My name is Sun Yixiao, a name that looks very free and easy.

But I do n’t know if it ’s a strange language. Generally speaking, girls who are called Wen Jing are actually not very quiet.

I called a smile, but I couldn't pass it by smile, for some people, something.

2014.04.01, I was dead, I didn't expect it.

Just like I didn't expect, I would like Miss L at first.

Ms. L is a very good girl. When I was bullied by a few girls on the ground, it was she who came over, one step at a time, and I thought she was very handsome, although I was even more bullied by those later. I'm still very happy. Look, someone once came out to help me.

I play an insignificant role in her life. To her, I may just be a bland passenger, but she doesn't know that she is as warm and conspicuous as the sun in my world.

I followed her secretly, kind of like a pervert.

But I don't worry about her. She looks so good, what should I do if something goes wrong.

It turned out that something really happened. The driver who ran the red light ran into her. I didn't know where the strength came from. I rushed over and bumped her, and then I became a meat pie.

Well, it's a disgusting description, and it's not a good way to die.

I thought I was going this way, but I didn't expect to hear strange sounds. It turns out that there is really a system in this world.

Sure enough, do good people still have good rewards?

I always feel that there is hope in living in the world.

So even if my dad committed suicide because of gambling debts, my mother ran away with someone, was abandoned, and lived alone with a nasty grandma. I did n’t think there was anything.

When I was battered and bruised, I also thought about why I didn't die. I was over a hundred when I died, but I don't want to die. It's a pity. I haven't finished the world yet ...

Later, when I met Miss L, I realized that it was the right choice to choose not to be self-sufficient. Maybe I insisted on living for no reason because I would meet her?

In fact, I'm so happy, it could be because she died.

I don't know why, in the first world, I saw someone who looked like her.

I was chasing after her while considering my task.

I always believe that the flower of love will bloom here with me.

Yeah, love.

I like her, but she doesn't like me.

System 14 is very good, and the task is also very good, so I won't put the whole heart on her heart, and then it's gone.

I know this is very promising, but it is uncontrollable. I always want to find my own value in others.

It seems that if I get the affirmation of others, I have the motivation to live.

I chase my love again and again, sometimes I also get what I want, hug, longing.

But in the end, it was always abandoned.

She didn't fall in love with others, she just didn't love me anymore.

It's really desperate.

But I won't give up.

If it is easy to give up, how can it be worthy of my hard pursuit?

One day, Fourteen told me that it had brought a new host, and I talked to the girl named Su Xin. I was in her arms at that time, and I was very happy.

Listening to the sound, I feel that the new host of Fourteen must be a very confident person, which is great.

I also want to restrain myself from relying on and intertwining like a filigree flower, but there is no way. I can freely deal with others, but except for her, I will lose my helmet and armor.

Then I held the softest part in front of her and told her I love her.

I really like her so much, I am going to die soon.

But I was abandoned.

When I was abandoned for the eighteenth time, I ran to drink and talked to fourteen in my head. To others, I might be crazy.

I'm probably crazy.

So I want to wake myself up a bit.

I smashed the bottle into my head until my head broke.

I smelled the wine and the blood.

It hurts, but still not sober.

I cried loudly to **** the **** **** love.

I knew that I must have been embarrassed at the time, like a bereavement dog. Others would only be drunk when I drunk, and would not understand how sad I was.

But I didn't intend to let anyone know anyway.

Fourteen awkwardly comforted me, and I cried and laughed.

If Mr. System had an entity, I would hug him and thank him.

I'm not stupid. There is a person like her in every world. It can't be a coincidence.

But it was rejected once and abandoned once.

I'm so tired.

Sorry, this time I really can't survive it.

I chose to resign and started traveling as a leisurely life, but I couldn't help returning to her in the end.

Obviously never owned her, but it seems that she has lost her thousands of times.

In the real world, I gathered the courage to confess like her, and started another entanglement.

After my last rejection, I completely chose to give up.

She's really good. I don't deserve her.

I thank her very much for being here and staying in my darkest days.

As the cold water poured into my body, I heard the voice of my past partner again.

This time I chose to decline.

I have no motivation to live.

I don't hate this world, even though it hurts me so much, but I still appreciate it, it brought me Miss L.

Even if I die, I love this world.

After all, it's really beautiful, but I don't get what I want.

Trivial love, nothing more.

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