Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 318: Captain America's new nickname?

Tony Stark's analysis was well-founded, and Thor did have a sense of seeing the sky when he saw the sky. He thought that although this guy has a bad mouth, his brain is really good.

Nebula asked, "You mean that the answer is only D?"

Tony Stark shrugged: "Obviously, I will choose D. Some time ago, Steve and I traveled to a parallel time and space. When he met himself in that parallel time and space, we almost got into a fight."

As he spoke, he looked at the B team opposite the partition, and now the score was slightly ahead of Steve, Natasha, and Scott's B team.

On Team B's side, Steve Rogers also made some analysis and inference, thinking that the answer to this question has a high probability of being D.

"Actually, think about it. New York has just experienced a melee at this time, and everyone is still very vigilant. If I, or you, at that time and environment, suddenly see another self... What would you think? "

Steve Rogers looked at them and asked.

Scott Lang raised his eyebrows: "Me? Probably thought I encountered some monster."

Natasha Romanov pondered: "Steve, I understand what you mean, you mean, in the battle of New York, if you see another self, you may mistake it for Loki ?"

Steve Rogers nodded: "Yes, this is likely to happen, Loki's cunning is well known, and we have all seen his illusion spells.

If I saw another me at that time, I'm sure my first instinct would not be to see it as my future self, so it makes perfect sense to fight with it. "

Natasha Romanoff and Scott Lang also felt very reasonable when they heard what they said, so they both decided to choose D.

Soon, the countdown to answering questions began. Both teams competed for the right to answer. This time, Natasha got the right to answer. She smiled and blinked: "My luck today is very good."

Scott Lang said: "If you can answer correctly, it is called good luck, and if you answer wrong, good luck turns into bad luck!"

Natasha said: "I trust the captain's judgment."

She chose D, and Tony Stark of the opposing team A also chose D. The correct answer was announced, and they all got it right.

"Congratulations to Team B's rushing score, player Steve Rogers, player Natasha Romanoff, player Scott Lang all scored 4 points!

Congratulations to Team A for answering the question, player Tony Stark, player Thor Odinson, and player Nebula all got 1 point! "

Thor said regretfully: "That's right, but only got 1 point, so we can't catch up with them, Tony, I think your luck is average, let me answer the next question, don't worry, I will Listen to your choice."

Tony Stark rubbed his chin with his hand and thought for a while, "Okay, then to answer the question, all three of us have to press the button... No, it's me and Thor, the two of us, so the success rate of the answer is higher.

Of course, the premise is that you must listen to me! "

Thor shrugged: "Until you get it wrong... well, don't be mad, I'm just joking, I admit that you play games better than I do."

In the sound of their discussions, the video also began to play on the light curtain.

In the picture, it was Iron Man Tony Stark who quietly sneaked into the Avengers Building, hid in the corner, and peeped at the Avengers group at this point in time.

In fact, this video was also played in the last round of quiz game when Loki and TVA were exposed, but one was mainly from the perspective of Loki, and the other was mainly from the perspective of future Tony Stark.

And through Tony Stark's voyeuristic perspective, you can see the backs of the Avengers such as Captain America and Hulk.

Tony Stark took another look at Team America and joked: "Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot, the butt-lifting effect of your dress is really unbearable... It's too exaggerated."

The helpless voice of Steve Rogers came from the headset: "No one is begging you, Tony."

Scott Lang, who turned into Ant-Man, said: "I think it's good, Captain, this is the classic American buttocks!"

Seeing this, the audience outside the light curtain couldn't help bursting into laughter. Natasha laughed dumbly and said, "Captain, I think Tony's evaluation is really appropriate... Haha, your figure is very hot."

Steve Rogers rolled his eyes: "Aren't they too busy discussing such a boring topic in an urgent mission?"

Scott Lang smiled and said: "It's not good to be tense all the time. Relaxing properly will help the efficiency of completing the task!"

At this time, the SHIELD agents were seen in the light curtain video again. They took away the psychic scepter. Ant-Man didn't know much about this group of people and asked what the origin was.

The future Iron Man Tony Stark complained again: "They were S.H.I.E.L.D., but they were actually Hydra, but no one knew that at the time."

Scott Lang exclaimed: "How is it possible that this was not discovered? These people... don't look like good people at first glance!"

This is indeed outrageous. It is obviously an official stability maintenance agency serving the country, but it has been infiltrated into a sieve from top to bottom by an evil organization.

Nick Fury on Earth saw this scene, his already black face darkened by two points, and said in a deep voice, "Colson, I think we should strengthen the screening and cleaning of S.H.I.E.L.D.! "

After the previous quiz game exposed the truth that S.H.I.E.L.D. is equivalent to the Hydra branch, they immediately launched a major purge. So far, almost all the heads of Hydra have been settled. UU Reading

S.H.I.E.L.D. also changed blood almost once, but now that this black history has been turned over and flogged again, Nick Fury feels like there are ants crawling all over his body.

Damn Hydra's vitality is too tenacious, and it can always be resurrected!

Agent Coulson next to him shrugged his shoulders: "Boss, I don't think it matters, the troubles in our world are now mainly handled by the Avengers, and the troubles outside our world include Batman and Superman. their bright front."

In other words, S.H.I.E.L.D. is useless now...

Nick Fury glared at him: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is very useful, look at it, in the normal time line, without S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers would lose their bonds and restraints, and in the end it would be a split. !"

'The boss is really amazing. He clearly kept S.H.I.E.L.D. to ask for funds, secretly build secret weapons, and do some secret research. It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. has played an irreplaceable role...'

Coulson secretly murmured in his heart, and his mouth naturally responded: "Boss, you are right."

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