Prohibited To Approach

Chapter 77: 77th

——What are you looking at laughing so hard? Stand up, read what you have written to everyone, let everyone laugh together!

Teacher Mu really cut her own way. She held the pointer with a serious look. Once she became serious, she was really able to bluff people. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking:

The children in the class didn’t dare to speak anymore. Even Teacher Zhang from the next class poked his head and looked in through the broken window. With her probe, the eldest lady who had always been watching here also came out in a wheelchair. .

She has never seen Xiaoxiao lose her temper with her child, which is a little strange.

Seeing so many people gathered, Xiao Hua lowered her head, her remaining kind thoughts made her press her lips tightly.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Say it."

When Teacher Mu also made mistakes, she wondered what she could write about the child only going to school for one day? So forbearing, isn't she writing her beautiful sister's name?

Xiaolu watched the eldest lady come out, and he followed him out to join in the fun. Just after a long time, he casually took a towel around his neck and stood beside the eldest lady with a smile. He smelled of sweat. With the taste of a man, the eldest lady's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she unconsciously moved the wheelchair aside.

Teacher Mu saw the eldest girl frown. She was in a much better mood. She raised her pointer and was about to teach Xiaohua a few words to let her go to class, and let her go down the steps. At this moment, Xiaohua raised her head and said softly, "I write Is—"

Everyone looked at her and listened with breathlessness.

This is the first time in Xiaohua's life that she speaks in front of so many people, and also the first time to answer questions on the podium. Her voice is very soft but full of emotion.

"My sister laughs at people, and the teacher is about to cry. When she cries, she will stop faintly, and her belly will explode."

Everyone︰? ? ?

Mu Xiaoxiao:………………

Silence, death-like silence surrounds the classroom.

The children didn't understand what it meant, they just felt that the poem read from Xiaohua's mouth and it sounded great, but who was the sister? Why did she explode when she laughed at the teacher?

Everyone looked at the teacher.

Teacher Mu's face on the podium changed to the same color as the red pen water visible to the naked eye, and her hand holding the pointer trembled.

Teacher Zhang next to me really couldn't help it anymore. A hen-like explosion of laughter cut through the school. She squatted directly on the ground with a smile, trembling all over her laughter, oh my god, before she Why didn't you find Xiaohua so talented?

And the eldest lady, who had been sullen since entering the school, looked at Xiao Hua with a little surprise. After a while, the delicate and frozen cheeks finally bloomed for a moment.

She smiled, pursed her lips and smiled, the wind confuses her hair, and for a while, everything around her faded, and the spring breeze for ten miles was not as beautiful as her.

Xiao Lu looked silly, and looked at the eldest lady blankly.

The awkward toes of Teacher Mu on the podium are about to buckle up, but who can be to blame for such a social death?

Such a day... It's really not brilliant.

Student Xiaohua was finally punished to stand, and it was a high-standard punished station, standing against the wall, she still held her poem in her hand and pursed her lips.

Miss   rolled over in her wheelchair and looked at her.

Xiao Hua smelled the fragrance on her body, a little nervous and a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and dared not look at Qin Yi.

"It's great, keep working hard."

The entry teacher, the eldest lady, returned to her music teacher again when she left this sentence. When Xiaohua raised her head in shock, she only smelled a faint fragrance, but nothing else.

In order to welcome the first music teacher in school history.

Almost the whole school was mobilized, and all the teachers and children gathered in the music teachers.

The eldest lady was sitting at the piano, her long hair pulled up, and her slender fingers simply tested a few keys. It was a bit crude, but she could make a sound anyway.

Everyone was watching her with their breath. The music classroom was newly vacated. There were no tables and chairs. Some of the children held a brick under their hips, some sat on their schoolbags, and some simply sat on the ground. .

Teacher Mu squatted aside and looked at the eldest lady quietly.

She has seen many kinds of eldest ladies, noble, glamorous, reserved, shy, irritable... only this one hasn't.

