Chapter 124: Yi Zhonghai Desperate, List Terrier Stabbed Deaf Old Lady to Death!!。

Hearing Zhang Junwei say this, everyone was shocked!

If it’s arson, it’s a big deal!

Liu Haizhong wants to be a grandpa too much, and he is too afraid that something will happen in the courtyard. Therefore, he did not want to say that it was a matter of people setting fires.

Liu Haizhong coughed twice, and said: “Not necessarily, right?” The weather is dry in winter, is it possible that there is a problem with the coal stove or the wiring in Yi Zhonghai’s house? ”

Zhang Junwei sneered, and this bangs wanted to dress.

The details he just said were not listened to.

“As I just said, the fire started on the table, and the worst burning in the whole room was the part of the table, so I must have set the fire from there!”

“And! As I said just now, Yi Zhonghai’s oil jar exploded on the table, so it must have been arson.”

“If the coal stove is on fire and the coal stove is at the door, the door will burn out long ago!” If the wire is poorly received, it will also start burning from the beam that has been hung up, understand? ”

Zhang Junwei asked Liu Haizhong with disdain.

Hearing Zhang Junwei say this, everyone nodded thoughtfully. Liu Haizhong still wanted to say two words: “But even if the oil can is in the house, how can you know that someone else set the fire?” ”

“Could it be that something else accidentally burned…”

Seeing Zhang Junwei’s indifferent look, Liu Haizhong was afraid that he would be angry, and quickly added: “I’m not doubting you, the main thing is that I think that there should be no one in our courtyard who can set fire to Yi Zhonghai, right?” You said that our courtyard has been a little more peaceful these two days…”

Liu Haizhong chanted there, saying in his heart that someone had a feud with Yi Zhonghai, and that was also him Zhang Junwei. But for a person with such great skills as Zhang Junwei, isn’t it easy to get Zhonghai?

So they all knew that this fire would not have been put by Zhang Junwei.

Zhang Junwei shook his head, this straw bale in his bangs, this is not careless, he actually thinks about and thin mud

“I just took a look, Tang’s table is burned through, and you can smell lard, so nine times out of ten, someone smeared lard on Tang’s table and lit a fire.”

“As soon as the arson panicked, he put the lard jar on the side and ran!”

Zhang Junwei also wanted to understand why the lard jar was fried at this time.

“After Flame 03 climbed into it along the lard can, the lard burned too hot, and the lard jar exploded if it couldn’t withstand it…”


Zhang Junwei gestured to everyone to look at the injuries on Yi Zhonghai’s body.

“If it weren’t for the fragments of the lard jar that injured him too badly, Yi Zhonghai wouldn’t have heard everyone’s shouts and didn’t run out quickly.”

Everyone then noticed Yi Zhonghai.

After Yi Zhonghai was carried out, he was put on the ground by Zhang Junwei and Xu Damao. Seeing the blood on Yi Zhonghai’s body, everyone couldn’t help but be terrified!

Fortunately, this fragment is pricked in the stomach, and if it goes up a little again and again, Yi Zhonghai may be gone…

“Yi Zhonghai, did you put the lard jar on Tang’s table?”

Liu Haizhong approached Yi Zhonghai and asked loudly. Everyone couldn’t help but roll their eyes in unison.

In the bangs, I am afraid that someone will set fire to this life…

“I… I’ll let your mother go…”

Yi Zhonghai cursed hoarsely.

“Catch, catch the arson… Catch him…”

Yi Zhonghai hated it in his heart.

Who is so ruthless?

This is wanting your own life!

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say this, everyone looked at Liu Haizhong mockingly.

“Uncle Xian, let’s just say, Zhang Junwei is professional! You said you had to ask what this voice was for…”

“That’s it, you, as Uncle Two, don’t say hurry up to put out the fire and mix with you here.”

“Don’t talk about putting out the fire, he doesn’t dare to save people…”

The bangs were faceless by everyone, and they could only look at Zhang Junwei with an embarrassed face: “Look at me, it’s nonsense, there is no other meaning.”

