They have all watched the future video of the normal timeline and know that before Thanos invaded Earth, the first unlucky Avengers were Thor and Dr. Banner.

The former floated in space with the fragments of the Asgardian refugee ship, and the latter was sent to Earth by Heimdall to tip off the news.

When Dr. Banner fell into the New York Sanctuary, it also marked that the army of Thanos was about to invade the earth!

Tony Stark's proposal was reasonable and everyone rushed to the New York Sanctuary without delay.

In the normal time line, the New York Sanctuary is hidden in the city. Under the cover of magic, even if the person who is not allowed knows the exact address, they cannot find it there.

But Tony Stark and others went to the New York Sanctuary not once or twice, it can be said that they are familiar with it.

And when they arrived at the place, the gate of the sanctuary was also open, and the owner inside seemed to have expected it and opened the magic barrier first.

Bruce Wayne raised his eyebrows and said, "Strange has found us."

Tony Stark shrugged: "The Supreme Mage, it's normal to know some things that ordinary people don't know."

A group of people filed in, and sure enough, Doctor Strange, dressed in a red cape, sat on a chair and looked at them in a relaxed manner.

Looking at the six guests one by one with probing eyes, the eyes lingered on Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent and Diana Prince for the longest time.

"Hi, Stephen, we met again, the last time we met was... three minutes ago? Maybe five minutes?" Tony Stark greeted with a smile.

Steve Rogers looked left and right and asked directly, "Dr. Banner here?"

Stephen Strange shook his head, but answered nonsense: "I had a dream last night, a very strange dream... I dreamed of another world and you.

After waking up from the dream, I had a hunch that something interesting would happen today, and sure enough, you guys came. "

Bruce Wayne raised his eyebrows and said, "Wizard's dream prophecy?"

"Maybe." Stephen Strange frowned: "Visitors from another world, before I answer your questions, you must answer my question first—why are you here?"

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and finally Team America came forward to negotiate.

"Stephen, what I say next may be a bit bizarre, but please believe me, what I said is true!"

Stephen Strange shrugged, "Then let's talk somewhere else."

He stretched out his hand, and everything around him began to change, from a simple living room to a spacious reception room, complete with tables and chairs, and even cups of steaming coffee and some snacks.

Stephen Strange made a gesture, indicating that they were welcome, they could eat and chat.

Tony Stark took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "Frankly, you are more polite than the guy I know named Stephen."

Stephen Strange raised his eyebrows and said, "I just don't want to waste time on meaningless things or people, let's continue the topic just now."

Steve Rogers naturally knew that the time was short, and without further delay, he explained his origins and the purpose of their coming here in a few words.

Since he had already experienced a similar incident before, Captain America now has experience, so he didn't say anything he shouldn't say, and he said everything he should say.

From the last trip through time and space, they have tested that as long as they change the future in a limited way, there will be no serious consequences.

And this limit is also directly related to the task.

Their mission this time is to save the little spider, which means they must fight against Thanos. In other words, as long as this mission can be achieved, any actions to change the future for this purpose will be approved by the quiz game, and will naturally not cause anything. trouble.

Because of this, Steve Rogers didn't have much hesitation in his conversation with Doctor Strange, and said almost everything about the future related to Thanos.

Stephen Strange's face was expressionless, and while he remained silent, his brows became deeper and deeper. When Captain America finished speaking, he still looked like this.

Captain America thought that he didn't believe what he said, and immediately said: "Stephen, what I said is true! And Thanos is coming soon, really, even if I verify what I said, it will still be true. It's too late!"

"No, I believe you." Doctor Strange shook his head. The reason why he was silent was not because he doubted Captain America, but because he was thinking about the strange dream he had last night.

For magicians, dreams usually have esoteric significance, not to mention that the dream last night was too strange.

In the dream, another self was teaching him how to learn magic. In addition, he also saw an apocalyptic scene.

Although in retrospect, some of the scenes in the dream are very vague, but after Captain America's narration, Doctor Strange has also learned that the doomsday scene in the dream is not fictional.

The strange dream last night, as well as these guests from the past and from another world, made him feel like a coincidence.

Bruce Wayne said solemnly: "Okay, since you understand what we said, then we must act immediately!"

Stephen Strange came back to his senses, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Bruce Wayne had already thought of a plan on the way, and said: "We must unite all the forces that should be united before Thanos invades the earth, and... protect the Infinity Stones that have not been obtained by Thanos."

His plan is not Since the time point for their entry is still early, they will expand this advantage.

At this time, Dr. Banner has not been teleported to Earth, which means that Thanos has not yet attacked the Asgard refugee ship. At this time, he can save the Thor brothers first, and get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube by the way.

Due to the lack of time, they must split up, and the task of saving Thor falls to Superman, who can move freely in space.

In addition, Clark was also tasked with contacting the Guardians of the Galaxy and preparing Peter Quill's group in advance.

But there was a problem, they couldn't pinpoint the exact location of the Asgard refugee ship.

According to the future video exposed by the previous quiz game, they only got some approximate locations, and there are more than one, which requires Superman to make a few more trips.

Clark Kent naturally did not refuse. After getting the coordinates, he took off his jacket and revealed his superman costume, "Okay, I'll go now!"

"Wait!" Steve Rogers stopped him. "Maybe we can get Carol to go with you?"

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