The temperament really deserves the word "teacher", this is a natural musician.

She sits in front of the piano, no matter what the environment, no matter who she is facing, she can quickly enter the state.

The children's songs, the eldest does not know much, and popular songs are not suitable.

She remembered the "Snail" that she sang when she talked to Xiaoxiao that day.

The eldest lady's body was straight, her snow-white slender fingers lifted up, and a ray of light in the afternoon came in through the window, and her whole body was like a sculpture of ice and snow.

A clear rhythm came slowly with the keyboard. Xiaoxiao, who was squatting on the ground, felt that her pores had been opened. She stared at the light-bearing lady in a daze. Her heart felt as if electricity was flowing through her heart.

This is her lover.

For her, I came here from a long distance, bent down the waist that was once high above, and played the most beautiful movement for the children.

When I first met Miss Mu Xiaoxiao, she never thought that they would have this day.

In this life, people will always expect a lot at the beginning, whether they are happy, sad, or nervous, but the end of the road often makes people unable to guess.

all is meant to be.

Mu Xiaoxiao held her cheeks in both hands and looked at the eldest lady idiotically. She and Qin Yi were afraid that it was not a god-given fate. Such a lovely person was actually hers.

Beauty is in the eyes of beholder.

What's more, the eldest lady has an outstanding temperament, wherever she walks, where the light falls.

One song is over.

The children gave the warmest applause with their little hands.

The young lady nodded with a smile, feeling different in her heart.

Before she met Xiaoxiao, her life was full of conspiracies, calculations, and all kinds of intrigues.

Later, she got bored and closed herself up.

All money, material, interests, and fame are empty for her. She can't find her own value. When she abandons the world, she believes that the world has also abandoned her.

She even didn't go to the piano for a long time, and the eldest lady thought she was playing the sound of nature.

The world is so dirty.

No one can understand, no one is worth her to play.

But now, as Xiaoxiao came here, the eldest lady saw a lot. Although she was not good at expressing, she never said to Xiaoxiao, but her inner light was lighted up again.

It turns out that giving is happy, and helping is happy.

It turned out that the world was not so pale, full of sunshine, but she was fascinated by hatred and couldn't see the beauty of this world.

Teacher Meimei looked at Xiaoxiao in the front row obsessively, she lowered her head and pressed her lips.

She knew that Xiaoxiao was not an ordinary person, but... but she didn't expect that the person she was fond of was so good...

If you like someone, no matter how you keep your distance, the light in your eyes won't be deceiving.

At the request of the principal, the first song that the eldest took the children to learn was the Internationale. The principal was old and he didn’t know how long he could hold on in the future. He only hoped that he could sort out the correct three views for the children. No matter the road is open or bumpy, their hearts are full of sunshine.

——A slave who woke up and hungry and cold

Up the suffering people all over the world

The blood is full of enthusiasm to fight for the truth


The eldest lady’s piano sound is tempting. When the children are unfamiliar, her piano sound is very low. As the children slowly enter the state, she gradually raises the key, which is a good mobilization of emotions. In the end, the children sing passionately and generously. , A few children stood up with tears in their eyes.

Of course, the most generous teacher is Mu. Her eyes are red, and she is shouting with her fists in her hands.

In the neat singing of the children, her broken gong voice was particularly powerful, and all the students got goose bumps. The principal and several teachers grinned.

Zhang Qiao was also in tears. She hadn't seen her idol like this for a long time, and she knew that the person she was fond of couldn't be wrong.

I am used to seeing Qin Yi's elegant and noble appearance on the screen. Now this powerful person with determination and a smile on her lips is in her eyes. She is full of pride. This is a true idol.

Teacher Qin's first class boiled over and won applause.

The eldest bends slightly to express her gratitude to the children for their enthusiasm. Her movements are simple, yet elegant and generous.

She has played in various countries around the world, she has played in various tall auditoriums, and she has played in concerts for thousands of people.