Zhang Junwei ignored his bangs, but instead shouted to the deaf old lady sitting on the kennel.

“Old deaf, do you know who set the fire? Also, why are the stick terriers there? ”

Everyone looked at it, and it was really hey.

The deaf old lady also shouted twice just now, after all, her arm was injured.

With so many people here, she doesn’t want to bandage herself herself, doesn’t she? So the deaf old lady thought of asking someone to bandage herself.

Even if it’s to find a doctor?

But the deaf old lady overestimated her own identity, or she underestimated the disgust that everyone disliked her. These people either did not hear the deaf old woman’s shouts, or they pretended not to hear them.

So the deaf old lady stayed here for half a day holding her arm. Hearing Zhang Junwei speak, the deaf old lady snorted coldly: “Expect you to catch the thief who set the fire, he would have run away a long time ago!” ”

The deaf old lady said and pointed to the stick terrier lying on the ground: “That’s him, just now when Yi Zhonghai’s house was on fire, he hurriedly ran out, I hurriedly went to catch him!” As a result, this little rabbit cub actually gave me a knife! ”

The central idea of the deaf old lady is that I caught this thief who set fire. She knows that her status in the courtyard is too bad now, to put it bluntly, she is not as high as a dog in Zhang Junwei’s family!

Since she happened to encounter a stick terrier this time, the deaf old lady wanted to use the stick terrier to whitewash herself. Caught a fire thief, others are not allowed to look up to her deaf old lady?

As a result, the deaf old lady did not expect that everyone did not look at her at all!

“Zhang Junwei, you are really a god! You have noticed that the deaf old lady hurts so little! ”

“That’s right, this is the discovery of arsonists!”

“Stick terrier, this little beast, even if you steal something, you dare to set it on fire, now!”

“Hurry up and catch the stick terrier!”

“Yes, hurry up and arrest him!”


Just when everyone shouted that this made the stick terrier, Qin Huairu shouted!

“Is this old immortal saying anything?”

From the fire in Yi Zhonghai’s house, Qin Huairu had a bad premonition in his heart! She searched the house and didn’t see the stick terrier.

Then when it seemed that there was still no stick terrier in the crowd in the courtyard, Qin Huairu thought that the stick terrier had set fire and ran away! Just when Qin Huairu was praying in his heart that the stick terrier was okay, he heard Zhang Junwei’s shout.

Qin Huairu then found that the stick terrier was actually lying at the door of the deaf old lady’s kennel, Qin Huairu knew very well in her heart that the stick terrier had already entered the juvenile detention center once.

If he is caught for arson, the stick terrier will only be sentenced more seriously! So anyway, arson can’t be admitted!

Seeing the deaf old lady, Qin Huairu stared at her with malice!

This old thing, if it weren’t for her stopping the stick terrier, no one would know that the stick terrier set it on fire!

“Now the stick terrier hasn’t woken up yet, what if this old deaf man put the fire on us to hold the terrier!”

Qin Huairu looked at the deaf old lady with a malicious look and continued: “Everyone also knows that Yi Zhonghai was too close to the deaf old lady before, but now the deaf old lady lives in the dog kennel Yi Zhonghai and did not let her live in her own house, so I suspect that the deaf old lady held a grudge and deliberately set fire to Yi Zhonghai!” ”

“You fart!”

“Why don’t you say it when you slander my son!”

Zhang Junwei couldn’t help but sneer in his heart when he heard these two people dog eating dog, this is fine.

He knew that he was deaf tonight, and it was estimated that her people would take action tomorrow. If you get her into a closed place yourself and can’t get out…..

“Deaf old lady, you said that it was the fire set by the stick terrier, Qin Huairu said that it was the fire you set… This matter is messed up now~”

“Well, deaf old lady, tell me, what’s wrong with him? Why not? If he set fire, shouldn’t he have run quickly? ”

When everyone heard Zhang Junwei say this, they nodded one after another!

