Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 378: Loki: Please call me the Melee Mage!

Diana Prince threw out the noose of truth, and was able to get caught in the lightning, using this to swing...

She showed a little hand, not to mention shocking the audience, but also showed the demeanor of Wonder Woman. After teasing Doctor Strange, who also played the whip, she fell from the sky and fell into the crowd.

With a bang, I don't know how many alien soldiers and minions were smashed, and the chaotic battlefield was immediately emptied, just like the previous Thor.

The two looked at each other on the left and the right, feeling a little sympathetic to each other, and then killed the core of the Alien Legion!

Thor and the demigods were the first to appear the horns of human resistance, but the alien army of Thanos was still like a tide, and it was impossible to see it at a glance.

Even if Thanos didn't show up this time, the Fourth Obsidian still brought a lot of alien troops. In a short period of time, the sky was full of various warships.

The satellite alarms of various countries kept ringing, and the monitoring personnel were all slumped in their chairs. Facing the aliens with technological differences, they realized what despair was.

Even in the past two days, players have disclosed the future related to Thanos to the official through various channels, but it has not attracted much attention.

After all, this kind of doomsday prophecy, even with future video testimonials and Nick Fury as bailout, still seems a little too appalling.

The lighthouse country officials need to spend a period of time to verify or hold a meeting to discuss, even if there is an efficient think tank to assist, but if they want to take action, it will take ten days and a half at the earliest, right?

Bruce Wayne, Steve Rogers and others are also very aware of the slow response of the official, so in the last time-travel mission, he directed a drama of Thanos' invasion of the earth, plus the corresponding future video , in order to attract official attention.

Otherwise, it will be like now, the army under Thanos has already invaded in an all-round way, and they can't count on the official support of the lighthouse country. In the end, they have to rely on these superheroes to stand up.

"Listen, Peter, what you have to do is very simple, just follow your big brother's ass, don't let yourself hurt, we won't care about you later!"

On the periphery of the battlefield, the player Iron Man is speaking to the little spider Peter Parker.

The little spider (Dutch brother) glanced at the player Spider-Man (Toby Maguire), who was also dressed in a Spider-Man tights, and looked a little gloomy: "Mr. Stark, I am also an Avenger, I can fight alone! "

Player Tony Stark patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be silly, pajama boy, we can travel through time and space to come here, but it's all because of you, so you must not have an accident, otherwise we will be unlucky, understand ?"

The main task of the players traveling through time and space this time is to protect the little spider. The reward for the success of the task is very rich, hundreds of points plus other rewards, but correspondingly, if the task fails, the punishment is also very serious.

So even though the current little spider (the younger brother of Holland) actually has the ability to protect himself, the players still don't want him to have an accident. Before the battle starts, the player Spider-Man (Toby Maguire) is told to take care of this Self in parallel time and space.

After explaining and exhorting, the player Iron Man flew away immediately.

The little spider was a little gloomy, but the young man's mood came and went quickly. After killing some alien soldiers behind the player spider Peter Parker, his mood became high again.

Looking up, she saw Wonder Woman and Thor cooperating, and while the lightning continued to fall, Diana also threw a mantra lasso and jumped left and right on the battlefield.

He couldn't help but say in surprise: "Hey, boss, do you think we can do the same? Hanging on the lightning with spider silk and swinging back and forth?"

Player Peter Parker shook his head: "Lightning? Don't think about it, buddy, let's hang things up honestly, but you can ask Mr. Stark to help you design a more convenient battle suit, such as his Like myself, I don’t need spider silk to fly freely.”

"Uh, but I'm Spider-Man, I don't want to be the second generation of Iron Man..." Little Spider (Dutch brother) scratched his head.

Player Peter Parker laughed: "Ha, you know, in our world, people envy you because everyone says Spider-Man is Iron Man's bastard."

"Hey, what's so funny, boss, you're Spider-Man too!"

"But there is no Mr. Stark in my world..."

While the two Spider-Man were swinging and fighting monsters on the battlefield, they couldn't stop talking. It was inconvenient to complain about spider silks to each other for a while, and then to comment on other superheroes.

And compared to their leisure, other Avengers may be in trouble.

Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange, confronted the ebony throat among the four obsidian generals. He had to admit that the think tank and strategist under Thanos were indeed highly accomplished in magic.

One-handed psychic magic is magical, and it is very elegant and unrestrained. Stepping on the gravel and suspending it in the air, with one move of the hand, you can change the material at will, just like the creator, everything in the material world must obey his orders.

Frankly speaking, in the face of such an opponent, Doctor Strange seems a bit passive and has a headache.

In the eyes of bystanders, he and Ebony Mow are both mages, so they tacitly handed over this opponent to him to deal with, but in the eyes of Stephen Strange, Ebony Mow's psychic attack is more like some kind of super power.

The most important thing is that this guy can control everything around him by beckoning, even the corpses of alien soldiers to attack.

In comparison, Stephen Strange's spells are all shaken before casting, but the opponent has seized his weakness and weakness. When he intends to cast a spell, he will be disturbed by the sundries entrained by his mind power. break.

So much so that in this 'magic showdown', Doctor Strange felt very depressed, and it was difficult for him to exert his full strength because of his magic skills.

"Strange, you really should learn what is the correct way for a mage to fight!"

When the alien corpse controlled by Doctor Strange's mind force flew away, Loki happened to pass by and laughed with a smile.

Stephen Strange rolled his eyes, "What kind of mage are you?"

Loki, who claimed to be one of the strongest mages in the Nine Realms, only used the avatar illusion to escape the attack of the mind force, then narrowed the distance with Ebony Maw, and suddenly rushed out, holding two daggers, stabbed at the Ebony throated chest!

Loki's sneak attack is a familiar one, and the timing and angle of selection are also very insidious and cunning, not only when Ebony Maw was distracted, but also stuck in the blind spot of his vision.

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