"This operation is personally led by Mayor Li of the night market, and there are three A-class heroes, 15 B-class heroes, and 30 fully armed combat units with live ammunition!"

"Such a lineup can be said to be extremely luxurious! I don't know Professor Gao, how sure do you think this operation is successful?! "

Due to the current live broadcast, Li Ke is still looking for the traces of monsters by the river, and they are all some pictures of rushing.

There is nothing to explain, but there are hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, and Wei Xiang naturally can't let the live broadcast room be so cold.

At this time, I also followed Professor Gao next to me to open the intercom mode, and I also wanted to improve the audience's memory of myself in this way.

Know that the line is out of the top!

As long as you perform well, if you let yourself act as a commentator for the live broadcast of major events in the future.

Then it won't necessarily get fewer fans than City Heroes.

Professor Gao is an old man over 60 years old, but at this time he looks quite spirited, wearing a Zhongshan suit, and his hair is combed black and shiny.

At this time, hearing Wei Xiang's question, Professor Gao cleared his throat and touched on his major, and Professor Gao naturally had something to say.

"More than half a year has passed since the first monster incident appeared, from the weakest D-level monster at the beginning, to the current A-class monster, and even S-class monster."

"We are all conducting research and analysis, there are many types of monsters, just urban heroes and army uniforms can be compiled into a guide."

"There is no specific image of the S-class monster that we are preparing to capture and kill today, but it passed the last accurate detection by the state apparatus."

"It is not difficult to find that this S-class monster has extremely powerful energy, and the power contained in it is far from being comparable to that of an A-class monster!"

Professor Gao sighed, and Wei Xiang was also listening on the side, nodded from time to time, and answered the phone.

However, the live broadcast room did not go cold for a while.

Although I didn't see the battle between monsters and city heroes, the audience in the live broadcast room now just happened to make up for their knowledge about monsters.

If you encounter this type of monster in the future, you can also find a way to save yourself.

Although these methods are not enough for an ordinary human to have the ability to resist monsters.

But it's better than not knowing anything.

In this way, the time passed, and in about ten minutes, Professor Gao's throat smoked, and he couldn't help but glare at Wei Xiang, who was still holding around him.

"Didn't you just let me introduce it? How come this is endless, you are letting me come to class!

Professor Gao complained fiercely in his heart.

Wei Xiang is also a little helpless, if the city hero and the monster fight, then he can also explain some blood-pumping battle pictures.

But the key is now a boring rush link, even if Wei Xiang can speak well, it is not as good as Professor Gao like a hundred treasure books.

In short, before meeting the monster, you still have to continue to trouble Professor Gao.

"Uh, what did we just go on? Reproductive isolation between different monsters..."

Professor Gao drank a cup of tea, and as soon as he spoke, he heard Wei Xiang beside him burst into drink, and his eyes widened as if he had seen some rare treasure.

"Elder Gao, look quickly! There's a mountain of gold in front of you! "

Huh? What gold mountain?

Professor Gao looked at the screen and was suddenly shocked, only to see that the river in the screen was like turning the river into the sea!

A huge golden mountain instantly appeared on the surface of the water, and it seemed to be estimated to be more than ten meters in size!

Li Ke and the others, who were looking for the traces of the monster, were suddenly startled, looking at the huge golden mountain in front of them, and couldn't help but wipe their eyes.

"I'll go, this is a windfall from heaven! There is such a big gold mine in the Quanjiang River! No, this is no longer a gold mine, this is a mountain of gold!

Wang Yue looked at the shining golden mountain in front of him, he couldn't believe it, and after rubbing his eyes, he saw that the golden mountain in front of him still existed.

Lin Yu frowned, a pair of white jade-like eyes, staring at the golden mountain in front of him.

A hoarse voice in his mouth said.

"Be careful, this golden mountain may be a living creature, it may be the S-class monster we are looking for!"


"It's an S-class monster! Such a big one!

"This, this, such a big one! How does this fight? "

Those city heroes were a little in an uproar, they were originally just sons of a large family, even if they gained ability, they did not have the courage to challenge everything.

On the other hand, the soldiers of those armies did not squint, they only obeyed Li Ke's orders.

Even if in the next second, they immediately pulled out their short knives and slashed at the golden mountain in front of them, they would not frown.

"All on alert! The battle team is ready to fire at any time, and the city hero team protects the combat team! "

Li Keke doesn't care if the golden mountain in front of him is a monster or not, as the mayor, he must be careful and vigilant!

In case of casualties due to his own careless negligence, he will make a big mistake in front of the live broadcast!

"This is an S-class monster? It's a bit big, but it's just right! Just try my new ability!

Huang Yuan didn't speak, but his eyes looked excitedly at the huge golden mountain that gradually surfaced like a small hill.

This time he was well prepared!

Just wait for the manifestation before people!

Boom rumble.

Just when everyone was cautious, the golden mountain that appeared on the surface of the river also appeared its full picture.

It's a giant golden turtle!

The turtle's body is shining with gold, as if it is made of gold, its body is more than 15 meters tall, and auspicious clouds appear around it.

Looks mighty.

This is still the case of the Xuan Tortoise convergence, and now after devouring the lower grade godhead, the size change ability of the Xuan Tortoise has also been strengthened.

You can reach a height of 1,000 meters with a single movement of your mind!

If it is smaller, it can also be as small as a hair.

It's just that Xuangui hasn't forgotten Lin Fan's explanation, don't hurt the city heroes, and don't hurt the citizens.

It is better to live in peace.

If it becomes a thousand-meter body, Xuan Tortoise is not afraid of stepping on a few, even if it is scared, I am afraid that it will have to be scared to death.

"! What a big turtle! "

Is this the S-class monster that descended before! It's extraordinary! Seeing

the Xuan Tortoise come out, those city heroes suddenly turned their heads and ears, and some people couldn't stop being afraid.

Already used their own abilities.

Some have transformed into werewolves in the Druid transformation system, the bear people.

Or stone people, tree people, and so on in the natural transformation system.

Seeing someone transform, the other city heroes couldn't help it, and they changed their battle form one after another.

Most of the B-class city heroes summoned this time were the ability to transform or strengthen the system, so for a while, the demons danced wildly.

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