Every time, she was very devoted, but she had never had the blood like today.

She felt a warm current, converging on her chest with the sonorous voices of the children, and stayed for a long time.

This is also the first time in the life of Missy.

She looked at the children's innocent and immature faces, and what Xiaoxiao often said in her heart was the phrase-Don't bully the young and poor, there must be a day of dragons and phoenixes.

In the future, she will definitely hold hands with Xiaoxiao and come back here to see the children.

She helped decide every child here.

The eldest lady was once indifferent, and she was aloof from the world, but as she got along day by day, she was dragged into this lively world by Xiaoxiao abruptly, and the vitality of life flowed in the air. , The heat of life flows into the heart along the blood.

This reminded her of that day, which was also such an ordinary day. Xiaoxiao wrapped her in her clothes, which also pushed her from the loneliness and loneliness into the lively crowd.

She just broke into her world so silently, taking all the eyes of the young lady.

Class is over.

There were many children around the eldest lady. They were talking to the eldest lady in twitter. Qin Yi had a faint smile on her face and nodded gently from time to time. Every child who was nodded by her was excited like what , Can't wait to jump high.

"Some people are born kings, right?"

Teacher Zhang stood beside Xiaoxiao with his arms, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the eldest lady with pride: "Always."

Her eldest lady will always make her proud.

Because the school has never been so lively before, and there have not been so many excellent teachers here. The principal’s iron **** bleeds, and he needs to take a few to eat at home. He called his wife in advance: "Stew the chicken, serve the wine, and grill the skewers. The old Liu Yao next door, I said hello to her, and I will take the teachers to our house!"

Upon hearing that there was a party, several teachers raised their arms and cheered. Teacher Meimei couldn't help but sigh: "The last time the principal had a guest, was it a year ago?"

The male teacher next to her smiled, "That's all said to be less, it's almost two years."

The principal shook his head: "You guys, where am I so stingy."

Isn't it stingy?

The principal dedicated everything to this school without a name, guarding these little carrot heads. The hope for a lifetime is that they can get out of the mountains and have a better life, and he has put everything down a long time ago.

For so many years, although their village is backward, some volunteers have come to some extent. Although everyone is caring, they are mostly in the form of a formality. You can write on your resume for the experience of teaching support.

The principal understands this, so this time, he didn't return much hope at first, but as the days passed, everyone gave him too much hope and strength.

When packing up and preparing to retreat, the principal even looked at Xiaoxiao and said with emotion: "Teacher Mu, I am especially optimistic about you. If possible, don't be constrained by these three months, and come back later."

In fact, he quite hopes that Teacher Mu can stay. He feels that Teacher Mu can provoke this beam, but she is not a thing in the pool, and she always shines further and higher.

Mu Xiaoxiaole said, "I naturally want to come back. I have already discussed with the people I like, and I will see the children later."

She couldn't help but dream about the scene of returning with the eldest lady in ten or even twenty years.

At that time, the children are all older, I wonder if they will remember the teacher who stayed in their memory for three months.

The male teacher next to him was a little surprised, "Does Xiaoxiao have someone you like?"

Mu Xiaoxiao took a peek at the eldest lady, smiled and nodded, her face hot.

The eldest lady was sitting in a wheelchair, looking indifferently at the moonlight in the distance, seemingly not caring about everything here.

Li Bo pursed his lips when he heard it. He lowered his head again, and took the broom to sweep the floor. The young lady glanced at him, and the hand holding the wheelchair tightened.

"Oh, Xiao Xu from the village next door asked me to hand you a love letter."

The male teacher is a pity: "Then you have been out for so long, does the other party worry that such a beautiful girlfriend is out there? How many people have to pursue it."

The person next to him nodded, "Isn't it? Such a beautiful girlfriend outside, how many eyes, how many people are worried, if I have to chase and call every day."

