Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 393: Peach Picking and Recycle Bin

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After finally solving Thanos, the superheroes fell into silence while being slightly happy.

Stephen Strange was the first to break the silence: "I have seen a more powerful and evil existence than him. Frankly speaking, Thanos is not a pure villain, but more of a persistent fanatic who firmly believes in his own. A theory of balancing the universe."

Thor sneered: "This is a cold-blooded lunatic!"

Peter Quill shook his head: "I don't want to see another lunatic like him, it's definitely a disaster for the whole universe."

Bruce Wayne thought of the clowns in Gotham City, and said with emotion: "Sometimes paranoid madmen are more dangerous than those villains... However, let me tell you the bad news, the multi-parallel universes are not completely peaceful. In the meantime, in short, you should be more careful in the future.”

As the winners of this final battle, they can naturally comment on Thanos with a forgiving attitude, after all, the purple potato essence is dead.

At the end of the war, the heroes will naturally return home, and they will be rewarded according to the usual practice.

As a result, Peter Quill was the first to ask for the reward for this battle. He took a fancy to Thanos' ship with a helpless expression: "My spaceship was destroyed, this spaceship looks okay, barely able to Use it."

Thor patted him on the shoulder: "We're not fools, this battleship Thanos is much more valuable than yours."

Star-Lord was not happy when he heard this, "You know what, our spaceship is not ordinary, how many adventures have we participated in the universe with us?

I dare say that if my spaceship is intact, it will definitely enter the museum in the future and be admired by all people! "

Thor shrugged: "My spaceship is also destroyed, that is the last home of our Asgardians!"

It was only after everyone heard this that they realized that Thor, the sly-eyed guy, also set his sights on Thanos' spaceship. Seeing them arguing, Bruce Wayne had no choice but to say, "Let's go back to Earth first and then think about these things."

The spoils of defeating Thanos this time are not just a spaceship, but the three Infinity Gems on the gloves are even more precious!

Of course, the high-tech contained in the Thanos battleship is not low in value, and it must still be broken after returning.

Sure enough, after everyone returned triumphantly, they immediately received an official notification that Mr. Secretary of State invited them to a dinner party at the White House, and it was inevitable that they would be rewarded and praised at that time.

However, people with discernment also know that the official intervention at this time is not as simple as holding a celebration feast. You don't need to guess, they must be eyeing the spoils left by Thanos.

Players are too lazy to get involved in such mundane things. After killing the tyrant, the quiz game gives a sign that the task has been completed, and they will return in a short time.

The rest of the time, even if it's spent on vacation, rest and recuperation, is better than pimping with big figures like the Secretary of State.

But it's not so easy for them to stay out of it.

In the end, the trouble came to him, and the bald director brought them an official proposal. First of all, he was naturally grateful to them for coming from afar to help this time and space defend against a doomsday catastrophe, as well as some other mandarin words.

There is only one topic, I hope they can also leave some technology, and finally teach them the technology that can travel through parallel time and space.

Of course, it’s not justified to ask for something empty-handed, but the reason given by the official is high-sounding, how can they hope to get technical assistance to help them through the next crisis and so on.

Among the players, except for the honest Clark Kent, they naturally sneered at this remark.

Before Thanos came, the officials did not trust them. After the arrival of Thanos, the officials saw its powerful strength and power, and they thought of reconciliation, and they did not help in the final battle against Thanos.

Oh, now that the boss is over, you jumped out to pick peaches?

Player Tony Stark sneered twice and asked, "They didn't consult us? I mean what to do with Thanos' loot."

Nick Fury shrugged: "Tony, you have dealt with them too, you should know what they can do, yes, they have acquiesced in the ownership of those spoils, and don't care about you, and of course us Views.

But it doesn't matter, we don't need to take them too seriously. If you want to take away the Infinity Stones... I hope so, including the battleship, take it away, I will help you cover. "

The bald-headed director is only here to communicate and negotiate on behalf of the official, which does not mean that he agrees with the official's attitude.

Player Tony Stark nodded: "Yes, this is indeed something they can do... Well, Nick, we won't lie to you, we really need Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet."

It is not a good thing for the Infinity Stones to stay on the earth. As the so-called guilt, before the tyrant, the earth was considered a little transparent in the universe.

That's why Zeus hid the cosmic Rubik's Cube on the earth at the beginning, but now, on the one hand, the earth's technology is developing rapidly, and I am afraid that it will not take long to enter the sea of ​​stars.

On the other hand, Thanos, the famous and famous figure in the universe, has been smashed into the sand on the earth, even if there is no quiz game to promote the whole universe.

With the Guardians of the Galaxy here, it won't be long before the news spreads to the universe.

At that time, there will definitely be many guys with ulterior motives who will invade the earth for the Infinity Stones. In this case, it would be better for them to take the Infinity Stones away.

Of course, the more critical reason is that players found that after the mission ended, the system panel quietly opened a new function - recycle They can hand over some items obtained in the mission to Q&A Game recycling, you can get a lot of rewards and rewards.

Of course, not everything can be recycled by the system, at least it has to be valuable, and it must be recognized by the quiz game before it can be recycled in exchange for rewards

Among them, Thanos' Infinite Gloves have the highest value. Evenly spread, each of the six players can get more than 200 points. Player Captain America needs these points very much. After all, he deducted all the points in the last round of quiz games. Finished.

In addition, Thanos' Infinity Gloves are also recognized by the quiz game as a mission-critical item with high value. If recovered, players will be given higher evaluations and rewards when the mission is settled.

The rewards produced by the quiz game have not been disappointing, and the players have reached a consensus to recycle the infinite gloves.

Nick Fury naturally has no opinion on this, and even if he has an opinion, it is useless, the infinite gloves are now in the hands of the players.

Otherwise, the official will not send him to negotiate with the players.

Everything is ready, and the players' journey through time and space has come to an end.

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