Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 410 Winning but Losing

"In the first leg of a Coppa Italia semi-final that ended yesterday, Sampdoria finally defeated Naples with a score of 3:2. Although the victory was achieved, this score is not worthy of happiness for Sampdoria ..."

"3:2, if this is a single elimination system, Sampdoria fans should already be cheering for the victory. But now, everyone is worried... At the post-match press conference, Sampdoria coach Di Francis Coe admitted that the team was a little slack after leading by two goals in the first half, and conceded a goal just two minutes into the second half, which completely disrupted the rhythm..."

"Although they failed to win the game in the end and were defeated by a high-speed reversal, the Naples players can leave Genoa with a smile. With two away goals in hand, they only need one goal in the second round. Pudolia will be able to advance to the final...We can even say that half of Naples has entered the final venue..."

In the news reports after the game, although it was said that Sampdoria was the winner, it was really hard to feel this from these reports. It seems that Naples is winning the ball.

Of course, this score seems to be that Naples is indeed more dominant.

Sampdoria is also very clear, so after Gao Zheng's goal, the morale-boosting Sampdoria fought back, hoping to score another goal. They knew what 3:2 meant. 4:2 and They are also very clear about the difference of 3:2.

But Benitez quickly made corresponding adjustments, shrinking the defense, no longer seeking to beat Sampdoria in the away game, but just being able to hold the score.

They succeeded.

That's why there was such a strange scene after the game - the side who obviously won the game looked very depressed and dissatisfied. The side that lost the game left the field with a smile on their face.

Just the day before the match between Sampdoria and Naples, Udinese defeated Fiorentina 2:1 at home, and everyone felt that Udinese must be eliminated.

Fiorentina only scored one away goal, that's what everyone thinks. Now that Naples has two away goals, Sampdoria is even less optimistic...

After the game, the "Nineteenth Century", which was firmly on the side of Sampdoria, also rarely criticized the team's performance. From the on-the-spot command of the head coach Di Francesco to the mentality of the players, everything became object of criticism.

As for the criticism on the Internet, there are more. Fans are emotional. When they are unhappy, they just scold others, and they don't care whether their scolding is reasonable or not.

Sampdoria did not play well in this game.

Strictly speaking, they only played a good half-time, that is the first half.

Among the criticisms, only Gao Zheng survived.

Because Gao Zheng's performance is nothing to criticize. He scored two goals for the team. If it weren't for him, Sampdoria would have lost the game at home... No, if it wasn't for him, Sampdoria would have lost Didn't make it to the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia at all.

After this game, the reaction of the vast majority of Chinese fans was "Sampdoria is not worthy of Gao Zheng". They thought this should be Gao Zheng's last season in Sampdoria. Individual strength exceeds the overall strength too much. Although sometimes it can turn the tide, but more often it will be dragged down by the collective.

Everyone hopes that Gao Zheng can go to a wealthy team next season, only there is worthy of his ability.

However, when Gao Zheng was interviewed, he did not mean to give up the team. He also asked why the reporter thought that Sampdoria would be eliminated: "Didn't we win?"

"But the opponent has two away goals, and you only won one goal, they have the advantage of away goals..."

Gao Zheng shook his head: "In my opinion, the matter is very simple, as long as we win the next round, won't it be over?"

The reporter who asked the question was left speechless by Gao Zheng's counter-question. Because it is true, as long as Sampdoria wins, there is no problem at all.

Other reporters asked back: "How can it be so easy to win an away game?"

"There is no easy victory at all, right?" Gao Zheng asked rhetorically. "Who dares to say that winning is easy? Isn't it normal to win away games? What's the fuss? Is it because away games are difficult to win, so we don't pursue wins?"

The second reporter was choked up by Gao Zheng's series of rhetorical questions...

Other reporters have nothing to ask after seeing this. Since the score of the first round is already like this, there is really only one way now, and that is to beat Naples in the away game no matter what, otherwise Sampdoria will have to bid farewell to the Coppa Italia up.

Nobody cares if they bid farewell to the Coppa Italia two rounds ago. But now that they have reached the semi-finals, and being eliminated again, it will make people feel heartbroken and regretful.


After the Coppa Italia semi-final with Naples, Sampdoria immediately ushered in the league with Cagliari on the weekend. In this game, Sampdoria underwent a large rotation.

So it is not too surprising that they lost 0:1 at home to Cagliari in the end.

No one even cared about the game itself. As a league sandwiched between two Coppa Italia semi-finals, it was destined to be a very tasteless game.

Sampdoria's substitute players are not in the league.

These days, everyone is concerned about the team's future in the Coppa Italia.

Even the loss at home to Cagliari, no one criticized the team and the coach. You must know that Sampdoria won the first round of the Coppa Italia semi-final at home against Naples, and was scolded bloody by many people after the game.

After playing the league game with Cagliari, Sampdoria will usher in the second round of the semi-final against Naples in the middle of next week.

This time Sampdoria has to go to their home court to fight.

Naples' home stadium San Paolo is also known as the devil's home stadium. Naples fans are known for their fanaticism, and the atmosphere of this home stadium can be imagined.

The San Paolo Stadium has a capacity of 60,000 people, making it the third largest stadium in Italy.

Before the game, the local media in Naples was promoting the second round of the game, calling it a game of life and death for Naples.

Call on fans to go to the scene to support the team, cheer for the team, and cause noise and trouble to the visiting team.

The day before the game, the local media in Naples announced that the game tickets had been completely sold out.

Considering safety factors, the stadium did not sell all the seats, but only allowed 50,000 seats to be opened.

Among them, the number of fans tickets for the visiting team Sampdoria is very small, less than 1,000 people, and the rest are all for the home team.

The so-called home field advantage actually means that the home team can do things conveniently in these places, and there are many ways to cause trouble for the visiting team.

At that time, nearly 50,000 Naples fans will all pour into the stadium, and the momentum that can be set off must be amazing. Sampdoria will play against the imposing Naples in such an environment.

No wonder everyone is not optimistic about Sampdoria beating Naples away. The San Paolo Stadium is hell. How can mortals beat the devil in hell?

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