Teacher Mu's praised mouth grinned to the bottom of her ears, "My spouse is better."

She and Zhang Qiao also analyzed why the eldest lady is so good that people who pursue her are not as good as Xiao Xiaoduo.

Teacher Zhang’s argument is very classic, “Miss is high-cold on the one hand, on the other hand, her identity and status lie there, many people will feel ashamed of her as soon as they see her, and even dare not even mention it. I mention it, but you are different, so grounded and beautiful, everyone wants to give it a try."

Teacher Mu was anxious after hearing this, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Qiao happily hooked her neck: "You too, don't always look down on yourself. Later, when the eldest lady's health gets better, she returns to her original circle, surrounded by all kinds of good bosses, both rich and valuable. You You must stand up. In the world of the eldest lady, she is the king, but in our eyes, you are the most beautiful cub."



Everyone made a fuss together, young people, being together is lively, the principal smiled and looked at them: "Hurry up, have a good meal tonight, and report to the family, not to mention that you can't drink."

Xiaoxiao heard this, she walked up to the eldest lady, bent down slightly and lowered her voice: "Why don't I tell the principal and let you go back first?"

She knew that the eldest lady could not drink.

She also doesn't like such messy group activities.

The sky dimmed gradually, and the smile in Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes seemed to light up. The eldest lady looked at her, and the peripheral light swept past the desperate teacher Meimei behind Xiaoxiao, and took the wheelchair two steps back indifferently, and pulled it away. Mu Xiaoxiao's distance.

Teacher Mu:...

The eldest lady's eyes were very pale, she looked at Xiaoxiao like an ordinary colleague: "Do I know Mr. Mu well?"

Mu Xiaoxiao:...

Teacher Meimei has been paying attention to Xiaoxiao, and she felt that there was something between Mu Xiaoxiao and the new teacher, but she was not sure. She walked over from behind and heard the encrypted conversation between the two.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "What do you mean? You used to drink, do you want to be a cat?"

Missy sneered: "You control me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao: "I don't care who cares about you? What's the matter, are you looking for another dog?"

She glanced angrily at the diligent Xiao Li from the eldest lady's slanting back.

Missy: "The evil dog complains first, get out of the way."

Teacher Meimei:..................? ? ? ? ?

The author has something to say: Small theater:

After the eldest came out publicly, she held a solo concert for fifteen years after her debut.

At the concert, "Xiaoxiao", the proprietress, was invited to the stage. She was already a well-known wife who was announced by the eldest lady. She was quite confident. What a million-dollar tuner. No need.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said to the fans: "Back then, I was the eldest lady who won with the song "Heart Addiction". Now, at her fifteen-year debut concert, now I want to dedicate it to you! "

Fans screamed frantically below, and Xingxing looked at his sister-in-law, ah, ah, ah, sister-in-law is about to sing, she is not only beautiful, she is actually a singer!

The eldest lady always looked at Xiaoxiao with a smile, her eyes full of petting.

Before the concert, all the fans leaned forward, wanting to listen to the beautiful singing voice of sister-in-law.

After the song, all the fans moved backwards as if they were blown by a blower.

In the evening, the hot search on Weibo was occupied by Qin Love Xiaozheng.

Xiaoxiao's self-esteem was hit, and she wailed in bed, "I want to withdraw the hot search, I want to withdraw the hot search! Oh, miss, what are you going to send me quickly, transfer the heat for me!"

The eldest lady who was working was so quarrelsome that she couldn't concentrate. Xiaoxiao hugged her waist and kept pestering her until she pushed her head away with her hand and agreed to her, Xiaoxiao loosened her waist.

Miss picked up her phone and clicked on Weibo. After reading everyone's comments, she liked and commented on the video of Xiaoxiao singing.

——It sounds good.

Missy put down the phone, "Okay."

Ten minutes later, the second love made people deaf and sent Teacher Mu to the hot search again.

Xiaoxiao:......? ? ?

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