Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 251 Everyone has their own agenda, honest people suffer

The bald director immediately looked at Loki next to him.

Loki shrugged: "Honestly, I think the answer to this question is."

He is deliberately misleading others. After all, it is an arena mode. Among the five players, there are only three winners. That means that if you want to win this game, in addition to scoring correct answers, you must also kill other players. , Only in this way can greater advantages be established.

The cunning Loki is naturally good at this kind of game.

While others were doubting him, he released smoke bombs, but deep down he believed that the answer to this question was most likely not his.

According to the future revealed in past quiz games, in the normal timeline, the only time he caused trouble on Earth was during the Battle of New York. Although he did steal the Cosmic Cube, he invaded SHIELD at that time, not the Avengers. base.

After the Battle of New York, it should be Ragnarok in Asgard, and I definitely wouldn't have time to go to Earth to cause trouble.

In addition, the option Thanos can also be eliminated. According to the information about Thanos revealed in the previous quiz game, this guy's behavior is as domineering as his name.

When he wants to get something, he usually doesn't engage in some sneaky business, but just knocks on the door and grabs it!

Then the correct answer should be to choose between and. Loki believes that the option is more likely. The reason is very simple. Ant-Man Scott Lang is the new player selected in this quiz game.

Judging from the rules of past quiz games, there are often answers to many questions that are directly related to new players, so Loki believes that the option is the most likely!

For him, of course, it is best if he is the only one who answers correctly, so he said in confusion: "Do you still remember the Battle of New York? Haha, I fooled all of you and stole the Cosmic Cube easily."

"No, you're not right."

Tony Stark shook his head and said: "If I remember correctly, during the Battle of New York, the Cosmic Cube was placed in SHIELD. You didn't count it as stealing at the time, you should have robbed it openly!"

Loki shrugged: "Then it depends on how you define stealing and robbing. What do you think the answer will be?"

Nick Fury glanced at him, the answer to this question was either yes or no, options and options could be eliminated.

Scott has proven that he will be a member of the Avengers in the future. Although the Avengers are facing a split at that time, it is enough to clear the suspicion.

It is already known that Thanos wants to collect the Infinity Stones, but he also directly invaded the earth and snatched the Mind Stone in Wakanda, not the Avengers base.

So the correct answer is obviously or, I originally thought the option was more likely, but what Tony just said makes sense, so that’s the only one. "

His analysis is well-founded, and the elimination method is also very effective for this kind of multiple-choice questions.

However, no one noticed that while the bald director was calmly analyzing, he secretly greeted Tony Stark with his hands behind his back, hinting at his choice!

Obviously, Nick Fury, who has a black face and a white heart, is not stupid. He can think of everything Loki can think of, and he also realizes that in this competitive and competitive answering mode, he must use some skills while answering questions. Routine, or strategy.

There are examples from the last round of Thor and Black Panther T'Chaka. Naturally, they don't want to become losers in this game, and they all want to enter the winner group.

Unlike the players who answered questions in the previous round, the players they encountered this time seemed to be unfriendly.

The evil god Loki is a very dishonest guy. He has brought trouble to the earth both in this time and space and in the original timeline.

Hank Pym is also restless and has been at loggerheads with Tony Stark from the beginning.

As a result, Nick Fury made an easy choice. Only Iron Man Tony Stark was his trustworthy teammate in this game.

This is also an advantage they have. Two people can cooperate with each other, which is better than three other players fighting independently.

Tony Stark noticed the little actions of the bald director. After all, they were colleagues and had fought side by side, so there was still a tacit understanding.

He rolled his eyes and said immediately: "What Nick said makes sense. I will choose this question too. The answer is obvious. Whoever answers first will get 4 points directly. It depends on whose hands are faster!"

Loki said with a smile: "Fair competition, let's see who can answer and score."

Hank Pym was silent, and Scott Lang smiled like an honest man: "Ha, I'll just follow you around."

He found that this kind of question and answer game didn't seem that difficult. As long as everyone used their brains together, they could quickly come up with the answer.

When the countdown started, everyone was really eager to answer and clicked the button in front of them. The lucky winner turned out to be Scott Lang. He laughed and made his choice immediately: "I choose!"

Hank Pym glanced at Tony Stark and sneered: "You two father and son are indeed telling lies. I choose: Scott Lang!"

Tony Stark sneered back: "I choose!"

It's a pity that I didn't trick this annoying old guy into it.

Bald director Nick Fury and Loki also chose, and now Scott Lang was dumbfounded.

I just listened to them analyze it for a long time, claiming with certainty that the correct answer is, and also said that whoever answers successfully will get 4 points for sure, but in the end, I was the only one to choose, and everyone else chose!

"Hey! What's going on? That's not what you just said. Why is the answer to this question me?"

Scott Lang spread his hands and felt as if he was being targeted!

Hank Pym shook his head: "Idiot, you didn't even see the wink I just gave you, did you? Tell me, why were you put in prison?"

Scott Lang did not hide this. He once worked for a company that defrauded consumers and made high profits. He couldn't stand it anymore and exposed the company's evil deeds to the outside world.

As a result, he was retaliated by the company and was fired. So in anger, Scott Lang simply cracked the company's security system, stole the company's money, and distributed it to the defrauded consumers.

What he did was to rob the rich and give to the poor, but unfortunately our beautiful country is a country of rich people. This kind of behavior will naturally be severely punished, so he was imprisoned.

"Um, are you saying that just because I am a thief, I can sneak into the Avengers and steal things and escape unscathed?

Come on, those are the Avengers. Even I heard about them in prison. They are all extraordinary beings, and they are also good people. There is no way I can steal them! "

Scott Lang still didn't want to believe that the answer would be his, or in other words, he still had a little bit of luck and hoped that he could answer it correctly.

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