“Yes, this kid from the stick terrier set it on fire, why hasn’t he run yet?”

“Old immortal, you say?”

Hearing Zhang Junwei’s question, the deaf old lady looked confused.

She stunned the stick terrier just now, but it was not clear at this time, and Zhang Junwei did not expect her to be clear.

Zhang Junwei said directly: “Okay, now Yi Zhonghai is seriously injured and has to be sent to the hospital…” The deaf old lady was also injured, plus the stick terrier was unconscious, so let’s simply take the hospital for interrogation clearly. ”

Zhang Junwei hammered the final word, and everyone strongly supported it!

Hearing that she was going to go to the hospital, the deaf old lady breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it is not in the detention room, it is easy to say anything no?

But after entering the hospital, the deaf old lady found that she was thinking too simply.

Zhang Junwei said that she and the stick terrier were suspected of arson, and directly sent two police officers to lock them in a ward! No matter how she shouted, Zhang Junwei, this beast, just didn’t appear!

The deaf old lady is so anxious that she just wants to jump off the building!

She arranged the assassination tomorrow night, and in order to prevent the news from leaking, she only told the target person to those people, but did not say who to let and who to answer…

If it is delayed like this, what will happen tomorrow night?

Those few confused eggs, if they act privately, they are likely to be caught!

“Let me out!”

The deaf old lady looked at the window, her current ward was on the third floor… The height is okay, but there are actually two police officers on duty underneath, and the deaf old lady is about to explode!

She said that he set fire to this animal, and Zhang Junwei, this animal, took the opportunity to put himself under house arrest!

“Let me out!”

The deaf old lady patted the door of the ward: “You tell Zhang Junwei!” I didn’t set fire to let him release me! He’s breaking the law! ”

Zhang Xiaojun C at the door listened to the deaf old lady’s words and laughed: “Are you sick?” Now what is going on in this fire, you have to wait until the stick terrier and Yi Zhonghai are both conscious to explain it? ”

“What about Zhang Junwei! I want to see him! ”

The deaf old lady looked at Zhang Xiaojun fiercely.

Zhang Xiaojun patted the successor on the shoulder and explained that they could not do this door in any way. Open. Then the deaf old lady said: “Yi Zhonghai was seriously injured and had surgery…” The hospital said, it is estimated that the operation is completed, and when the anesthesia is over, it will have to be tomorrow afternoon, and you will be interrogated at that time. ”

After speaking, Zhang Xiaojun turned around and left.

Their director said, let this old thing be inseparable from the hospital and can’t see people. Leave nothing else alone.

The deaf old man patted the door angrily!

Looking at the stick terrier lying on the bed, I just wanted to pump him to death! If he hadn’t set it on fire, would he have been so unlucky! Yi Zhonghai was pushed to the operating room because his injuries were too serious.

When the doctor asked for a deposit of 100 yuan, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui were embarrassed. At this time, it is reasonable to say that Yi Zhonghai’s family should take the money, but Yi Zhonghai is now alone and has no family…

Let the two of them pay this 100 yuan, it is better to kill them…

“Okay, let Yan Xiecheng, Xu Damao and Liu Guangfu go back together and find out Yi Zhonghai’s money.”

Zhang Junwei knew before he came to the hospital.

But he didn’t say anything.


Because he wants to take this opportunity to pit Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady! Before going out, Zhang Junwei used the Beast Taming Talisman.

Let the rats in the courtyard take advantage of the fact that there are no people in the courtyard and enter Yi Zhonghai’s house and the deaf old lady’s kennel. Zhang Junwei didn’t forget what the deaf old lady said about the gold bar at the last meeting!

Since this old animal could keep gold bars privately, that Zhang Junwei didn’t mind giving away some ill-gotten gains. How did the deaf old lady’s money come from, Zhang Junwei was clear.

