Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 327: Iron man and ant man 2 childish ghosts

Master Gu Yi demonstrated the serious consequences of not having the Time Stone, and then asked solemnly: "So, tell me, Doctor, can your scientific theory prevent this?"

Dr. Banner shook his head: "No, but that can be eliminated! Because once we run out of Infinity Stones, we'll return them to their original owners at the original point in time!

So from the perspective of time and space, in the original reality, these Infinity Stones never left! "

Master Gu Yi looked at him, "But you have left out the most important question—if you want to return to the original owner, the premise is that you must survive."

The aftermath measures given by Dr. Banner are somewhat reasonable, but she still can't let Mage Gu Yi hand over the Time Gem with confidence. As a Supreme Mage, her duty is to guard the Time Gem. No matter how Dr. Banner swears and promises, she Did not let go.

Until Dr. Banner pulled out Strange urgently: "Since the Supreme Mage wants to take good care of the Time Stone, why did Strange hand it over?"

Master Gu Yi was stunned when he heard the words: "What did you say?"

Dr. Banner added: "Strange, he handed over the Time Stone to Thanos!"

Master Gu Yi's face changed slightly and asked him, "Is it voluntary?"

Dr. Banner nodded: "Yes!"

Master Gu Yi was surprised: "Why?"

Dr. Banner spread his hands: "How do I know, maybe he did something wrong."

Master Gu Yi pondered for a while, looked at Dr. Banner carefully, and finally said, "Maybe I'm wrong."

After she finished speaking, she snapped her fingers, and the body of the Hulk lying next to him immediately flew over and merged with Dr. Banner's soul.

Immediately afterwards, Mage Ancient One took out the Time Stone from the Eye of Agamotto, gave it to Dr. Banner, and said, "Strange is the best of us."

Dr. Banner also understood what she meant: "So there must be a reason for him to do that."

Master Gu Yi finally handed over the time gem, and finally reminded in a deep voice: "It's up to you, Bruce, we all depend on you."

Handing over the time gem will affect not only the future where Dr. Banner lives, but also the timeline where Mage Ancient One lives. If Dr. Banner cannot follow the agreement in the end.

Return the gems, and as she said before, the whole world will be doomed!

Scott Lang praised: "This ancient master is so cool, you know, I only learned today that magic really exists in the world! If possible, I even want to go to apprentice!"

Natasha Romanov glanced at him: "Mages pay more attention to innate talents, Scott, I think Ant-Man is more suitable for you."

Steve Rogers said: "The time gem, the reality gem, the soul gem, the power gem and the mind gem have all been obtained, and in the end only the space gem is left... I am curious how to find the second space gem."

The first Space Stone was taken by Loki due to Tony Stark's mistake, but it turned out that they still managed to collect six Infinity Stones.

Naturally, it is also curious, where did they find the second space gem?

In the light curtain video, the camera changes, and after the battle of New York, the streets are in chaos, and Captain America jumps from a height with the Mind Stone.

Tony Stark's voice came from behind: "Captain, I'm sorry, we're in trouble."

Tony Stark and Scott Lang were sitting in a sedan covered with gravel. Their mission to take the space gem failed, so they came to the agreed place ahead of time. It was a good idea to hide in the car. .

After learning how Tony Stark screwed up the mission, Steve Rogers asked directly, "What do we do next?"

Tony Stark complained: "Let me slow down, Steve, I just got hit on the head by Hulk..."

His inattentive attitude made Scott Lang very angry: "You said, there is only one chance! This is our only chance! Once we use it, it will be gone. If we don't get it together, it will be in vain. In vain!"

"You are repeating your own words, you know, you are repeating your own words!" Tony Stark knew he was wrong, but he was unwilling to accept soft words.

"No, you are repeating yourself!"

Scott Lang is also talented, and the two naive ghosts complained about each other so naively.

Outside the light curtain, Thor smiled wide-eyed: "Hahaha, Tony, seeing you look so childish, I remember when Loki was a child, you gave birth to a daughter, please, be more mature?!"

He was ridiculed by Tony Stark in various ways before, but now he has seized the opportunity, and naturally he wants to take revenge.

Tony Stark curled his lips: "Scott is too excited, and that can't be all my fault, one thing, that kind of accident is completely uncontrollable!"

In the video, Team America couldn't stand the two naive ghosts and interrupted their quarrel: "Is there any other way we can get the universe cube?"

"No, there is no other way!" Scott Lang slapped the car door angrily: "There is no chance to do it again, we only have one tube of particles, and we can't go anywhere, one tube, that's all, understand?

If we use it, goodbye, you don't want to go home! "

Steve Rogers said: "But if we don't try, no one else is going home either."

At this moment, Tony Stark, who was annoyed and blamed himself in the car, suddenly thought of something: "I see! There is another way to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube again and add new particles!

Take a few more steps on the trail of memories, a military base in New Jersey! "

Steve Rogers thought for a moment: "Where were both things?"

Tony Stark said: "It was for a while, I remember it clearly."

"It seems clear?" Steve Rogers shrugged his shoulders. UU reading felt that Iron Man himself was not sure, and it seemed that he was not so reliable.

Scott Lang, who was next to him, was completely confused, "Where are we going? What are we going to do? Two, what are you talking about?"

Captain America and Iron Man were talking to themselves, and they didn't pay any attention to the poor Ant-Man. Captain America finally made up his mind to try it out: "It seems that we have to improvise."

Then he handed the psychic scepter to Scott Lang, and began to calibrate time travel with Tony Stark.

Scott Lang couldn't help interrupting them, reminding: "If you do this and you fail, you will never come back."

Tony Stark said: "Thank you for your encouragement, little ant."

Then ask Steve Rogers: "Do you trust me?"

Steve Rogers didn't hesitate: "Of course, I believe it."

Immediately afterwards, the two traveled through time again, leaving Scott Lang messed up in the wind.

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