She actually wants to use the betrayal money, and then Yi Zhonghai continues to take care of her? Zhang Junwei made up his mind at that time, he wanted these gold!

Therefore, today’s fire can be said to have given Zhang Junwei an excellent opportunity. Yi Zhonghai surgery, deaf old lady is supervised.

People in the courtyard either came to the hospital or slept early after a tired night. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is better to hollow out the gold of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady. Zhang Junwei didn’t say anything about bringing money at that time.

Just to wait for this moment.

When Xu Damao and the three of them turned over Yi Zhonghai’s money together, the three of them would be able to testify to each other that Yi Zhonghai did not have gold bars at home: at that time, Yi Zhonghai’s dumb loss could only eat.


In the courtyard, several mice are working hard. They flipped the dark ruins of Yi Zhonghai’s home. Finally, 490 biscuit boxes were found.

Open the box, in addition to some money and two pieces of gold and a gold ring, the rats screamed lowly twice, lifted the gold bar and ring, pressed the cookie box tightly, stuffed it into the ruins, turned around and quickly pressed against the wall and entered the backyard!

And in the kennel of the deaf old lady.

The wooden box she stuffed in the deepest part of the kennel was bitten through a hole by a rat…

When Xu Damao and they returned with the money, Yan Bugui looked at the three of them and shook his head at Zhang Junwei: “You are too strict in doing things, and you have to go to three people for that money.” ”

Zhang Junwei smiled: “Testify to each other, lest Yi Zhonghai wake up and say clearly~”

The center of the bangs snorted coldly.

He is Uncle Two, if he is allowed to arrange this, he will let his son go!” How much money to get back, that is also his son’s final say…

After all, Yi Zhonghai is like this now, and it would be good if they were willing to save him.

“The patient is now losing a lot of blood, do you use the blood from the hospital or your own blood transfusion?”

Zhang Junwei was stunned when he heard this question, and then reacted, at this time, the blood price is high, the people are reluctant to use it, and the hospital is not standardized, so it is possible to transfuse blood with the same blood type…

After thinking of this, Zhang Junwei went to get the stick terrier out.

Seeing Zhang Junwei bringing two nurses to pull the stick terrier, the deaf old lady immediately grabbed Zhang Junwei!

“Zhang Junwei! You hurry up and let me out! I said, the fire of Yi Zhonghai’s house was not set by me! ”

Zhang Junwei squinted at the deaf old lady, this old animal is so anxious… Come on.

Tomorrow night, we can strengthen the vigilance of several people.

“You’re a suspect now, understand?”

Zhang Junwei smiled slightly at the deaf old lady, walked out of the ward and closed the door at the same time.

“So, wait here.”

“Nurse, please see if they are of the same blood type, and if so, transfuse his blood.”

Zhang Junwei pointed to the stick terrier to let the nurse draw blood, seeing Zhang Junwei’s action, Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong snickered in unison,

If the stick terrier and Yi Zhonghai blood type are the same, does that mean that the stick terrier is a species of Yi Zhonghai? Xu Damao also had an idea with them.

Seeing that the stick terrier was pressed to draw blood, Xu Damao said to Zhang Junwei with a smile: “It has to be you, this Yi Zhonghai and the stick terrier are going to be disgraced~”

Zhang Junwei listened to Xu Damao’s words and smiled slightly. Shame is not shame, do not say.

However, it is true that Yi Zhonghai is mad this time…

Zhang Junwei asked the stick terrier to test this blood not to find a son for Yi Zhonghai, in fact, Zhang Junwei could see it from Yi Zhonghai’s face.

Yi Zhonghai, this old thing, he is a desperate life!

Zhang Junwei now wanted to know if Yi Zhonghai paid a bunch for the stick terrier and sacrificed a lot. Suddenly knowing that the stick terrier is not his species, how will Yi Zhonghai react?

Thinking that Yi Zhonghai might be so angry that he collapsed, Zhang Junwei felt that this matter was becoming more and more interesting…

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